online proctoring software – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Wed, 18 Oct 2023 07:41:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Behind the Screen: Unveiling the Mysteries of Proctoring Software in Online Exams Tue, 17 Oct 2023 07:35:24 +0000 The landscape of education has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with online learning becoming more prevalent than ever before. This shift has brought about new challenges, one of the most prominent being the need to maintain the integrity of online assessments. As traditional in-person proctoring methods are no longer viable in the digital age, the spotlight has turned to proctoring software as a means to uphold exam security. In this article, we will delve into the world of proctoring software, uncovering its various forms, features, and the controversies surrounding its use in online exams.

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What Is Proctoring Software?

Online education has revolutionized the way we learn, but it has also raised concerns about the authenticity of assessments. This is where proctoring software comes into play. Proctoring software, also known as online exam monitoring software, is a set of tools and technologies designed to maintain the integrity of online exams and assessments by preventing cheating and ensuring that test-takers adhere to exam guidelines.

Proctoring software has become an essential component of online education, helping educational institutions and organizations deliver secure and credible exams to remote learners. It bridges the gap between the traditional in-person proctoring experience and the virtual realm, ensuring that exams remain a reliable measure of a student’s knowledge and skills.

Types of Proctoring Software

Proctoring software comes in various forms, each with its unique features and benefits. The choice of proctoring method often depends on the institution’s needs, the type of exam, and the available resources. Here are the primary types of proctoring software:

1. Live Proctoring:
• Description: Live proctoring involves real-time monitoring of test-takers during their exams. Trained proctors or invigilators oversee the exams via webcam and audio.
• Advantages: Immediate intervention in case of suspicious behavior, human oversight, and the ability to address issues in real time.
• Challenges: High cost due to the need for live proctors, potential invasiveness, and scheduling challenges for both students and proctors.

2. Automated Proctoring:
• Description: Automated proctoring relies on AI-driven algorithms and technology to monitor test-takers during the exam. It includes features like facial recognition, eye tracking, and screen recording.
• Advantages: Cost-effective, scalable, and can monitor multiple test-takers simultaneously. It provides objective and consistent monitoring.
• Challenges: May have limitations in detecting certain behaviors, and false positives can occur.

3. Record and Review Proctoring:
• Description: In this method, the entire exam is recorded, and a human proctor reviews the recordings later to detect any suspicious activities.
• Advantages: Allows for a thorough post-exam review, offers flexibility, and maintains a record for audit purposes.
• Challenges: Lack of real-time intervention, potential delays in detecting violations, and the need for human review, which can be time-consuming.

Features of Proctoring Software

Proctoring software incorporates various features and technologies to ensure the integrity of online exams. These features play a critical role in monitoring and detecting suspicious behavior. Let’s explore some of the key features:

1. Webcam and Microphone Monitoring:
• Description: Proctoring software uses webcams and microphones to capture the test-taker’s image, audio, and environment.
• Privacy Concerns: The use of webcams and microphones raises privacy concerns, but many software solutions have safeguards in place, such as permissions and consent.

2. Screen Recording:
• Description: Screen recording captures the test-taker’s computer screen during the exam. This helps detect unauthorized activities such as accessing external resources or using other devices.
• Balancing Security and Privacy: While screen recording enhances security, it must strike a balance with privacy considerations, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected.

3. AI and Behavior Analysis:
• Description: Artificial intelligence algorithms analyze test-taker behavior to detect signs of cheating or misconduct. This includes monitoring eye movements, facial expressions, and unusual mouse or keyboard activity.
• Accuracy and Effectiveness: The accuracy and effectiveness of AI-driven proctoring vary among software solutions. Continuous improvement and refinement are ongoing in this field.

4. Plagiarism Detection:
• Description: Some proctoring software includes plagiarism detection features, which compare written responses to a vast database of academic content to identify instances of plagiarism.
• Originality in Assessments: Plagiarism detection helps ensure that student responses are original, promoting academic integrity.

The Student Experience

While proctoring software serves the critical purpose of maintaining exam integrity, it also impacts the student experience. Test-takers may have varying reactions to the presence of proctoring software during their online exams. Here are some key aspects of the student experience:

1. Test Anxiety and Concerns:
• Description: Students may experience increased test anxiety and concerns about being continuously monitored.
• Mitigating Anxiety: Educators and institutions can help alleviate test anxiety by providing clear guidelines, explaining the purpose of proctoring, and offering practice exams to familiarize students with the software.

