online exam system – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Tue, 28 Nov 2023 07:41:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why do We Need an Exam System with Paper Correction? Tue, 28 Nov 2023 07:41:55 +0000 Online exam systems are highly practical as they offer convenient and efficient ways to administer and evaluate assessments. It enables remote testing, scalability, and standardized evaluation, making them indispensable tools for training institutions, certification programs, and professional assessments.

Common features in online exam system

Common features of an exam system include test creation, question bank management, test scheduling, result tracking, automated scoring, customizable templates, secure exam delivery, time limits, randomization, and multimedia support. These functionalities enable efficient exam administration, diverse question formats, accurate scoring, and streamlined result management, enhancing the overall assessment process. The paper correction offers numerous advantages. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of the paper correction so that users can pay more attention to this feature while using the online exam system.

Why Online Exam Maker can help a lot?

Online Exam Maker is an advanced online exam system that offers a standout feature: automated grading. With this function, it eliminates the need for manual paper grading, saving time and effort for instructors. The system accurately evaluates answers based on predefined criteria, ensuring consistent and objective scoring. Instant feedback is provided to learners, enabling them to identify strengths and areas for improvement. The paper grading feature in Online Exam Maker streamlines the assessment process, enhances efficiency, and improves overall evaluation accuracy.

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Paper correction in Online Exam Maker offers 3 advantages for users

Improve efficiency

Automatic scoring in an exam system enhances efficiency by eliminating manual grading. It instantly evaluates answers based on predefined criteria, reducing time and effort for users. The system ensures consistent and objective scoring, minimizing human error. Additionally, instant feedback is provided to learners, enabling them to identify areas for improvement promptly. Automatic scoring streamlines the assessment process, allowing instructors to focus on analyzing results and delivering personalized feedback for enhanced learning outcomes.

Offer data analysis

The data analysis feature in an exam system provides valuable insights. It tracks learner performance, identifies trends, and assesses item difficulty. Instructors can analyze data to measure learning outcomes, identify knowledge gaps, and tailor instructional strategies. Administrators can make data-driven decisions for curriculum improvement. Learners benefit from personalized feedback and targeted interventions. Data analysis enhances assessment effectiveness, optimizes learning experiences for better outcomes.

Safe and reliable

Generally, not just one admin uses the same exam system. In the case of a large number of candidates, multiple administrators need to collaborate in managing the exam. Exam system provides a secure and reliable environment for online exams. The contents of test questions, candidates’ grades, etc. cannot be changed at will, and only sub-administrators who have been given specific privileges by the super administrator can correct test papers.

10 Key Online Exam System Benefits for Schools & Universities Wed, 22 Nov 2023 02:55:10 +0000 Nowadays, the student’s way of learning is expanding because of technology. Students can learn without blackboards or a classroom any more. They can easily study anywhere they want because of online technology.

This is why online exam systems are now essential for schools and universities. With this, they can easily administer entrance exams, quizzes, and even student payments without going to school physically. Do not worry about students taking advantage of the technology to cheat their way into passing the exams because most of this online exam software has smart AI tools and proctoring to detect and prevent cheating.

These online exam systems have many benefits for schools and universities. To know more about them, continue reading this article!

Table of Contents

What Is An Online Exam System?

An online exam system is where teachers or educators use a smart tool like online exam software to conduct an online examination or online learning for their students. This new technology has been beneficial to all people in the educational system. With this, students can sit in their own room and take the quiz remotely, and teachers can now have less hassle in terms of creating questionnaires, conducting the exams, grading, and even reporting.

Because of its easy and beneficial features, this type of examination is quite popular among teachers, and if you choose the right online exam software, you’ll have more time for your other hobbies besides your work!

The Main Online Exam System Benefits for Educators

Here are the main benefits of the online exam system to educators!

1. Centralize data of students, questions, exams, & reports

One of the best benefits of an online exam system is the fact that teachers won’t have the hassle of physically sorting, checking, and managing student’s data, questions, exams, and reports. They don’t have to do it manually, so it’ll save them a lot of time, and teachers will have more accurate data reporting because AI will automatically do this sorting for them. All these data will be centralized in a digital platform, and the teachers can access them anytime and anywhere using a simple interface.

Centralization of students’ data is not only beneficial in terms of time-saving, but it also helps teachers keep the data secure because, unlike physical test papers, these reports won’t be misplaced or lost.

