30 Earthquake Safety Quiz Questions and Answers

Earthquake safety is crucial for individuals and communities living in earthquake-prone regions. Earthquakes are natural disasters caused by the sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust, resulting in seismic waves that can cause significant damage to buildings, infrastructure, and the environment. Understanding earthquake safety measures can save lives and reduce injuries during these events. Here’s an overview of key earthquake safety principles:

Drop, Cover, and Hold On: When an earthquake strikes, immediately drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture (like a table or desk), and hold on until the shaking stops. This protects you from falling debris and helps you stay stable during the quake.

Identify Safe Spaces: Identify safe spots in your home, workplace, and other frequented locations where you can quickly seek shelter during an earthquake. Avoid standing near windows, glass doors, or heavy objects that may fall.

Secure Heavy Furniture: Secure heavy furniture, cabinets, and appliances to the walls to prevent them from toppling over during shaking. Use straps, brackets, or anchors to secure these items.

Have an Emergency Kit: Prepare an earthquake emergency kit with essentials like first aid supplies, non-perishable food, water, flashlight, batteries, and a battery-operated radio.

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Know Your Exits: Familiarize yourself with the exits and evacuation routes in buildings you frequent, including your home. Have a designated meeting place for your family members after the earthquake.

Stay Indoors: If you are inside a building during an earthquake, stay inside until the shaking stops. Most injuries occur when people try to exit buildings during the shaking.

Keep Calm: Stay calm during the earthquake and reassure others around you, especially children and the elderly.

Article outline

Part 1: 30 earthquake safety quiz questions & answers

1. What should you do if you are indoors during an earthquake?
a) Run outside immediately
b) Stay inside and find a safe place to take cover
c) Stand near windows to assess the situation
d) Use elevators to evacuate the building

Answer: b) Stay inside and find a safe place to take cover

2. Which of the following actions is part of the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” earthquake safety procedure?
a) Climb under heavy furniture
b) Run towards a doorway
c) Stand near windows
d) Get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on

Answer: d) Get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on

3. What is the primary purpose of securing heavy furniture and appliances to the walls?
a) To prevent break-ins during earthquakes
b) To rearrange the furniture for better aesthetics
c) To reduce the risk of injury or damage during shaking
d) To comply with building codes

Answer: c) To reduce the risk of injury or damage during shaking

4. What should you have in your earthquake emergency kit?
a) Canned food and a flashlight
b) A collection of your favorite books and a blanket
c) Pet toys and treats
d) Non-perishable food, water, flashlight, and first aid supplies

Answer: d) Non-perishable food, water, flashlight, and first aid supplies

5. Where should you store your emergency kit?
a) In the attic
b) In the basement
c) In a closet near the main entrance
d) In a designated and easily accessible location

Answer: d) In a designated and easily accessible location

6. What should you do if you are outside during an earthquake?
a) Run inside the nearest building
b) Lie down on the ground
c) Stay where you are and move away from buildings, trees, and utility wires
d) Climb a tall structure for a better view

Answer: c) Stay where you are and move away from buildings, trees, and utility wires

7. What is an aftershock?
a) A smaller earthquake that follows the main quake
b) A warning system before an earthquake
c) A type of seismic wave
d) A sudden surge in electrical power after an earthquake

Answer: a) A smaller earthquake that follows the main quake

8. Why is it important to listen to local authorities during an earthquake?
a) To learn about the latest celebrity news
b) To get updates on the weather
c) To receive emergency instructions and evacuation orders
d) To find out about traffic conditions

Answer: c) To receive emergency instructions and evacuation orders

9. What should you do if you encounter a tsunami after an earthquake in a coastal area?
a) Go to the beach to watch the waves
b) Stand on high ground and observe the tsunami from a safe distance
c) Drive to the shoreline to get a better view
d) Move to higher ground immediately

Answer: d) Move to higher ground immediately

10. How can you reduce the risk of fire after an earthquake?
a) Light candles for illumination
b) Turn on all electrical appliances
c) Disconnect gas, water, and electrical utilities if necessary
d) Ignore any gas leaks

Answer: c) Disconnect gas, water, and electrical utilities if necessary

11. What should you do if you are in a crowded place, like a stadium or theater, during an earthquake?
a) Run to the nearest exit immediately
b) Stay in your seat and wait for the shaking to stop
c) Follow the crowd and head towards the stage
d) Duck under your seat or cover your head with your arms

Answer: d) Duck under your seat or cover your head with your arms

12. Why is it important to have a family communication plan during an earthquake?
a) To make plans for family vacations
b) To avoid talking during the earthquake
c) To ensure that family members know how to contact each other in case of separation
d) To discuss household chores

Answer: c) To ensure that family members know how to contact each other in case of separation

13. What should you do if you encounter a downed power line after an earthquake?
a) Touch the power line to see if it’s live
b) Step over the power line to continue walking
c) Stay at least 30 feet away and report it to authorities
d) Take a picture of it for social media