2. Privacy Concerns:
• Description: Students may worry about their privacy when using proctoring software, especially when it involves webcam and microphone monitoring.
• Transparency and Consent: Institutions should prioritize transparency and obtain informed consent from students before implementing proctoring software.

3. Technical Challenges:
• Description: Technical issues, such as software compatibility or connectivity problems, can disrupt the exam experience for students.
• Technical Support: Providing robust technical support and troubleshooting resources can help students overcome these challenges.

OnlineExamMaker: Free Exam Proctoring Software for Exam Organizers

OnlineExamMaker is a leading online proctoring solution that provides secure and reliable exam monitoring services for educational institutions and organizations. The platform offers various proctoring options to cater to the specific needs of different exams. It includes automated proctoring, which uses AI algorithms to detect suspicious behavior and potential cheating activities.

Top Features:
• Automated reporting and analytics.
• AI-Powered prevent cheating technology.
• Face ID verification technology to prevent cheating.
• Randomize questions & shuffle question options.
• Social learning features for peer interaction and knowledge sharing.
• Single sign-on (SSO) integration for seamless user authentication.
• API and integrations for connecting with other software tools.

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Challenges and Controversies

Despite its importance in maintaining exam integrity, proctoring software has not been without its share of challenges and controversies. Here are some of the most pressing issues:

1. Privacy Concerns:
• Debate Over Privacy: The use of webcams and microphones raises concerns about student privacy and data security. Striking the right balance between security and privacy is an ongoing debate.

2. Bias and Fairness:
• Potential for Bias: Some proctoring software solutions have faced criticism for potential biases in their algorithms, affecting students from diverse backgrounds.
• Equitable Treatment: Ensuring that proctoring software is fair and does not discriminate against certain groups of students is crucial.

3. Technical Issues:
• Common Technical Challenges: Students and educators often encounter technical problems, such as software installation issues or webcam malfunctions.
• Mitigating Technical Difficulties: Institutions should provide clear instructions, technical support, and alternative arrangements for students facing technical challenges.

The Future of Proctoring Software

The landscape of proctoring software is continually evolving to address challenges and improve the online exam experience. Here are some key considerations for the future:

1. Technological Advancements:
• Innovations in Proctoring Technology: Advances in AI and biometrics are likely to enhance the accuracy and reliability of proctoring solutions.
• Enhanced Security: Continued innovation will lead to more robust security features.

2. Ethical and Legal Considerations:
• Evolving Ethical and Legal Landscape: The field of online proctoring will continue to adapt to changing ethical standards and legal regulations.
• Striking the Right Balance: Finding the right balance between security, student rights, and privacy will remain a priority.

3. Alternative Assessment Methods:
• Exploring Alternatives: Educators and institutions will explore alternative methods of assessment, such as project-based assessments or open-book exams, to reduce reliance on proctoring software.
• Adapting to Educational Needs: Flexibility in assessment methods will be essential to meet the changing needs and preferences of learners.


Proctoring software has emerged as a critical tool in maintaining the integrity of online exams in the era of online education. It provides a bridge between traditional in-person proctoring and the virtual learning environment. While proctoring software offers several benefits in terms of security and exam reliability, it also poses challenges related to privacy, bias, and technical issues.

The future of proctoring software holds promise, with technological advancements and a growing emphasis on ethical and legal considerations. As educational institutions and organizations continue to adapt to the changing landscape of online learning, they will need to strike a delicate balance between exam security and the rights and privacy of students. By addressing these challenges and evolving proctoring practices, the educational community can ensure that online assessments remain a reliable measure of knowledge and skills.

Beyond the Classroom: The Rise and Role of Proctoring Software in Virtual Education Tue, 10 Oct 2023 08:57:19 +0000 In the digital age, education has undergone a profound transformation. The traditional classroom, with rows of desks and a teacher at the front, has given way to virtual education platforms that connect learners and instructors from around the world. While online learning offers incredible opportunities for flexibility and accessibility, it also presents unique challenges, particularly in maintaining academic integrity. To address these challenges, proctoring software has emerged as a valuable tool. In this article, we will explore the rise and role of proctoring software in virtual education, examining its benefits, ethical concerns, technological advancements, and best practices for implementation.

Understanding Proctoring Software

Proctoring software, at its core, is a set of tools and technologies designed to monitor and maintain the integrity of online assessments. It comes in various forms, including automated, live, and recorded proctoring methods. Automated proctoring relies on algorithms to detect unusual behavior during an exam, such as excessive eye movement or background noise. Live proctoring involves a human proctor monitoring students in real-time via webcam, while recorded proctoring records the entire exam for later review.

