30 Road Safety Quiz Questions and Answers

Road safety knowledge is essential for all road users to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

Here are some key aspects of road safety knowledge:

Traffic Signs and Signals: Understanding the meaning of various traffic signs and signals is crucial for following traffic rules and regulations. This includes signs for speed limits, stop signs, yield signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, and more.

Speed Limits: Knowing and adhering to speed limits is important for preventing accidents and maintaining control of the vehicle. Different areas may have different speed limits, such as residential zones, highways, and school zones.

Defensive Driving: Being aware of other drivers and anticipating potential hazards is a fundamental aspect of defensive driving. This includes maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles, using mirrors effectively, and being cautious at intersections.

Right of Way: Understanding who has the right of way in different situations, such as at intersections or when merging lanes, is vital for preventing collisions and ensuring smooth traffic flow.

Seat Belt Usage: Wearing seat belts is one of the simplest and most effective ways to protect oneself in a vehicle. Knowing how to properly wear and fasten seat belts is essential for all occupants of a vehicle.

Bicycle and Motorcycle Safety: Knowledge of specific safety measures for cyclists and motorcyclists, such as wearing helmets, using designated bike lanes, and being aware of blind spots, is vital for their protection on the road.

Emergency Preparedness: Being familiar with emergency procedures, such as what to do in the event of a breakdown, a tire blowout, or a collision, can help mitigate risks and ensure a swift and safe response.

Article overview

Part 1: 30 road safety quiz questions & answers

1. What does a red traffic light indicate?
a) Stop
b) Go
c) Slow down
d) Yield
Answer: a) Stop

2. What should you do when approaching a pedestrian crossing?
a) Speed up to get through quickly
b) Sound your horn to alert pedestrians
c) Slow down and yield to pedestrians
d) Proceed without stopping
Answer: c) Slow down and yield to pedestrians

3. What is the purpose of wearing a seat belt in a vehicle?
a) To look fashionable
b) To keep the vehicle clean
c) To prevent motion sickness
d) To enhance safety in case of a collision
Answer: d) To enhance safety in case of a collision

4. What is the maximum legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for driving in many countries?
a) 0.05%
b) 0.08%
c) 0.10%
d) 0.15%
Answer: b) 0.08%

5. What is the purpose of using turn signals while driving?
a) To indicate your intentions to other road users
b) To confuse other drivers
c) To request the right of way
d) To change lanes quickly
Answer: a) To indicate your intentions to other road users

6. What should you do when encountering an aggressive driver on the road?
a) Engage in aggressive behavior as well
b) Honk and yell at them
c) Maintain calm and distance yourself from them
d) Block their path to teach them a lesson
Answer: c) Maintain calm and distance yourself from them

7. What is the purpose of a pedestrian crossing?
a) To provide a shortcut for pedestrians
b) To slow down traffic
c) To allow pedestrians to cross the road safely
d) To prioritize pedestrians over vehicles
Answer: c) To allow pedestrians to cross the road safely

8. What should you do when your vehicle starts skidding on a slippery road?
a) Slam on the brakes
b) Accelerate rapidly to regain control
c) Steer in the opposite direction of the skid
d) Panic and freeze
Answer: c) Steer in the opposite direction of the skid

9. When should you use your high beam headlights?
a) In foggy conditions
b) When approaching oncoming traffic
c) In well-lit urban areas
d) In poorly lit areas to improve visibility
Answer: d) In poorly lit areas to improve visibility

10. What should you do if you witness a vehicle accident?
a) Drive away and pretend you didn’t see anything
b) Immediately call emergency services for help
c) Take pictures and post them on social media
d) Give your opinion about the accident to the involved parties
Answer: b) Immediately call emergency services for help

11. What does a yield sign mean?
a) Stop and proceed only if it is safe to do so
b) Slow down and proceed with caution
c) Speed up and merge with traffic
d) Ignore it and continue driving
Answer: a) Stop and proceed only if it is safe to do so

12. What is the purpose of a roundabout?
a) To increase traffic congestion
b) To provide a place for pedestrians to rest
c) To allow vehicles to flow smoothly in different directions
d) To create confusion among drivers
Answer: c) To allow vehicles to flow smoothly in different directions

13. What should you do if you are about to miss a highway exit?
a) Reverse on the highway to reach the exit
b) Cut across multiple lanes to make the exit
c) Continue to the next exit and turn around
d) Stop abruptly and wait for the next opportunity
Answer: c) Continue to the next exit and turn around

14. What is the purpose of a speed limit sign?
a) To challenge drivers to exceed the limit
b) To indicate the minimum speed allowed on the road
c) To indicate the maximum speed allowed on the road
d) To suggest a safe driving speed
Answer: c) To indicate the maximum speed allowed on the road