Answer: c) Stay at least 30 feet away and report it to authorities

14. How can you protect your head during an earthquake to prevent head injuries?
a) Wear a hard hat at all times
b) Cover your head with your hands
c) Stay indoors and avoid moving
d) Wear a bicycle helmet

Answer: b) Cover your head with your hands

15. What is the best way to minimize injuries during an earthquake?
a) Remain standing during the shaking
b) Panic and shout for help
c) Prepare in advance and know what to do during an earthquake
d) Attempt to rescue others immediately

Answer: c) Prepare in advance and know what to do during an earthquake

Part 2: Download earthquake safety questions & answers for free

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16. How should you use elevators during an earthquake?
a) Take the elevator only during emergency situations
b) Use elevators as usual, even during an earthquake
c) Avoid using elevators during an earthquake
d) Use elevators to evacuate the building quickly

Answer: c) Avoid using elevators during an earthquake

17. Which of the following should be included in your earthquake safety plan?
a) Practice earthquake drills regularly with your family
b) Ignore safety instructions during an earthquake
c) Always stay near windows during an earthquake
d) Carry heavy objects during the shaking

Answer: a) Practice earthquake drills regularly with your family

18. What is the primary purpose of securing tall and top-heavy furniture?
a) To prevent burglaries during an earthquake
b) To improve interior design aesthetics
c) To protect the furniture from damage
d) To prevent furniture from toppling over during shaking

Answer: d) To prevent furniture from toppling over during shaking

19. Why should you stay away from windows during an earthquake?
a) To avoid cleaning them after the shaking stops
b) To prevent injury from shattered glass
c) To get a better view of the outside
d) To minimize the risk of sunburn

Answer: b) To prevent injury from shattered glass

20. What is the main reason for having an earthquake emergency kit?
a) To provide entertainment during power outages
b) To have supplies readily available for everyday use
c) To use during an earthquake to repair damages
d) To have essential supplies in case of an emergency

Answer: d) To have essential supplies in case of an emergency

21. How should you respond to the shaking if

you are in bed during an earthquake?
a) Jump out of bed and run outside
b) Stay in bed and cover your head with a pillow
c) Roll off the bed to the floor and take cover
d) Stay under the blankets until the shaking stops

Answer: c) Roll off the bed to the floor and take cover

22. What is the purpose of an earthquake drill?
a) To simulate an earthquake and cause panic
b) To practice safety procedures and responses to an earthquake
c) To create chaos and confusion
d) To ignore safety guidelines

Answer: b) To practice safety procedures and responses to an earthquake

23. What should you do if you are in a high-rise building during an earthquake?
a) Run to the top floor for a better view
b) Stay near windows to assess the situation
c) Get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on
d) Take the stairs to evacuate the building immediately

Answer: c) Get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on

24. How can you prepare for potential earthquakes in your area?
a) Ignore earthquake safety measures as they are unnecessary
b) Stay indoors at all times to avoid earthquakes
c) Stay informed about earthquake risks, create an emergency plan, and secure your home
d) Stand near tall objects during an earthquake

Answer: c) Stay informed about earthquake risks, create an emergency plan, and secure your home

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25. What should you do if you are driving during an earthquake?
a) Stop the car immediately and get out
b) Drive faster to outrun the earthquake
c) Drive to the nearest gas station for safety
d) Pull over to the side of the road and stop

Answer: d) Pull over to the side of the road and stop

26. Which of the following actions can help prevent injuries from falling objects during an earthquake?
a) Keep heavy objects on high shelves
b) Bolt tall furniture to the walls
c) Stack objects precariously on top of each other
d) Stand directly under objects during the shaking

Answer: b) Bolt tall furniture to the walls

27. What is the primary reason for staying away from buildings and trees during an earthquake?
a) To avoid getting hit by falling debris or branches
b) To find a safe place to take cover during the shaking
c) To assess the extent of damage to buildings and trees
d) To protect buildings and trees from damage

Answer: a) To avoid getting hit by falling debris or branches

28. How can you protect your eyes during an earthquake?
a) Look directly at the shaking ground to understand the situation
b) Wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from the sun
c) Cover your eyes with your hands to protect them from debris
d) Close your eyes to avoid seeing the damage

Answer: c) Cover your eyes with your hands to protect them from debris

29. What is the appropriate response to an earthquake drill conducted in your workplace or school?
a) Ignore the drill as it is not a real emergency
b) Panic and run outside immediately
c) Follow the established safety procedures and take cover
d) Use the opportunity to chat with colleagues or classmates

Answer: c) Follow the established safety procedures and take cover

30. What should you do if you are in a crowded public place, like a mall or market, during an earthquake?
a) Panic and shout for help
b) Push through the crowd to exit the building
c) Take cover under a vendor’s stall or a sturdy object
d) Climb up the shelves for a better view

Answer: c) Take cover under a vendor’s stall or a sturdy object

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