The primary purpose of proctoring software is to prevent cheating and plagiarism in online assessments, ensuring that students’ work accurately reflects their own knowledge and abilities. Proctoring software also plays a role in creating a fair and equitable learning environment for all students, regardless of their physical location.

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The Proliferation of Online Learning

Online learning has seen exponential growth in recent years. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual education platforms were on the rise, offering a wide range of courses and degrees across various disciplines. However, the pandemic accelerated this shift, with educational institutions worldwide pivoting to remote learning to ensure continuity of education. This rapid growth in online learning has brought a diverse group of learners into virtual classrooms, each with their unique needs and challenges.

The Role of Proctoring Software in Academic Integrity

The surge in online education has underscored the critical importance of maintaining academic integrity. Proctoring software has emerged as a vital tool in this regard. It serves several key roles:

1. Prevention of Cheating and Plagiarism: Proctoring software helps prevent students from using unauthorized resources during exams, such as textbooks or websites. It also detects and flags instances of plagiarism by comparing students’ answers to a vast database of academic sources.

2. Detection and Deterrence of Academic Misconduct: By monitoring students during exams, proctoring software can detect suspicious behavior and deter students from attempting to cheat. The presence of proctoring can act as a powerful deterrent.

3. Promoting a Fair and Equitable Learning Environment: Proctoring software ensures that all students are held to the same standards of academic integrity, regardless of whether they are taking an exam in a physical classroom or from the comfort of their homes.

4. Student and Educator Perspectives: The use of proctoring software has sparked debates among students and educators. Some see it as a necessary tool to maintain fairness, while others express concerns about privacy and the potential for bias in proctoring algorithms.

Ethical and Privacy Concerns

While proctoring software offers valuable benefits, it also raises ethical and privacy concerns. Striking a balance between security and privacy is essential. Some key concerns include:

1. Data Collection and Student Consent: Proctoring software collects a significant amount of data, including video and audio recordings of students during exams. Institutions must obtain informed consent from students and be transparent about how this data is used and stored.

2. Potential Biases in Proctoring Algorithms: Proctoring algorithms can sometimes exhibit bias, leading to false positives or negatives. Institutions must work to mitigate these biases and ensure fair treatment for all students.

3. Addressing the Digital Divide and Accessibility Issues: Not all students have access to the necessary technology or a stable internet connection for proctoring. Educational institutions must consider the digital divide and provide alternatives for those who may face accessibility challenges.

Evolving Technologies and Innovations

Proctoring software is continually evolving, thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies enable more accurate monitoring and detection of cheating behaviors. Additionally, integration with learning management systems (LMS) makes it easier for educators to implement proctoring seamlessly.

Looking ahead, the future of proctoring software holds exciting possibilities. We can expect increased automation, improved accuracy, and enhanced adaptability to different learning environments.

Best Practices for Proctoring Software Implementation

Implementing proctoring software effectively requires careful planning and adherence to best practices. Key considerations include:

1. Faculty and Institution Guidelines: Institutions should establish clear guidelines and policies for the use of proctoring software, including when and how it should be employed.

2. Preparing Students for Proctored Exams: Educators should inform students about the use of proctoring software, explain its purpose, and provide guidance on what to expect during proctored exams.

3. Ensuring Fairness and Transparency: Institutions must ensure that proctoring processes are fair, transparent, and free from bias. Educators should be trained to review flagged incidents and make fair judgments.

4. Continuous Improvement and Feedback Mechanisms: Institutions should regularly evaluate the effectiveness of their proctoring software and gather feedback from students and educators to make necessary improvements.

OnlineExamMaker: Free Online Quiz Platform with AI Proctoring System

OnlineExamMaker provides leading online proctoring solution that enables educational institutions and organizations to maintain exam integrity and prevent cheating during remote assessments. The platform employs cutting-edge technologies to create a secure and fair testing environment for both students and exam administrators.

OnlineExamMaker offers a range of key features, including AI-driven live proctoring, facial recognition, and ID verification, to ensure the authenticity of the test-taker’s identity. This ensures that the right student is taking the exam and helps eliminate instances of impersonation.

Key Features:
Exam Access Setting: Define how candidates can be authorized to get into the exam: access code, username & passwords, student IDs, employee numbers.
Face Id Verification: AI-powered face ID verification technology enables the online exam system to capture the image of the exam taker via webcam, and compare it with the candidate’s profile photo which is uploaded before the exam.
Webcam Monitoring: The webcam will take photos and record video to monitor the candidate during the exam. The exam organizers can view the photos and video in real-time. The photos and videos will also be hosted on the server, and they can be seen after the test is complete as well.