2. Automatic grading

Another huge benefit of the online exam system is automatic grading. Before, traditional exams were paper-based, and it took teachers forever to check their papers one by one, question per question. The time spent doing this checking can be better used in terms of teaching or doing lesson plans.

When teachers use online exam systems, they can easily create tests with instant grading and even instant feedback to students according to their test results. This is more efficient, and it is more prone to accurate grading than manual grading, where you have a likelihood of errors.

3. Teamwork

As cool as it sounds, teachers can collaborate on tests using an online exam system. You heard it right! Even if two teachers are far away from each other, they can remotely work together in terms of creating one exam, grading, and reporting them as well. They can work together on the same platform and collaborate on planning the questions, proctoring an online exam, and grading papers; they can even review their own contributions to the test to make sure that the exam they created is perfect for their students.

This teamwork feature is beneficial not only to save time for both teachers but also to have a cohesive plan for what they want to impart to their students.

4. Online learning

Online exam system has advantages for teachers in terms of online learning. This is because this tool contain LMS that helps in terms of creating assessments, exams, and training courses. This gives a quicker insight into students’ knowledge and capabilities.

OnlineExamMaker is a powerful platform where teachers can manage training courses & assessments in one place. With its intuitive course builder, multimedia integration, gamification elements, and comprehensive sales and marketing tools, OnlineExamMaker provides a LMS tool for monetizing expertise and reaching a global audience. The platform’s analytics and reporting features enable instructors to track learner progress and optimize course content, while the interactive community building and mobile learning capabilities enhance engagement and accessibility.

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5. Engage students more easily

Online examinations can also be beneficial to teachers because they can engage with students easily. We all know how students nowadays have short attention spans. They easily get bored with full-on text test paper exams. That doesn’t have to happen with your online examination! Because using these online exam software, you can easily add photos, videos, and even audio to the test to make it more engaging. Some teachers even use memes and funny GIFs to help students stay attentive and engage with the exams.

Students can also stay engaged with the exam because of the different question types that teachers can use. Teachers don’t have to do multiple exam questions alone; they can also use other question types such as matching questions, essay questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and more! All these features make the test more fun for your students!

6. Advanced anti-cheating measures

With the new technology, teachers will say goodbye to traditional cheating styles of students where they usually have cheating sheets, unauthorized communications with other students, and moving heads from left to right because online exam software solves all that. These software features usually involve anti-cheating measures where they can lock down the student’s screen so they can’t browse to other browsers; they can also see the student’s faces if they’re bowing to looking at other directions using a webcam, as well as screen recording their monitor to make sure that they are only looking at the test.

In fact, this is not only the feature of most online exam software; they can also randomize the questions for each student so they won’t have to answer the same question at the same time, all this to avoid cheating and to have honest and real results!

7. Increase sales

Online exam software does not only help with teachers’ time and efficiency because teachers can also use this tool to monetize their skills and knowledge by selling courses. Teachers can create valuable content and use these exam-maker tools to test the people who bought their courses.

This software is perfect because it can reach a global audience, so anyone can purchase a course from you! This online exam system is really a good option to make learning more accessible to everybody as well as monetize your teaching skills.

8. Reach more students

As mentioned, an online exam system can help in reaching more students. Traditional examinations may need a huge space and might probably require many classrooms and many teachers to proctor. However, with the new online exam system, teachers can administer exams for over a thousand students without needing to find, ready or clean an entire university. While this is a huge convenience for everybody, it is also a huge money saver for everyone. This is why many educators and teachers are now choosing online exam systems over traditional exam systems.

9. Budget-friendly

Online exam systems being budget-friendly is one of the best reasons why you should choose them. While traditional examination may need a lot of printing, distribution, and storage, online examination will not need any of it at all!

With this, all universities can save money from all these expenses and can better allocate the money for other important resources. Not only is it saving everybody money, but it is also eco-friendly to lessen the use of paper that comes from trees and some plastics that most people use in stores.

Plus, online exam software is usually more affordable, efficient, and time-saving than manually printing papers, grading, reporting, and conducting physical exams.

Just so you know

With OnlineExamMaker quiz software, anyone can create & share professional online assessments easily.

10. Automate teaching workflow

This new technology can help teachers better automate their teaching workflow. How? The software will do the creating of the exam for them, help them better proctor during exams, auto-grade the tests, and do instant reporting. With all the time saved by the software, teachers can better focus on their strategy and lesson plans. They won’t be confused and lost with all the manual and time-consuming workload. This will make them more productive and ecstatic with their job!

