Don't want to create an assessment from scratch? Get started with our ready-to-use free quiz questions & answers.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
Our software enables teachers to add knowledge in multiple question types, including Multiple Choice, Ture or False, Fill in the Blank, Essay, and so on. Whether math or physics teachers are available to create professional questions with complex mathematical equations and so on. To make the assessment more interesting and engage more students, teachers can add different types of multimedia files to your questions, including images, videos, or audio.
There are various customization settings for creating a professional assessment. For example, teachers can assign the date & time of the whole assessment or each question to limit its availability, set the login methods, or design the background of the assessment.
It is important to keep the assessment interactive and deliver an interesting learning experience for your students. Teachers can add and display custom feedback for correct or incorrect answers after a question is answered so that students can know their own performance instantly.
In addition, a great certificate can be a compliment and motivate students. Not only can teachers customize the certificates with a score, time stamps, and if a passing score was reached, but also design a professional look and feel. Certificates will be automatically assigned to the students who match the score or grade you set.
Our intelligent assessment software offers a series of configuration settings to minimize the cheating possibility and deliver secure assessments online. For example, using AI-based face ID verification and login license code can identify students and prevent unauthorized access. The computer and browser of the students can be set locked so that they can not open new windows to search for answers during the assessment.
Our webcam invigilation can record students' behavior and take photos or videos during the assessment, which helps to restrain their behavior and rule out any cheating attempts instantly.
Using our advanced assessment software, not only can you create sub-admins to share your work, but also enjoy our automatic score & analysis service to save working time.
You can assign different roles and responsibilities to the sub-admins, such as creating the assessments, scoring & grading the subject questions, or managing the students, and they will work under your supervision.
As for tracking the performance of the students, you can get automatic score results and awesome reports for your reference. The report includes detailed statistics and intuitive diagrams, such as average score, pass rate, answer time, number of correct questions and so on. You can find out who's top of the class and optimize the teaching plan.
Online courses can be created for different themes of knowledge on our powerful learning management system, both to help students learn based goals and to provide a unique learning experience for students.
Teachers or freelancers can monetize your assessments and course series online. Share them with your students by social media, website, email, or message and get monetary benefits. Moreover, our software is available to integrate with different payment gateways, including PayPal, credit cards, and so on.
Prepare your questions in an Excel or Word document, then upload questions in bulk.
Create a new quiz, then provide a title for your quiz, and add a description or instructions for your online assessment.
Upload student accounts in bulk, then dive them into groups, then assign the test to student groups.
Once you've added all your questions and set your preferences, save your quiz. It's a good idea to preview the quiz to ensure everything looks and functions as you expect. Use the analytics tools provided by OnlineExamMaker to analyze the results, draw insights, and even export the data if necessary.
Our SSL Certificate ensures the data of assessment statistics and student information are 100% private and secure.
You can randomize the questions or shuffle answer options to distribute different assessments to each student easily.
Add a brand logo, name, or assessment introduction on the welcome page and make it looks more professional.
Our responsive interface will keep assessment looking great on mobile phones, computers, or tablets.
Pre-assign specific points to each question and the score will be automatically calculated after the assessment.
You can import photos and other information of the students in bulk using the import excel feature.
Student assessment software is a digital tool designed to facilitate the creation, administration, and evaluation of assessments and tests in an educational setting.
You can create a variety of assessments, including quizzes, tests, exams, assignments, surveys, and self-assessments.
Yes, student assessment software can be used in K-12, higher education, and corporate training environments, making it adaptable for various educational levels.
Yes, you can install OnlineExamMaker on-premise version to conduct assessments offline.
Yes, you can create a wide range of question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, essay questions, and more, and customize their appearance.
OnlineExamMaker provides detailed analytics and reporting tools to monitor student performance and identify areas for improvement.
Yes, we offer API for users. You can integrate OnlineExamMaker with other LMS and CRM systems.
Yes, online assessments created by OnlineExamMaker is mobile friendly, students attend the quizzes on mobile.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.