Online Exams – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Tue, 09 Jun 2020 09:45:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Introduction to the automatic scoring function of the Online Exam system Tue, 09 Jun 2020 09:45:32 +0000 Organizing online exams provides users with not only the functions of question bank management and exam settings before releasing an online exam, but also for the whole process of organizing exams and the marking function.

As an online examination system that provides a one-stop examination service, our Online Exam Maker also attaches great importance to the automatic scoring function.What are the automatic scoring functions of our system?

Today, I am going to introduce the automatic scoring function more clearly.

Generally speaking, the questions in an examination paper are composed of objective questions (such as multiple choice questions, judgment questions, and fill-in-the-blank questions) and subjective questions (such as essay questions, analysis questions). So, next we will analyze the automatic scoring function of the exam from these two question types.

For objective questions:

For question types such as Multiple choice and True or False, after the candidates finishing answering the question and submit the test paper, the system automatically mark the exams and give the scores.

For subjective questions:

For essay questions, we can set keywords in advance, and the system can score based on the keywords. As long as the candidate’s answer has keywords, the system will automatically mark.

Above is the automatic scoring function of the our  Online Exam system.

If you are going to organize online exam and try to find a exam system now, please go to try our system.

You can get an free account on our website!

What are the functional support of online exam system after the exam? Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:49:17 +0000 What are the functional support of online exam system after the exam?

When using the online exam system to organize exams, we not only value its functional support in creating test papers, but also attach importance to the functional support of online exam system.

So, what do users generally care about after the exam? In fact, it is the function of statistical analysis.

Today, I want to show you the functional support of our online exam system–[Oline Exam Maker] after the exam.

First one: Auto scoring function

  • Auto scoring for objective and subjective question; Support to show the score and report after submitting the test
  • Support to get proportional score if missing selection for multiple choice, auto marking according to each blank for Fill in Blank
  • Support to give the permission to sub administrator to marking artificially; choose to mark by the whole exam or single question

Second one: Passing rate analysis

It will count the number of passers and untimers in each test paper, and display the percentage with fan chart.

Third one:Basic analysis

Basic analysis includes summary of test paper results (pass rate percentage, average score, etc.), statistical analysis of score segments (users can customize a certain score segment, the system displays data in histogram), and classification statistical analysis (table format shows the number of questions in each category , score, correct answer rate, etc.), the correct rate of each question type.

Fourth one: Question analysis

The system will display the ranking list of the correct answers of the candidates in the test paper and the ranking list of the wrong answers, which  is helpful for the teacher to check the weak points of the students, and can make teaching adjustments in the course.

What’s more, we also support the analysis of each question. For multiple-choice questions, our system can  accurate how many people have selected one option and display the selection rate.

As for the the functional support of online exam system after the exam, are you satified with those above? If you need it, why not come to us and Sign Up a free account to try it out!

Tips for Taking Online Exams from Students’ Perspective Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:53:29 +0000 For some students, taking an online exam is a fresh and somewhat befuddling experience. Aha, it is indeed a fresh way taking exams in online exam system instead of in the classroom. It is also befuddling since they have no idea for what to expect, and are uncertain about the skills and approaches that will facilitate them to perform at their best. The good thing is, many of the steps they will take to finish an online exam are very much alike to those that they have engaged in the in-class exams. Nonetheless, the online exams does present some dissimilarities that prove a bit of extra awareness and preparatory work.


  • Acknowledge the test guidelines. Be sure you know about these rules:
    1. Are you required to take the exam on computer or mobile phone or both are allowed?
    2. Will the exams take place at a prescribed date and time, or can you take the exam at a flexible time during your spare time?
    3. How much time will you have to complete the exam?
    4. Are there any other anti-cheating rules you need to bewared?
  • Know the exam composition.
    What kinds of questions will be conducted in the exam: multiple-choice, fill in the blank, true or false, essay or others?
  • Check your devices. Avoid last-minute problems!
    Make sure your devices used for examining are working. Whether you’re using your own computer or mobile phone, make sure that it has all the correct hardware and software well in advance of the exam. Also, make sure the network connection is working.


  • Keep an eye on the clock.
    There is usually a time limitation on each question or the whole exam. Be aware of the time otherwise you cannot finish all the questions if you have put too much time on a difficult question.
  • Check your answers before you submit it.
    Check your answers will largely improve your accuracy since it is very likely to make some mistakes like your spelling and grammar during online exams.
  • Click submit.
    Remember to click submit or what you have done will lose. And teachers will promptly revise your work after your submitting.


  • Assess your own progress.
    Do you have some questions while examining? Have you forgotten something that you have tried to keep it in mind? Return timely to your notes and texts, and see if you can find the answers to the questions that doubted you.
  • Check your grade and work according improvement.
    Should acquire your scores in time to know your ability level. Does your study strategies work? Do you want to make progress on next exams successfully? Work out a summary and plan for the continuous study and for the next time you take an exam.

The above are tips for taking online exams from students’ perspective. Hope you have fun and get satisfying marks on online exams in Online Exam System.