How to Create An Online Exam in OnlineExamMaker?

Here is the step-by-step tutorial to make an auto-grading online exam with OnlineExamMaker, the best exam creating software.

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1. Start adding your questions

To start creating your online exam using Online Exam Maker, you have to add questions according to your preference. Online Exam Maker has tons of question types to choose from.

Here are some of your choices:
• Multiple choice questions
• Multiple response questions
• Fill in the blank questions
• True or False questions
• Essay questions
• Comprehension questions
• Matching Questions
• Sorting questions
• Cloze questions

If you have your own questions or questionnaire from your previous test, you can also simply import them into the software. Then, feel free to add the scores of the answers, and you can also put feedback for your students to see in real-time if you prefer.

2. Personalization

By this time, you can now personalize your quiz by your own means. You can add your branding, font style, logo, or background color so the quiz will look more personalized for your students! Besides this, you can also edit the login options for your students to be able to access the quiz, set the quiz timer, and your students’ information.

3. Publishing

In this step, you’ll be able to publish and share your created exam. You can do this publicly or privately, or you can just send it to a specific group of students. You can use a QR code or you can also use a link to send the file to your students.

4. Grading

Now that the students have finished answering the exam, you can now proceed to do automatic grading for them. This is quick and easy; just click one button, and their exams will be graded in a minute! You can also ask for a generated report and evaluation based on the exams of your students.

Online Exam System FAQ

How does the Online Exam System ensure exam security and prevent cheating?
Online exam system has a lot of security measures so teachers can ensure that no cheating is conducted during the exam. Online exam software uses online proctoring where they can see the students’ screens and lock them out of other browsers where they can get answers. They also have randomization, where students will not have the same questions to answer at once. The grading system also has a plagiarism checker, so the students can’t copy answers from another web.

Can the Online Exam System accommodate different types of questions, such as multiple-choice, essay, and practical exercises?
Yes, most online exam software, especially Online Exam Maker, supports multiple question types. Some of them include the most used question types, such as multiple choice questions, essay questions, matching quiz questions, and more! Having these diverse question types allows teachers to create a personalized exam for their students.

How can students access exams on the Online Exam System, and what devices are supported?
The best way to access the exams is by using a web browser from your laptop or desktop for a fuller experience. However, you can also use your tablet or smartphone for answering and accessing the exams. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can use any device to access it.

How does the system handle technical issues, such as internet disruptions during an exam?
Online Exam Maker has features that save students and teachers from potential technical issues. If there’s a sudden internet outage, the software will automatically save your student’s progress with the use of the “auto-save” feature.

Can I create an online exam on Mac?
Yes, many SaaS exam creator work cross-platform. OnlineExamMaker is the best free online exam creator software for you, it is easy to use, and can work efficiently on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Ubuntu.

Can students use any device for the online exam?
Yes. Most online exam platforms support various devices such as laptops, desktops, and tablets. Ensure your chosen device complies with the platform requirements to avoid technical issues during the exam.

Can I pause the online exam and resume later?
No. Once started, you’re expected to complete the exam within the specified time. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection and a quiet environment to avoid disruptions.

How and when will I receive my exam results?
Exam results are typically communicated through the same platform or via email. The timing of result releases may vary, so check the exam guidelines or contact your instructor for specific information on result delivery.

Why do Teachers Need an Online Exam System with Learning Management? Fri, 17 Nov 2023 10:05:08 +0000 Online exam systems have gained popularity due to their numerous advantages. With the convenience of taking exams from anywhere, individuals are no longer bound by physical locations. This saves time and resources, making the process efficient and environmentally friendly. Instant feedback and results enable timely assessment, while enhanced security measures ensure fairness. The flexibility to schedule exams at one’s convenience adds convenience and reduces stress. Additionally, data analytics provide valuable insights for educators to improve teaching methods. Overall, online exam systems offer a seamless and accessible solution for efficient assessments, empowering individuals to learn and excel. Online exams are one part of online education, and online learning is just as important for teachers. In this paper, we will discuss the advantages of an online exam system with learning management.

Why we need online learning management?

Online learning management is crucial for users because it offers flexibility, accessibility, and convenience. Users can learn at their own pace, access learning materials anytime and anywhere, and engage in interactive online activities. It also allows for tracking progress, receiving immediate feedback, and accessing a wide range of resources. Online learning management empowers users to enhance their knowledge and skills efficiently, enabling lifelong learning and professional development.

