Making a quiz from scratch? Or use our free & ready-to-use online quiz questions & answers to continue.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
To create a quiz in a flash, our powerful system provides specific excel and word templates that enable you to import questions in bulk. You can add images, videos, or audio to each question and inject the quiz with your brand elements. The more interesting the quiz, the more possibility to engage more candidates.
In addition, there are multiple configuration options that you can set up for professional quizzes, such as limiting the time for each question or the quiz, designing the quiz background, personalizing certificates, using anti-cheating functions, and so on.
When you complete the quiz, you can preview it before publishing and view how the personalized design will look, how the questions will be presented and how your settings will work.
Keep the exam secure and ensure your candidates are properly authenticated using our AI-based face ID verification, which will collect candidates' face images and compare them with their photos on the identity card.
If you want to proctor the candidates' behavior, our system offers webcam monitoring to take photos or videos during the exam, and you can view them in real time. The photos and videos will also be hosted on the server which is 100% private and secure, and they can be seen after the exam ends.
In addition, randomizing questions and shuffling answer options can prevent candidates from exchanging the answers. Limiting the times of switching the exam or interruption, lockdown browser, and forbidding copy & paste operations are also ideal ways to minimize the cheating possibility.
Our quiz maker enables you to add sub-administrator to work together and reduce your upload. You can assign different tasks and grant authority to the sub-administrators.
For example, the sub-administrators are available to create the quiz together and brainstorm more ideas to create an interesting and engaging quiz.
Sub-administrators can also help to manage the information of the candidates, including importing or deleting information, sorting candidates into different categories, and so on, which saves more time efficiently.
If your quiz contains some subjective questions like the essay, the sub-administrators can help grade the quiz and speed up the grading process.
Our free quiz creator works well for any industry with assessment needs. Not only can we help you create a professional quiz for free, but also automatically grade and generate an awesome report with summary statistics and intuitive graphics.
For example, HR can use our free quiz creator to identify the best candidates and make your hiring decisions easier. Our quiz creator is also a perfect tool for employee training, recruitment, or ability assessment of the enterprises and you can track progress in real-time. As for educational institutions, teachers can create, assign, proctor and grade a quiz with ease and interact with their students, which will keep your students engaged.
Choose the type of question you want to add, e.g., multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and more.
Create a new quiz, edit quiz title & description, and add pre-made questions in the question bank.
Configure quiz settings such as time duration, exam validity dates, and any other available options.
OnlineExamMaker should provide various options to share your quiz: Direct link; Embed code (if you want to integrate the quiz into a website or an LMS); Email & SMS messages.
Keep your quiz security by setting the license code that candidates have to enter before taking the quiz.
You can add brand logo, text, or image on the welcome page to make your quiz more professional.
Our responsive interface is available to access exams on any device, from mobile phones to tablets to computers.
You can adjust the font style, font size, topic layout, color, etc. of the assessment online and print it out with ease.
Our software will provide a notification template and you can edit it as you like before sending it to the students in bulk.
You can add a comment for correct or incorrect answers and display it to the candidates after they answer the questions.
An online quiz creator is cloud-based software that allows users to design, build, and administer quizzes or tests electronically.
Yes, with OnlineExamMaker quiz creator, you can add logos, customized color, and style to your quizzes to make your branding stand out.
Yes, the system will calculate quiz score automatically. You can check the report after student submit their quizzes.How can I share quizzes with participants?
Share direct link via email, message, social channel. You can share QR code of the quiz too.
OnlineExamMaker creates mobile-responsive quizzes, making it possible for participants to take quizzes on smartphones and tablets.
Yes, our software offers automatic scoring for various question types, making grading easier.
If you conduct less than 150 quiz attempts, you can use OnlineExamMaker for free.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.