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Challenges and Criticisms

While proctoring software offers solutions to many academic integrity challenges, it is not without its criticisms and challenges. Some of these include:

1. Resistance and Concerns: Some students and educators are resistant to the use of proctoring software due to concerns about privacy, surveillance, and the potential for technical issues during exams.

2. Addressing False Positives and Negatives: Proctoring software can sometimes produce false positives (flagging innocent behavior as cheating) or false negatives (failing to detect cheating). Institutions must develop mechanisms to address and rectify these issues.

3. Alternative Approaches to Academic Integrity: Some educators advocate for alternative approaches to academic integrity, such as open-book exams, project-based assessments, and collaborative learning, as alternatives to traditional proctoring.

4. The Role of Human Proctors vs. Automated Systems: The debate continues about whether human proctors or automated systems are more effective in ensuring academic integrity. Each approach has its strengths and weaknesses.


In conclusion, proctoring software has become an integral part of virtual education, playing a crucial role in maintaining academic integrity in online learning environments. While it offers significant benefits, including the prevention of cheating and plagiarism, it also raises ethical and privacy concerns that must be carefully addressed. As technology continues to evolve, proctoring software will likely become even more sophisticated, providing educators with powerful tools to uphold academic integrity. However, it is essential to strike a balance between security and privacy and consider alternative approaches to academic integrity to create a fair and equitable learning environment for all students in the digital age. The rise of proctoring software reflects the ever-evolving landscape of online education and the ongoing quest to ensure quality and integrity in virtual learning environments.

From Paper to Pixel: An Introduction to What Online Proctoring Software Truly Is Fri, 29 Sep 2023 04:41:14 +0000 The shift towards online learning and remote assessments has ushered in a new era of convenience, accessibility, and flexibility. However, this transformation also raises pressing concerns about academic integrity in the realm of virtual education. To address these concerns, the role of online proctoring software has emerged as a critical component of modern education.

The Evolution of Assessment Methods

Traditional Paper-Based Exams: For decades, education relied heavily on paper-based exams. Students would sit in exam halls, scribbling their responses on sheets of paper, while invigilators meticulously monitored the process.

The Rise of Online Education: The advent of online education brought forth a wave of digital learning. This transition was fueled by the advantages of e-learning, including accessibility, self-pacing, and global reach.

Challenges in Ensuring Academic Integrity: With the surge in online education, ensuring the integrity of assessments became a paramount concern. The physical presence of invigilators was replaced by the need for virtual guardianship.

Introduction to the Role of Online Proctoring: Online proctoring software emerged as the solution to these challenges, offering a secure and scalable means of preserving the sanctity of online assessments.

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What is Online Proctoring Software?

Definition and Core Purpose: At its core, online proctoring software is a technology-driven solution designed to monitor and uphold the integrity of online examinations. It replicates the role of an invigilator in a virtual environment.

Key Components and Functionalities: Online proctoring software comprises several critical components, including webcam monitoring, screen recording, identity verification, and behavioral analysis. These functionalities work in harmony to ensure a fair and secure examination environment.

Types of Online Proctoring: Online proctoring can be categorized into automated proctoring, live proctoring, and advanced AI-driven proctoring, each with its own set of features and applications.

How Online Proctoring Works

Technical Mechanisms and Processes: Online proctoring relies on a combination of technologies, including video capture, screen recording, audio analysis, and artificial intelligence algorithms. These mechanisms record and analyze student behavior throughout the assessment.

Data Collection and Analysis: Data collected during exams is processed in real-time or post-assessment, depending on the software used. Algorithms analyze this data to detect potential cheating behaviors, which are then reviewed by human proctors or instructors.

Balancing Security with Student Privacy: While vital for maintaining exam integrity, online proctoring must strike a delicate balance between security and student privacy. Privacy concerns have prompted the implementation of data protection measures and obtaining informed consent.

Accessibility Considerations: Ensuring accessibility for students with disabilities is paramount. Online proctoring software should provide accommodations to cater to the diverse needs of all learners.

Benefits of Online Proctoring Software

Deterrence of Cheating and Academic Misconduct: The mere presence of online proctoring acts as a deterrent against cheating, preserving the fairness of assessments.

Verification of Student Identity: Online proctoring software verifies the identity of the student, thwarting impersonation attempts.