Advantages of an online exam system with learning management

1. Learning management systems provide monitoring and tracking features to keep tabs on students’ progress. These systems allow teachers to monitor students’ learning activities and track their performance in real-time. This enables timely intervention and support for students facing difficulties. By having access to comprehensive data on student learning, teachers can identify areas of improvement and provide personalized guidance. Ultimately, the learning management system’s monitoring and tracking capabilities empower teachers to optimize the learning experience and ensure students’ academic success.

2. It facilitates setting learning goals and conducting assessments. Teachers can establish clear objectives and standards within the system, guiding students towards desired outcomes. The system automates the assessment process, saving time and enabling teachers to evaluate student progress efficiently. With the ability to track and analyze student performance, teachers can provide targeted feedback and interventions. Overall, the learning management system’s integration of learning goals and assessment supports effective instruction and promotes continuous improvement in students’ learning outcomes.

3. System enables effective evaluation of teaching effectiveness. These systems provide data and analytics that allow educators to assess students’ learning outcomes and progress. By analyzing the results and feedback, teachers can identify areas of improvement in their instructional strategies. This evaluation process helps educators make informed decisions to enhance their teaching methods and optimize student learning experiences. In this way, learning management systems play a crucial role in evaluating teaching effectiveness and driving continuous improvement in the educational process.

Which online exam system do you need?

Online Exam Maker is a comprehensive online exam system that simplifies the process of creating, administering, and grading exams. With its user-friendly interface, educators can easily create custom exams with various question types, including multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions. The system provides flexible exam settings, such as time limits and question randomization, ensuring a secure and fair testing environment. Additionally, it offers instant grading and detailed result analysis, allowing educators to efficiently assess student performance. Online Exam Maker streamlines the exam process, making online assessments convenient and effective for educational institutions and businesses alike.

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5 Strategies to Know for Creating an Online Certification Exam Thu, 09 Nov 2023 09:26:28 +0000 Certification exams are vital for enhancing individual competence and organizational competitiveness. By taking online certification exams, individuals can gain authoritative recognition of their knowledge and skills in specific areas. For organizations, online certification exams become an effective way to assess and select talent and ensure that employees have the necessary professionalism. It is common to organize certification exams offline in this way, but there are some issues that make conducting certification exams offline not smooth. Why not change the way certification exams are conducted? This might solve quite a few problems. In this article, we will discuss a few issues that need to be taken care of when conducting certification exams online.

How to prepare for a large number of test questions?

Test questions are undoubtedly one of the major problems that you will encounter in creating an exam, and you will need to import a large number of them into the exam system. If you add test questions manually, it will take a lot of time. Why not rely on the features in the online exam system to make this step easier. For example, Online Exam Maker. It provides users with the ability to upload exam questions in bulk. All you need to do is edit the questions in the templates they provide, and then you can upload the questions to the system in bulk as a word document.

How to set up answer specifications for an exam?

In online exams, it is usually necessary to set the exam answer time, exam opening time, and other answer requirements etc. Online Exam Maker can provide users with many different exam paper settings to meet different user requirements.

exam settings

How is candidate information collected?

The technology of the exam platform has evolved in such a way that it no longer requires users to collect candidate information manually. The administrator of the system only needs to create the enrollment form and share it with the candidates, and once the candidates submit their filled-in information, the system automatically collects the students’ information and assigns them to the predefined groups.

How to ensure fairness in exams?

Exams conducted online seem to give candidates more opportunities to cheat, in fact, developers of online exam platforms have long thought of this. In fact, it is not difficult to find out that current online exam platforms provide users with a variety of anti-cheating features, including preventing copy and paste of test questions, anti-cutting screen, intelligent anti-cheating detection, real-time monitoring, face recognition and so on. In addition to this, all cheating behaviors of candidates will be recorded.

Multiple anti-cheating Settings

How are certificates awarded?

Certificates can help candidates confirm the knowledge and skills they possess in a specific area, increasing their professional competitiveness and trust. Through the online examination platform, the system can automatically generate certificates based on examination results and grading rules after candidates complete the examination. The online examination platform provides users with certificate template customization and personalization settings, including information such as candidate name, examination results, candidate score, and anti-counterfeiting code, to ensure the accuracy and trustworthiness of the certificates. Candidates can download the electronic version of certificates through the candidate background for easy saving and sharing, while the platform also supports printing out paper certificates to meet different needs.

