Don't want to make a quiz from scratch? Increase efficiency with our pre-made online quiz questions & answers.
exams are taken on our online exam platform monthly.
of time that an exam administrator can save from every exam.
questions are uploaded by users and hosted on our server.
If you're looking to create interactive quizzes with just a few clicks, OnlineExamMaker is a great option for you. It has a question bank that houses all your quiz questions. Not only can you add & import multiple question types such as Multiple Choice, Ture or False, Fill in the Blank, Essay, and so on in our question bank, but also customize the question in minutes. You can decorate the quiz by adding images, videos, or audio to make it more interesting and engage more candidates.
In addition, instant feedback is an ideal way to interact with candidates and increase their motivation. You can customize some explanations for correct or incorrect answers when customizing the questions.
With multiple configuration options, you can limit the time of the whole quiz or each question, set the login options such as account login or license code login, decorate the certificate or result page, and so on, which helps to publish a professional quiz.
There's no need to worry about any cheating issues as long as you set our anti-cheating functions. For example, our AI-based face ID verification can verify the identity of the candidates and prevent unauthorized access. You can even monitor your candidates while they take their quizzes online with our webcam invigilation which will take photos and record videos. In addition, lockdown browser, randomize questions or shuffle answer options are also great choices.
Our quiz software is a great tool for brand promotion as you can inject the quiz with your brand logo, color, or theme and impress the candidates with your brand. For example, the welcome page and result page can be decorated with any brand elements as you like to give them a personalized experience and collect leads.
In addition to displaying your brand logo to candidates, you can also point the quiz page to your company domain and increase traffic to your website. We provide a code for you to embed on your website and the candidates can take the quiz on your website.
With our one-stop quiz software, you can integrate many tools and save more time on important work. The learning management software enables you to create and manage courses & quizzes in one place. In addition, you can monetize the course and share them with the candidates via social media, website, email, or message to get monetary benefits.
Moreover, the quiz data can be connected with virtual infinite marketing and affiliate program to smooth your digital marketing workflow. It is a great tool to engage more candidates and increase sales.
Sign in to and create a new quiz in the Dashboard, then add questions for your quiz.
Add rich media, including video, audio, image to question in our Question Editor to deliver interactive quiz experience to students.
Set the quiz time, live date, access codes, login options and anti-cheating settings of the quiz.
Save settings, preview the quiz in your device. Publish and share it with quiz takers via Email, Message, or QR code.
The certificates can be customized with quiz information, brand logo, company name, or favorite color and shown to the candidates.
You can import the questions in bulk using excel or word documents with specific formats in our question bank.
Our advanced will generate a detailed report with automatically scoring results and analysis data for free.
Our candidates' management permission allows sub-admins to add, edit, and manage the candidates together.
Our Advanced SSL Certificate ensures the quiz data and candidates' information are encrypted and 100% private.
You can configure how many times the candidates can take the quiz and reduce the risk of cheating.
Interactive quiz software allows you to create engaging quizzes with rich media like videos, images, and audio that users respond to in unique ways beyond just selecting an answer.
Yes. With OnlineExamMaker quiz maker, you can add YouTube, or self-hosted videos into quiz questions or as introductions to make them more visually engaging.
Quizzes work on any device via web browser or mobile apps. Links can be shared or quizzes embedded into sites and LMS platforms.
Yes, our User-friendly drag-and-drop Question Editor can help you make an interactive question with multimedia in seconds.
Interactive quizzes work great for audience participation during live events and virtual presentations.
Yes. Users can share results to social networks to engage audiences and drive brand awareness.
Free to use. We also provide 5-day Premium free trial if you want to use the adding video feature.
Smart & secure online exam system trusted by 90,000+ educators & 300,000+ exam takers all around the world! And it's free.