Flexibility for Remote Learning: Online proctoring ensures that remote learners have access to secure and credible assessment options, regardless of their geographical location.

Enhanced Data Analytics for Educators: Online proctoring generates data and analytics that empower educators to gain insights into student performance, thereby informing their teaching strategies.

Concerns and Criticisms

Privacy Issues and Ethical Considerations: The use of online proctoring software has sparked concerns about student privacy and ethical considerations related to surveillance.

Technical Challenges and False Positives: Technical glitches and false positives in behavior detection are challenges that must be addressed to avoid unfair accusations.

Potential Biases and Discrimination: The technology may inadvertently exhibit biases, affecting certain student demographics unfairly.

Student Perspectives on Online Proctoring: Understanding the viewpoints and experiences of students is essential in shaping responsible online proctoring practices.

Implementation and Best Practices

Integrating Online Proctoring into Educational Institutions: Educational institutions should seamlessly integrate online proctoring into their systems, ensuring that it aligns with their educational goals.

Training for Instructors and Students: Proper training is essential to help educators and students navigate the software effectively.

Setting Clear Policies and Guidelines: Institutions must establish transparent policies and guidelines governing the use of online proctoring, defining acceptable behavior, consequences for violations, and appeal processes.

Addressing Student Concerns and Feedback: Providing channels for students to voice their concerns and feedback fosters trust and transparency.

OnlineExamMaker: Best Online Proctoring Software for Educators

OnlineExamMaker’s secure, powerful web-based quiz maker is an easy-to-use, intelligent online testing software tool for business, training & educational to create exams & quizzes with ease.

The software provides leading online proctoring solution that aims to uphold academic integrity and prevent cheating during remote exams and assessments. OnlineExamMaker leverages advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, to create a secure and fair testing environment for educational institutions and organizations worldwide.

Product Hightlights

• Automated Proctoring: AI-powered detection of suspicious behaviors and potential cheating activities.
• Live Proctoring: Real-time monitoring by trained proctors during exams.
• Facial Recognition: Ensures accurate student identification through facial verification.
• ID Verification: Validates test-taker identity with identification checks.
• Browser Lockdown: Prevents access to unauthorized resources during the exam.
• Secure Exam Environment: Maintains a controlled and fair testing setting.

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Future Trends and Innovations

Advances in AI and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning are poised to revolutionize online proctoring, with improved behavior analysis and detection capabilities.

Improvements in User Experience: Future software iterations will focus on enhancing the user experience, making the process less intrusive and more user-friendly.

Enhanced Security and Privacy Measures: Expect stricter security and privacy measures to address concerns and comply with evolving regulations.

Potential Regulatory Changes: As the landscape evolves, regulatory bodies may introduce changes to ensure the ethical and responsible use of online proctoring.


In conclusion, online proctoring software has emerged as a vital tool in the realm of online education, bridging the gap between traditional paper-based assessments and the digital age. While it offers numerous benefits in terms of assessment integrity and data analytics, it also poses significant challenges related to privacy and equity. As we navigate this transformative landscape, it is crucial to strike a balance between security and student rights, uphold ethical practices, and remain receptive to the evolving needs of both educators and learners. The future of online proctoring holds promise, provided we tread carefully, maintaining the integrity of assessments in this brave new world of digital education.

What is Online Proctoring Software? Is Online Proctoring the Future of Remote Education? Sat, 02 Sep 2023 13:53:14 +0000 The advent of the 21st century has ushered in remarkable technological advancements, reshaping various sectors, including education. Traditional chalk-and-board teaching has gradually given way to digital classrooms, and with this shift, the dynamics of evaluation are changing. As remote education becomes more prevalent, the need for reliable online assessment methods has become paramount. In this milieu, online proctoring software emerges as an innovative solution to uphold the sanctity of digital examinations.

What is Online Proctoring Software?

Firstly, what is online proctoring software? Think of it as the digital counterpart of an examination invigilator. It oversees students as they undertake online tests, ensuring the integrity of the process.

These systems broadly fall into three categories:

1. Live Proctoring: This involves a real person, the proctor, who remotely monitors the examinee in real-time, ensuring there’s no malpractice.
2. Recorded Proctoring: The student’s entire test session is captured and stored for future scrutiny.
3. Advanced Automated Proctoring: This is where artificial intelligence steps in. The software autonomously monitors test-takers, using algorithms to detect and flag any dubious activity.