Issuing of certificates

Analysis of 8 Common Functions in Online Exam Systems Fri, 20 Oct 2023 08:33:43 +0000 Online examination systems are widely used in various industries and have become an indispensable tool in modern education and vocational training. It has become a regular choice not only in schools and universities in the field of education, but is also widely used in areas such as businesses, government departments and professional certification organizations. In this article, we will introduce you to 8 online exam system features that people commonly use, covering exam management, question bank management, personnel management, grading, anti-cheating, learning support, statistics and analysis, reporting and certificate generation, and so on. By understanding these features, you will be able to choose an online exam system that suits your needs, enhances learning and assessment, and drives personal and organizational development and success.

Exam Management

Creating an exam is just one of the steps in conducting an online exam, administrators also need to manage the exam papers subsequently. There are several commonly used exam management functions in exam systems: creating exams, exam times, exam scheduling, candidate scheduling, answering rules, post-exam settings, etc. These functions allow administrators to easily create exams online. These functions allow administrators to easily manage test papers online, which can save a lot of manpower invested in the management of the examination.

Personnel Management

Generally speaking, personnel management is mainly divided into two parts. One is candidate management and the other is sub-administration management. In the stage of preparing for the exam, the exam organizer needs to prepare the candidate information to facilitate the exam process such as arranging the exam for the candidates, correcting the question papers, and awarding the certificates. In a large-scale examination, in addition to the super administrator, several sub-administrators are needed to participate in the work of editing test questions, invigilating the examination, and correcting test papers. The super administrator can open different privileges to the sub-administrators according to different work requirements.

Question Bank Management

Online Exam Maker provides users with a question bank that can store a large number of questions. Users can upload a variety of types of questions to the test system to build an exclusive question bank. Administrators can quickly manage test questions by categorizing test questions, adding test tags and other operations. In addition, the system provides test question checking function to ensure the uniqueness of all test questions. Test questions can be uploaded or exported in batches, and can also be searched by keywords. Administrators with test question editing privileges can also modify test questions at any time as needed.

Learning Platform

In addition to professional exam services, Online Exam Maker also provides an online learning platform, creating a personalized distance learning platform that combines learning and examination. Administrators can upload various types of courseware into the system to build their own courseware library, and Online Exam Maker supports the creation of various types of courses, such as recorded courses, graphic courses, and live classes. Administrators can insert test questions or complete exams into the lessons to check the learning status of students. Administrators can make study plans for different students according to their learning situation, and only students who have completed the current study task can start the next study task.


Anti-cheating is one of the key concerns of every test organizer. Online exams seem to give candidates more opportunities to cheat because of the lack of proctors. But in fact, the increasing development of online exam systems has made the anti-cheating function more and more mature, and can prevent a variety of cheating schemes. For example, anti-cheating screen, test question disorder, option disorder, intelligent anti-cheating monitoring, real-time monitoring, face recognition and so on. At the same time, all cheating behaviors of candidates are recorded.

Question Paper Correction

The test paper correction of the examination system is intelligent and automated. After the candidates submit their examination papers, the system will automatically correct the papers, and the examination results will be available in the shortest possible time.

Certificate Issuance

The certificate issuance function is used in various types of tests, such as vocational skills tests, proficiency tests, knowledge competitions, etc. The administrator creates certificates in the exam system. After the administrator creates the certificate in the test system, as long as the candidate passes the test, the system will automatically issue the certificate to the candidate, which can be viewed in the candidate’s background or printed out.

5 Points to Keep in Mind When Conducting Online Exams in the Education Sector Wed, 27 Sep 2023 06:18:21 +0000 Online exams bring convenience and flexibility to students and teachers, driving modernization and innovation in education. Students can take exams at their own time and place, solving the time and space constraints in traditional exams. Teachers can assess students’ learning outcomes more effectively and provide timely feedback through online exams. However, when conducting online exams you need to understand these few issues to get twice the results with half the effort when creating exams.

Technical Preparation

Before taking an online exam, you should focus on the stability of the network as well as the exam system to avoid technical issues that could cause an impact on the online exam. The online exam system should be stable and flexible enough to cope with unexpected situations.

Design of questions

The questions of the online exam should be accurate, clear and reasonable, and avoid any ambiguity or ambiguity. Before creating the exam, the question bank in the online exam system should have questions of different levels of difficulty to meet the learning levels and abilities of different students. If richness of content is required, an exam system that supports multiple types of questions is a good choice.

