Free to create Secure to test Easy to assess
Step 1: Create an evaluation and add questions in the question bank.
Step 2: Customize the questions with images, videos, or audio and add feedback.
Step 3: Share the evaluation via social media, website, or email with your students.
Step 4: Get automatic scoring results and a delightful report for evaluation.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
There are 10 question types for you to choose from and use the appropriate questions to fulfill the knowledge, including Multiple Choice, True or False, Fill in the Blank, Essay, and so on. The questions can be saved in the question bank so that you can easily use them in your next evaluation.
Not only can you add images, videos, or audio to the questions and make the questions easy to understand, but also customize the exam with your favorite color, logo, or theme. In addition, adding instant feedback for each question can encourage the students and engage more candidates.
With our rich configuration options, you are available to set the exam to be professional and secure. For example, you can limit the time of the exam and each question to prevent the timeout from entering the exam. If you want to grant exam access only to certain people, you can also set the login option so that the exam can only be accessed by the person who entered the license code.
In addition, you are available to configure intelligent anti-cheating features, including face ID verification, webcam monitoring, limiting the times of switching the exam or interruption times, locking down the browser, and so on.
When you finish customizing the exam and launch it, our software will generate a link and QR code for your distribution. You can share the exam via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or other social media. If you want to bring some traffic to your website, you can embed a code into your website so that the candidates need to access the exam on your website.
With our intelligent software, you can import the target students' information in bulk and sort them into different categories according to the evaluation content. You can send emails or messages to invite the students privately in a flash.
You can pre-assign specific points for each question and our smart software will automatically score and grade the exam for your reference, which can save your time and reduce your workload.
In the meanwhile, our software will generate a detailed report for teachers to keep track of their student's progress in real-time and find out who is at the top of the class. The average scores, pass rate, the number of candidates and questions answered correctly, etc. can help the teachers identify students' knowledge gaps and optimize the course for better training.
Math teachers can create professional questions with complex mathematical equations and so on.
Teachers are available to bulk import questions by uploading word or excel in a specific format.
Teachers can monetize their knowledge by selling the courses to the students on all devices.
It is an ideal way to prevent cheating by randomizing the questions or shuffling the order of the question.
Teachers can encourage the students by customizing the certificates with their names, scores, and so on.
Sub-administrators can work with administrators to create, monitor, and score exams and ease their burden.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.