15. What should you do when an emergency vehicle with flashing lights and sirens approaches?
a) Drive faster to clear its path quickly
b) Slow down and continue driving as usual
c) Pull over to the side of the road and stop
d) Follow closely behind the emergency vehicle
Answer: c) Pull over to the side of the road and stop

Part 2: Download road safety questions & answers for free

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16. What should you do when you encounter a school bus with flashing red lights?
a) Overtake the bus quickly
b) Stop and wait until the lights stop flashing
c) Honk and gesture at the bus driver
d) Speed up to pass the bus before the lights turn red
Answer: b) Stop and wait until the lights stop flashing

17. What is the purpose of an airbag in a vehicle?
a) To provide a comfortable ride
b) To enhance fuel efficiency
c) To prevent collisions
d) To protect occupants during a collision
Answer: d) To protect occupants during a collision

18. What should you do if you encounter a road work zone?
a) Increase your speed to get through quickly
b) Pay no attention and continue driving as usual
c) Slow down and follow the signs and directions given by workers
d) Use your mobile phone to take pictures of the workers
Answer: c) Slow down and follow the signs and directions given by workers

19. What does a broken white line on the road indicate?
a) No passing allowed
b) Passing allowed with caution
c) Speed limit reduced
d) No parking allowed
Answer: b) Passing allowed with caution

20. What should you do if you accidentally enter the wrong lane on a highway?
a) Immediately stop and reverse
b) Signal and change lanes without checking for other vehicles
c) Continue to the next exit and find an alternate route
d) Speed up and force your way into the correct lane
Answer: c) Continue to the next exit and find an alternate route

21. What is the purpose of a reflective triangle or emergency warning sign?
a) To indicate a scenic spot
b) To warn of a construction zone ahead
c) To warn other drivers of a stopped or disabled vehicle
d) To mark the location of a speed camera
Answer: c) To warn other drivers of a stopped or disabled vehicle

22. What should you do if your vehicle’s tire blows out while driving?
a) Slam on the brakes immediately
b) Steer in the opposite direction of the blowout
c) Maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel and gradually slow down
d) Accelerate to regain control of the vehicle
Answer: c) Maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel and gradually slow down

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23. What is the purpose of an anti-lock braking system (ABS) in a vehicle?
a) To improve fuel efficiency
b) To prevent skidding during braking
c) To increase top speed
d) To enhance acceleration capabilities
Answer: b) To prevent skidding during braking

24. What should you do if you encounter a large animal crossing the road?
a) Honk and continue driving at the same speed
b) Swerve to avoid the animal, even if it means hitting other objects
c) Brake firmly and, if necessary, sound your horn to scare the animal away
d) Speed up to get past the animal quickly
Answer: c) Brake firmly and, if necessary, sound your horn to scare the animal away

25. What should you do if your vehicle starts to hydroplane on a wet road?
a) Brake suddenly to regain control
b) Steer in the opposite direction of the skid
c) Maintain a steady speed until the tires regain traction
d) Ease off the accelerator and gently steer in the direction you want to go
Answer: d) Ease off the accelerator and gently steer in the direction you want to go

26. What should you do if you witness a hit-and-run incident?
a) Chase after the vehicle to gather more information
b) Post about it on social media immediately
c) Note down the vehicle’s description and license plate number
d) Ignore it and continue driving
Answer: c) Note down the vehicle’s description and license plate number

27. What should you do if your vehicle breaks down on a busy road?
a) Leave it where it is and walk to find help
b) Push it to the side of the road and activate hazard lights
c) Abandon it and find a taxi or public transportation
d) Stay inside the vehicle and wait for someone to notice
Answer: b) Push it to the side of the road and activate hazard lights

28. What is the purpose of a rearview mirror in a vehicle?
a) To check your appearance while driving
b) To keep an eye on passengers in the backseat
c) To enhance visibility of the road behind you
d) To reflect sunlight away from the driver’s eyes
Answer: c) To enhance visibility of the road behind you

29. What should you do if you feel drowsy while driving?
a) Open the windows and turn up the radio volume
b) Increase your speed to reach your destination faster
c) Stop in a safe location and take a short nap
d) Engage in conversation or play games on your mobile phone
Answer: c) Stop in a safe location and take a short nap

30. What is the purpose of a child restraint system (car seat) in a vehicle?
a) To provide additional storage space for the child’s belongings
b) To keep the child entertained during the journey
c) To enhance the appearance of the vehicle’s interior
d) To protect children in case of a collision
Answer: d) To protect children in case of a collision

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