Exam Monitoring

Cheating prevention in online exams is an ongoing concern and candidates seem to have more opportunities to cheat in online exams. Therefore, one needs a strong proctoring as well as anti-cheating tool to stop candidates from cheating when creating online exams. Currently, anti-cheating tools for online exam systems have matured, and these are the main ones: anti-cutting screen, intelligent anti-cheating detection, face recognition, test question jumble, option jumble, and so on.

Evaluation and Feedback

Assessment and feedback in online exams can help students understand their learning progress and weaknesses. By adopting a multi-dimensional assessment method, a competency map is generated for each candidate in relation to his/her knowledge mastery and test results. This helps to encourage students and teachers to discuss and reflect on the test results, and promotes continuous improvement of learning.

Management and Communication

A successful online exam should provide clear exam arrangements and notifications, including exam time, precautions, and so on. Besides, online exams should be equipped with special exam administrators who are responsible for the organization, supervision and coordination of the exam.

Online Exam Maker is a stable and reliable online exam system. It can cope with all kinds of unexpected problems in online exams, and provides a variety of flexible exam setting options. The system has powerful monitoring and anti-cheating functions to ensure the fairness and integrity of the exam. In addition, Online Exam Maker provides comprehensive data analysis and reporting features to help educational institutions and teachers assess student learning outcomes and provide accurate test results and feedback. Whether it is a small classroom quiz or a large-scale exam, Online Exam Maker provides stable, secure and efficient support for online exams.

Create Your Next Quiz/Exam with OnlineExamMaker

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Countering Cheating in Online Exams: Essential Features of Exam Systems to Maintain Integrity Fri, 22 Sep 2023 09:27:08 +0000 With the rise of online education and remote learning, it has become essential to address the challenge of cheating in exams. Online exam systems have developed various features to tackle this issue head-on. From remote proctoring technologies to plagiarism detection tools, these functionalities play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of online assessments. In this article, we will explore several key features offered by online exam systems that effectively prevent exam malpractice and ensure fairness for all test takers.

Features of Anti-cheating in Online Exam System

Intelligent Anti-Cheat Detection

Online Exam Maker contains an ultra-powerful intelligent anti-cheat monitoring module that can effectively identify and prevent test-taking behavior. It is capable of detecting cheating behaviors such as suspected cheating gestures, unrecognized faces, face matching to a test not taken by the person himself, sound emitted during the test, and the presence of multiple faces in the camera. The entire cheating detection process is completed by the system, without the need to invest in manpower.

Intelligent anti-cheating detection

Face Recognition

The Face Recognition in Online Exam Maker prevents others from taking the exam instead of the candidate by comparing the candidate’s photo. When this feature is turned on, face recognition is required for all candidates when entering the exam. Only candidates who have successfully passed the face recognition can enter the examination.

face recognitionRestrictions on switching screens

To prevent unauthorized activities and maintain exam integrity, Online Exam Maker now incorporate a screen locking feature. This functionality locks the test-taker’s screen, restricting access to other applications or websites during the exam. By eliminating the temptation and opportunity for cheating, the screen locking feature enhances the fairness and reliability of online assessments. Test-takers can focus solely on the exam, promoting a secure and controlled testing environment.

Screen switching restrictions

Anti-cheating for test questions

Features in Online Exam Maker such as randomized question selection, question shuffling, and option shuffling ensure a fair and unbiased assessment environment. Randomized question selection prevents predictability, as each test-taker receives a unique set of questions. Moreover, question and option shuffling rearranges the order, making it difficult for candidates to share answers.

Full Screen Mode Exam

To prevent candidates from switching screens to look for answers, connecting external devices, remote support, etc., Online Exam Maker provides an anti-cheating feature for full-screen mode exams. With this feature turned on, candidates need to turn off communication, remote and translation software as well as external devices and other tools that may be used for cheating when entering the exam. Only after the exam is over can the candidate exit the full-screen mode.

How to  create anti-cheating online exams?

1. Registration and Login: Users are required to register and login to Online Exam Maker. this gives access to the full range of features and permissions to better manage and organize exams.

2. Create Exam: After logging in, users can create a new exam. When creating an exam, you can set the basic information of the exam, including exam subjects, exam time, exam rules, etc.

3. Configure Intelligent Anti-cheat Function: In the exam settings, users can find options related to the intelligent anti-cheat function. According to the need, users can enable or disable different anti-cheat functions, such as face recognition, camera monitoring, etc.