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Features and Components of Online Proctoring Software

These digital watchdogs come packed with features designed to ensure the transparency of the examination:

Webcam Monitoring: This allows continuous visual surveillance of the student, ensuring they don’t resort to unfair means.
Audio-Video Recording: It serves a dual purpose – creating a record for potential review and acting as a deterrent against cheating.
Browser Lockdown: This feature restricts students from navigating away from the test window or accessing unauthorized online resources.
AI-driven Behavior Analysis: Advanced algorithms monitor eye movement, facial expressions, and other nuanced behaviors to detect dishonesty.
Activity Logs: A record of all on-screen activities, ensuring that no external software or resources are used during the test.
Flagging Suspicious Actions: Any irregular activity is flagged in real-time, allowing for immediate intervention or post-exam review.

Benefits of Online Proctoring

Embracing online proctoring offers a slew of benefits:

Integrity Assurance: It ensures that the results of online tests are genuine and trustworthy, mirroring the credibility of traditional exams.
Flexibility: Students can opt to take exams from the comfort of their homes or any other location, eliminating the stress of reaching exam centers.
Cost-Effective: Institutions can save significantly on logistical and administrative costs associated with organizing physical exams.
Accessibility: Especially pertinent for international students or those living in remote areas, online proctoring removes geographical barriers.

Challenges and Concerns

However, it’s not a silver bullet. Several challenges shadow the prospects of online proctoring:

Privacy Issues: The very idea of being continuously monitored, with data being recorded and stored, raises pertinent questions about student privacy.
Technical Glitches: Not all students have access to high-end devices or stable internet connections. Disruptions during exams can be nerve-wracking.
False Positives: Sometimes, the software might misinterpret innocuous behaviors, such as looking away momentarily, as cheating.
Ethical Dilemmas: Continuous surveillance can be discomforting, and the debate around its ethical ramifications continues.

Is Online Proctoring the Future of Remote Education?

Post the COVID-19 pandemic, remote education isn’t just an option; it’s become the norm. As digital classrooms become more prevalent, online proctoring will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping remote assessments. We can anticipate more refined AI-driven monitoring, enhanced features, and even hybrid proctoring models combining human oversight with AI.

However, it’s crucial to remember that education is a diverse field. While online proctoring offers a solution, it may not be the only one. Institutions might also lean towards alternative assessment methods like continuous evaluation, open-book exams, or project-based assessments.

How to create an AI proctored exam?

1. Select OnlineExamMaker online exam platform

OnlineExamMaker is a leading online proctoring solution that provides secure and reliable exam monitoring services for educational institutions and organizations. The platform offers multiple proctoring options, including live proctoring, automated proctoring, and record-and-review proctoring, catering to the diverse needs of institutions and the specific requirements of different exams.

Key Online Proctoring Features:
Live Proctoring: Real-time monitoring by trained proctors during exams.
Automated Proctoring: AI-driven detection of potential cheating behaviors.
Record-and-Review Proctoring: Comprehensive exam session recordings for later analysis.
Flexible Proctoring Options: Choose from various proctoring modes to suit exam needs.
Facial Recognition: Ensures accurate student identification using facial verification.
ID Verification: Validates test-taker identity with identification checks.
Behavior Analysis: AI algorithms detect suspicious activities during the exam.
Browser Lockdown: Prevents access to unauthorized resources during the test.
Proctor Intervention: Live proctors can intervene via chat if necessary.
AI-driven Anomaly Detection: Identifies irregular behavior patterns during exams.

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2. Design Your Exam

Question Design: Ensure that your questions are clear, unbiased, and appropriately challenging. Consider using a mix of question types (multiple-choice, short answer, essay) to assess different cognitive levels.
Randomization: To prevent cheating, use the platform’s ability to randomize questions or answers, so each student gets a slightly different version of the exam.
Time Limits: Set a time limit that’s reasonable for the content but also helps deter students from looking up every answer.

3. Configure Proctoring Settings

Authentication: Set up identity verification measures, such as ID scanning, facial recognition, or keystroke dynamics.
Environment Checks: Require students to show their workspace using their webcam to ensure no unauthorized materials are present.
Monitoring Settings: Configure the system to monitor the student’s screen, use webcam feeds, and/or use audio feeds. Decide between live proctoring (where a proctor watches in real-time) or automated proctoring (where software flags suspicious behaviors for later review).

4. Provide Clear Instructions

Make sure students are fully aware of:

• The technological requirements (webcam, microphone, stable internet connection).
• The proctoring process and what they can expect.
• The rules of the exam (permitted materials, bathroom breaks, etc.).
• Steps to take if they encounter technical issues.

