Online training – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Fri, 23 Apr 2021 06:46:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Train Employees Online? Tue, 10 Nov 2020 06:43:18 +0000 Remote employee training is a hot topic right now and that is mainly because it has been thrust into the spotlight in response to the COVID-19 crisis. A huge number of organizations have been forced to adopt a remote training model. But beyond the reason, having online training is convenience. In addition to online classes, online test should also be inserted into online training.


How to train employees online? How to organize online test?

Choosing an Online Examination System :

When selecting an Online Examination System, the functionality and performance of the platform should be considered. For example, the system should be powerful, safe, professional and stable etc.

Online Exam Maker(OEM) is one of the best free online exam software, which provides one-stop online test solutions for enterprises.

After having an online examination like OEM, training organizers can then start organizing online tests.

online exam maker

Publish Exams with Online Exam Maker:

Exam informationSelect QuestionsSettingsSave and Publish

Firstly, fill in information. Fill in the exam title, exam category, description, key words, introduction, etc.

Secondly, select questions. OEM support to add questions to the question bank first, and then select the questions the are needed from the question bank. When creating the exam. pre-selected questions and random questions.

Thirdly,parameter Settings. This is a crucial step in organizing a proctored exam. After setting the valid period, test time, rules, comments and so on, and anti-cheating functions can be set to proctor the exam.

Finally, save and publish. Save all the settings and publish the exam. Candidates can enter the exam via the link or QR code.

exam creating

In addition to organizing exams, there are more functional modules that can assist the employee training. For example, Online Exam Maker can carry on the statistical analysis, including average score, pass rate, wrong questions and so on, which is helpful for the subsequent training arrangement.

data analysis

Generally speaking, it is the best choice to train employees with an Online Examination System and many enterprises have chosen for their employees. If there’s a need for online training, welcome to have a trial of Online Exam Maker.

Click to have a free account of OEM

Is It Necessary For Enterprise To Spend Money On Online Training Assessment? Thu, 28 May 2020 08:35:31 +0000 Whether an enterprise has core competitiveness is an important indicator to measure its qualifications. Talent is the most important and indispensable part of core competitiveness. It is a waste to introduce excellent talent without using it. As for how to use them? At this moment, the necessity of training is highlighted.

The best way to test corporate training is exam assessment. What method is used for enterprise training assessment?


Recommend adopting an online training assessment!

Is it necessary for enterprises to spend money on online training assessments? Some people are still skeptical about online training assessment. But in fact, it is very popular for enterprises to adopt online training.

Judging from the past implementation of online training assessments by enterprises, it is difficult for enterprises to find professional counterparts and trainers who are suitable for their training needs. Sometimes the training may be transferred from other provinces and cities, take a long time on the road, and also include the cost of food and accommodation for the trainer, which will make the training cost very high.

What’s more, in terms of corporate assessment, it is obvious that offline training requires managers to spend a month or even months preparing the exam content and materials. The implementation of the online examination is to avoid this unnecessary loss of manpower and material resources and accurately analyze the professional knowledge of employees from multiple dimensions.

Now companies in different industries are using online training exam software for employee training, and the use effect is also very significant. At present, enterprises do online training exams and can purchase a convenient online exam system. Not only can help us complete the problem of online test paper, but also very convenient is that the online examination system has statistical analysis function.

By using the targeted evaluation method of examination to evaluate the training effect and analyze the data, the direction and content of the training plan can be changed to achieve the real training effect. Not only can one evaluate the training effect, but also analyze the professional quality of employees.

If you are interested in online training, then here you can sign up for a free account to try now!

Why do we need an Online Exam System for Enterprise? Thu, 16 Apr 2020 06:48:22 +0000 COVID-19 caught us off guard!  Many industries, especially stores, tourism, factories, and manufacturing industries have been greatly affected. Enterprises have to stop employees from going to work and start Telecommuting.

Can we just wait for the epidemic to end and start business? In this regard, the recommendation of Online Exam Maker is  that companies should make good use of the time to choose an online exam system for online training assessment.

Why do we need an Online Exam System for Enterprise online training assessment?

First of all, let’s talk about why it is best for companies to conduct online training and assessment at this time.

As for companies which are willing to carry out training programs, if they could not take the time to train employees in the past, then now is the best time to implement. People can’t gather in the office to work, but companies can practice their internal strength , and consolidate the business foundation. As for  companies had no training plan before, they adjust the management and organizational problems by slowing down the pace, and at the same time, it can enable  employees to adopt new thinking and management methods, which is conducive to future industry competition.

Then, it comes to the way for HR Department to do the online training assessment. As what we said above, employees are not able to gather in the office now, so if we want to conduct online training exams, we must rely on the online exam system.

The benefits of using online examination system for employee training are as follows:

Firstly, compared with traditional classroom training, online training can be carried out indoors without going out. Mobile phones, computers, and iPads can all be used to learn online courses. As long as there is  Internet, They can take part in training anytime and anywhere!

Second, the use of the examination system for training management is more convenient and efficient. The HR Department can assign different management rights to each department of the company, and even each colleague. The division of labor between the upper and lower levels is clear, and the work efficiency is improved. This is not only applicable during the epidemic, but also very beneficial to the training of enterprises in the future.

Finally, in fact, with the help of the online examination system, it means that the results of the current scientific and technological progress are fully utilized. The software replaces manual management with Internet thinking, adopts systematic analysis of accurate operating data and statistical reports to provide a basis for managers to make decisions.

The management of an enterprise needs to keep pace with the times. From traditional management to  modern system for management, it also means that the enterprises are making continuous progress, and to a certain extent, it can enhance our competitiveness.

Now, if you are willing to conduct online training , please try to usethe online exam system. There is now an online exam system that you can try for free. You may wish to sign up a free account and try it first!




Inefficient telecommuting? Better to do online employee training now! Tue, 24 Mar 2020 08:35:02 +0000 Because of the COVID-19, we have to make employees work by telecommuting to reduce gathering activities. But this will greatly reduce work efficiency-we cannot communicate and collaborate faster.

In this case, the company will more or less reduce its work arrangements.So how do we make better use of the remaining time? In fact, it’s perfect for us to conduct employee training at this time.

Now we can’t go out for training? Please take online training!

Just as many schools now allow students to take online courses or take online exams, companies can also build their own internal training platforms with the help of our online exam system. In particular, the ability of employees can be thoroughly tested in the form of exam assessment.

So, is it hard to build up a online training exam?  Here is the simple operation by  using our online exam maker.

Firstly, sign up a free account and start to try it.


Secondly, login the system, choose the 【Exam】, and click “+ New Exam”;

we have to fill in the title,description and sharing words and choose a beautiful cover of your exam.

Thirdly,  add questions for our training exam.

It support: Flexible way to build your test: fixed or random types of exam paper; Select questions directly or proportionally to form your exam; Support various question types and batch import thousands of questions.

Fourthly, finish the parameter settings. There is hundreds of settings such as time and permission limit, anti-cheating or result page settings, suitable for various exam

Finally, we can release the online exam by sending the link or QR code to employees. They can take exams on PC side or mobile phone.

Creating an online training exam with an online exam maker is not difficult at all.

Sign up now for a free account and experience it!