4. Setting Exam Rules: Users can set specific rules for the exam, such as whether the candidate is allowed to open other applications during the exam, whether he/she is allowed to leave the exam interface, and so on. These rules can help limit candidates’ cheating behavior.

5. Distribute Exam Links: The user can send exam links to students taking the exam. Students can use these links to access the exam interface.

6.  Exam Process Monitoring: During an exam, users can monitor candidate behavior through the real-time monitoring features provided by the system. This includes viewing the candidate’s facial expression in real time, monitoring the candidate’s camera feed, etc.

7. End of Exam and Grading: Once the exam is over, the user can stop monitoring and move on to the grading phase.Online Exam Maker also offers smart marking features that allow for quick grading of multiple choice questions, etc., automatically.

Create Your Next Quiz/Exam with OnlineExamMaker

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5 Candidate Management Functions to Optimize the Exam Process in Online Exam Systems Thu, 21 Sep 2023 09:15:28 +0000 While online exam systems have become an indispensable tool in the education field, however, large-scale online exams also pose challenges in candidate management. Candidate management plays a crucial role in

exam systems, helping educators to effectively manage candidate information, organize exam scheduling, prevent cheating, and provide detailed exam results and analysis. In this article, we will introduce you to the candidate management feature in Online Exam Maker, which allows educators to manage online exams efficiently.

Why we need the feature of candidate management?

  • Needs of Educators and Administrators

Candidate Management enables educators and administrators to effectively manage and organize candidate information. They can easily access and update candidates’ profiles, enrollment records, test scores, and other important information. This helps them understand candidates’ backgrounds, learning needs, and performance so they can provide personalized support and guidance.

  • Students’ needs

Students need a convenient channel to register and enroll for exams. The candidate management function enables students to easily fill in their personal information, select the exam program that suits their needs, and access relevant exam notifications and materials. This helps to increase students’ motivation and satisfaction in participating in exams.

  • Data Management and Analysis

Candidate Management enables the system to centrally store and manage candidate information. By tracking students’ progress and test scores, the system can generate real-time data and reports that provide educators and administrators with accurate information about student performance. This helps in assessing student learning outcomes and formulating teaching strategies accordingly.

Features of candidate management in Online Exam Maker

Candidate Registration

Candidate registration in Online Exam Maker is an important part of conducting online exams, which simplifies the candidate registration process and provides a user-friendly interface. Through the registration function, candidates can create a personal account, fill in the necessary personal information, and select the desired exam program in the candidate back-end. This function ensures the accuracy and security of the candidate’s identity. Through identity verification and information collection, Online Exam Maker is able to ensure that only designated candidates can participate in the exam and maintain the fairness and reliability of the exam.

candidate's back-end

Candidate Information Management

Online Exam Maker provides users with the ability to manage candidate information, through which administrators can access and update candidate information more easily. In Online Exam Maker, users perform a series of batch processing. For example, batch uploading candidates, batch exporting candidates and study records. By creating different categories, administrators can categorize and manage candidates.

candidate list

Exam Arrangement

Online Exam Maker supports users to complete a series of processes to create online exams online. Administrators can organize exams in Online Exam Maker in a planned way, including setting the date, time and duration of each exam, avoiding conflicts between different exams. In addition, administrators can designate candidates to take exams in different exams, and candidates can also view the available exams in the background.

exam settings

Candidate Analysis

Online Exam Maker provides users with exam results and analysis capabilities that can generate detailed candidate reports. These reports are essential for assessing candidate performance. The system automatically calculates and records each candidate’s scores and grades, and provides comprehensive statistics and analysis, including the difficulty of the questions, how they were answered, and the distribution of scores. Through these analyses, administrators can gain an in-depth understanding of a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and provide personalized guidance in a targeted manner.

Candidate analysis

Candidate Support and Feedback

In addition to the exam function, Online Exam Maker also provides users with the ability to create online courses. Users can upload many types of courseware to the system and create them for candidates to study, providing exam support for the exam.The questionnaire function in Online Exam Maker  can help users collect feedback from candidates in order to improve the online exam process.

online learning

Digital Talent Assessment: Recruitment Innovation through Online Exam Systems Fri, 01 Sep 2023 08:56:30 +0000 Online recruitment plays a crucial role in today’s digital landscape, offering a wider talent pool, cost-effectiveness, and efficient candidate assessment. However, the process often faces challenges like time-consuming screenings and biased evaluations. Implementing an online exam system addresses these issues by providing standardized assessments, automated grading, and objective results. It streamlines the recruitment process, ensures fair evaluations, and enhances hiring efficiency for businesses.