5. Run a Test Session

Before the actual exam, consider hosting a mock test session.

• Helps students familiarize themselves with the proctoring software.
• Allows you to test and troubleshoot potential technical issues.
• Provides an opportunity to address student concerns.


In the grand tapestry of remote education, online proctoring software emerges as a pivotal thread, binding the integrity of digital assessments. But as with all technologies, it’s a tool, not the final solution. As educators, institutions, and students navigate the burgeoning realm of digital education, striking a balance between innovation and ethics, convenience and credibility, will shape the academic landscape of the future.

How to Ensure the Balance between Test Fairness and Candidate Experience? Wed, 26 Apr 2023 09:09:56 +0000 Due to the flexibility of online examinations, more and more examinations will be conducted online in the future. The conduct of online examinations is inseparable from online invigilation. The most common method used by test organizers is to use online proctoring software to monitor test-taker behavior. Although online testing provides a convenient way for people to take exams, it still causes many problems. These problems have caused some candidates to lose confidence in the online exam. In order to rebuild candidates’ confidence, exam organizations need to find out the problems and the methods to solve them.

Functions and problems of exam system

The online examination system provides users with rich examination functions and anti-cheating functions, and all the steps required for the examination can be completed online. In addition, functions such as automatic test paper correction and test content import will greatly reduce labor input and make online examinations more convenient. Nevertheless, there are still some problems with online exams for candidates. Supervisory software, in particular, has a huge impact on the test taker experience. For example, false test reports, network problems affecting the test process, etc. The questions may disrupt the candidate’s answering strategy, making it difficult for the candidate to obtain a high score in the test. Therefore, the test organizers need to fully consider the problems that candidates may encounter when taking the online test, and help them solve the problems.

The impact of the examination system on candidates

Due to the popularity of online examinations, online supervision software has become one of the commonly used teaching tools or enterprise management systems. It provides a more convenient way for people to conduct and take tests. Incredibly, such a powerful test-creation tool can also influence test-takers, skewing test results.

  • Exam experience. In most cases, candidates can only take the exam by downloading the software. It increases the difficulty of the test operation for candidates.
  • Privacy protection.Online supervision software needs to monitor the examination process through the candidate’s camera, microphone and other equipment, which may cause a certain violation of the candidate’s privacy.
  • Technical issues. Online exams usually require a network connection and a stable hardware environment. If there is a problem with the candidate’s network or computer, it may affect the exam results.

How to reduce the impact of the examination system on candidates?

It is crucial for test organizers to help candidates reduce the impact of quiz makers. Hope the following suggestions can help you solve the problems.

  • Select the appropriate test software. The easy-to-operate examination system can save candidates from spending a lot of time on operating the examination system. The cloud-based exam system is an excellent choice for users who can complete exams online without downloading software.
  • Carry out mock tests in advance.Before the official exam starts, an effective mock test can discover and solve the candidates’ problems in time, so as to prevent the candidates from encountering difficult problems in the official exam.
  • Strengthen the privacy protection of candidates.When using supervisory software, the protection of candidates’ privacy should be strengthened, such as adding privacy protection clauses to supervisory software, encrypting data transmission, etc.

Online Exam Maker is an intelligent online examination system. Its functions of anti-cheating, examination setting, and candidate management, etc. provide convenience for the development of online examinations. Simple and easy to operate interface makes it an excellent online exam system. Online Exam Maker is committed to providing users with excellent online exam solutions.

7 Best Proctoring Software for Remote Testing & Teaching Sun, 27 Nov 2022 09:32:20 +0000 These past few years have been challenging for both students and teachers. The pandemic has changed how we handle our careers and personal lives. There was a significant adjustment for all of us.
This unfortunate event has pushed us to do the best alternative available for everyone instead, remote teaching and testing. Schools and Universities are encouraged to take advantage of remote learning and proctoring for improved and efficient student assessments.

Fortunately, there are already hundreds of proctoring software we can find and download online. So, we took our time to help you narrow down the list to the top seven best proctoring software for remote testing and teaching.

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Create an auto-grading quiz/assessment without any coding – try OnlineExamMaker today!


Online Exam Maker is a SaaS online examination system suitable for companies, institutions, governments, schools, and educational institutions to create exams through the Internet. It helps HR managers, small businesses, teachers, and instructors to create tests and assessment exams online to test candidates and students.
Online Exam Maker is a perfect proctoring software for remote learning. It has powerful functions and features that support users to organize exams with auto-grading, AI-Based anti-cheating technology, an online learning management system, and remote proctoring.

Key Features
• Exam Creation
• Question Bank
• Remote Proctoring and Anti-Cheating Technology
• Exam Reports
• Candidate Management
• Personalization
• Powerful Learning Management System
• Monetize Your Knowledge
• API and Integrations
• Collaboration
• Exam Taker Panel
• Security and Stability

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ProctorU is one of the top proctoring management software in the market that is known for its exemplary competence across live proctoring and auto proctoring. It is also highly recommended by many academic institutions when it comes to recording and reviewing online examinations on a unified interface.
ProctorU is known for its unique AI-led system that ensures ID authentication with the capacity to conduct more than 10,000n exams daily. It provides to more than 1000 customers, including the University of Florida and Cameron University, among others, making the software efficient for the user.

Key Features
• Free exam-related technical support
• On-demand access or scheduled access 24/7
• AI-based behavior analysis
• Live proctor enabling launch
• Identity verification with a live proctor
• Assistance from a dedicated accounts team


Honorlock is the first ever proctoring software to combine automated proctoring with human proctors to maintain integrity in online exams. AI monitors each exam session made in Honorlock and alerts a live proctor if it detects any latent academic dishonesty. The live proctor will then review the situation through an analysis window before deciding to intervene to avoid distracting test-takers.
Honorlock is a user-friendly, secure, and scalable software with an advanced feature set.
It is available 24/7, with no exam scheduling needed. It’s a proctoring software with a combination of Unique AI and human proctoring.

Key Features
• live US-based support
• Detects the use of cell phones & other devices
• Direct LMS integration with no additional logins needed
• Third-party test proctoring
• ID verification in 60-seconds
• Leaked test content identifier with steps to remove
• Meaningful voice detection
• Time-stamped recordings and reports
• Flat-rate cost per student or exam

Alemira Proctor

Alemira Proctor is a go-to choice for schools, colleges and universities to secure exam integrity with its advance anti-cheating software. Using alemira proctor you can monitor the student’s behavior during the exam to spot any attempts of cheating, can detect the person with multi-verification methods available in the software, and automated the violation tracker because of its machine learning.
Alemira Proctor is both good in the automated detection of cheating and also the capability to record student behavior. With this, it’s easy to detect any form of cheating with the help of both AI and human abilities.

Key Features
• Automated Face verification
• Post and real-time proctoring
• Multiple Authentication abilities
• AI proctoring technology
• LMS Integration system


ExamOnline is profound in making comprehensive and flexible exams thanks to its advanced tool in exam creation, and its remote proctoring system. Take exams easier for both the teacher and student with the fully integrated platform for proctoring. ExamOnline can handle a huge wave of students ranging from 1,000 up to 100,000 without facing any errors.
It is also easy to learn and use ExamOnline because of the highly interactive interface and 24/7 support from the company so you can ask any inquiries in no time. Lastly, you are secure in its integrity thanks to it being ISO 27001: 2014 certified

Key Features
• AI Facial Detection
• Audio Analytics in exams
• Auto Authorization
• Liveness Detection
• Fake Feed Detection
• Exam Configuration Tools
• Advance Reporting system


ProctorEdu automated and live proctoring helps with the integrity of the exam taken without needing to install any application. ProctorEdu is suited for those who don’t need any installation and can be used on a browser without the need for any extensions or plugins.
Even with just a browser version you can still get all the features with any proctoring software like automated grading with analytics, live and ai proctoring, and anti-cheating tools

Key Features
• Automated Proctoring
• Live and AI proctoring
• Facial Recognition
• Noise Detection
• Web Search Detection
• Violation Tracker


ProctorTrack focuses on educational institutes with its automated and remote proctoring tools. The SPADE system created by Proctortrack is the only system where the transparency of students is the focus to maintain integrity in the test. An Advance in-classroom browser lock named ProctorTA helps in preventing any malpractices during exams
ProctorTrack offers its support 24/7 to answer any inquiries and fix any errors found in the system. It is a user-centred design to ensure the comfortability of the user in using ProctorTrack.
Key Features
• Automated monitoring for computer vision
• Online Identity verification
• Automated and reliable Results
• Exam Creation

Final Notes

It is now a must to use remote proctoring software during this online era. Even without the pandemic, it has now been integrated into schools and universities to make proctoring easier and more convenient for both the student and teacher. So in the best proctoring software, we recommend the onlineExamMaker, its countless features and continued support by the developers ensure that the quality of service you will get is high and excellent.