5 Common Issues in Online Recruitment

  1. How can candidates from different regions participate in recruitment?
  2. How to confirm the identity of the candidate in the recruitment?
  3. How to ensure the fairness of the recruitment test?
  4. If the test needs to be graded manually?
  5. How to analyze the candidate’s abilities after the recruitment test is over?

Online Exam Maker: Online exam system for online recruitment

Online Exam Maker is an online exam system that enables the creation of recruitment tests. With a user-friendly interface and customizable features, it simplifies the process of designing and administering assessments for hiring purposes. The platform offers a range of question types, automated grading, and result analysis, making it an ideal solution for creating effective and efficient recruitment tests.

Key features:

  • Candidates can click on the exam link to access the recruitment test;
  • Online Exam Maker provides face recognition, only candidates who successfully pass the face recognition can enter the test;
  • Online Exam Maker offers a variety of anti-cheat features, such as switching screen limits, full-screen mode exams, face recognition, intelligent anti-cheat detection, and real-time monitoring. These features can effectively guarantee the fairness of the exam;
  • Question papers do not need to be corrected manually, as long as the candidate submits the question paper, the examination system will automatically correct the candidate’s question paper;
  • Online Exam Maker provides data analysis, which can not only analyze the test data, but also analyze the candidates and generate the ability map of the candidates, helping enterprises to understand the candidates in all aspects.

How to Create Online Recruitment Tests in Online Exam Maker?

Step 1: Register an account in Online Exam Maker;

Step 2: Upload your questions to the system;

Step 3: Create an exam and fill in the exam details;

Step 4: Enable exam settings;

Step 5: Publish the exam, then share it via Email, social, or direct link.

Create Your Next Quiz/Exam with OnlineExamMaker

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100% data ownership
Cloud Exam Hall: Online Exam Systems Pioneering a New Teaching Trend in Higher Education Fri, 25 Aug 2023 07:49:26 +0000 In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, online exam systems have emerged as transformative tools, revolutionizing the educational environment and teaching methodologies in universities. With the advent of these systems, traditional exam formats are being reimagined, giving rise to a new era of personalized and technologically-driven learning experiences. Online exam systems offer flexibility, accessibility, and enhanced assessment capabilities, enabling universities to create a dynamic educational ecosystem that fosters active student engagement, promotes self-paced learning, and ensures fair and efficient evaluation. This article explores how online exam systems are reshaping the educational landscape and paving the way for a new paradigm in higher education.

Online Exam Maker brings about significant changes, empowering universities with advanced assessment capabilities and fostering a dynamic learning environment.

Creating Rich Teaching Content

In the online training and examination system, college teachers can create many types of courses, including video, audio, graphic and so on. These courses can not only provide vivid teaching content, but also help students better understand and master what they have learned, thus enhancing the teaching effect.

Expanding Market Reach

With the rise of online training and testing systems, educators at colleges and universities can share tests or courses with students via links or QR codes, and students can study and take exams anytime, anywhere. This model not only improves the learning efficiency and experience for students, but also provides colleges and universities with a wider market reach. Colleges and universities can promote their courses to student populations across the country, thereby increasing their market reach.

Innovate Teaching Models

By transforming traditional face-to-face courses into a flexible teaching format, Online Exam Maker creates more opportunities for students and teachers to have a better experience and benefit from the teaching process.

1.Online Exam Maker provides online teaching mode, students can study independently, free from the fixed classroom time and location restrictions, thus improving the learning efficiency and autonomy. Teachers can release teaching materials, assign homework and conduct online communication and Q&A on the online training and examination system, thus attracting more students to participate in the study and improving teaching efficiency and interactivity.

2.Online Exam Maker provides a combination of online and offline teaching methods. Educators can carry out knowledge competitions and other interesting tests in the system to create a diversified learning environment for students and stimulate their interest in learning. The combination of online and offline teaching modes can promote interactive communication among students and enhance the teaching effect.

3.In addition, educators can collect student feedback and test results in Online Exam Maker, which will help colleges and universities understand students’ mastery of teaching content and conduct detailed analysis. By analyzing the results, schools can further optimize the content and methods of teaching and improve the quality of teaching so as to better meet the needs of students.
