online exam proctor – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Tue, 08 Dec 2020 03:27:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Can Students Cheat on Online Proctored Exams Tue, 08 Dec 2020 03:13:56 +0000 Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers have to conduct exams online using online exam software. This worries teachers that students may cheat while taking exams remotely, which makes it difficult to maintain the integrity of the exam. The good news is that anti-cheating functions are provided by online exam software which can be used during the online exams. But can students cheat on online proctored exams?

It is nearly impossible for students to cheat during an online proctored exam due to the powerful features provided by online exam software. Take Online Exam Maker as an example, here are the anti-cheating features provided by Online Exam Maker.

1.AI Proctoring

AI proctoring is provided by Online Exam Maker and there is no need for manual proctor, through which the sound environment of the candidates, multiple people, ghost exam taker and the small movements of the candidates can all be detected and a warning will be given by the system automatically.

For example, it can be set up by the administrator that the exam will be terminated if multiple people are detected more than the times set.

2.Live Proctoring

Surveillance camera can be turned on during an online exam. Teachers can view the real-time screen of the candidates, and give a warning if students are cheating and also check the photos of the students captured by the system.

3.Full Screen Mode

The exam can be taken by the students under full screen mode therefore the students will not be able to exit the mode to search for the answer before the papers are submitted.

4.Interruption Limit and Screen Switching Limit

Interruption limit and screen switching limit can also be set up by the administrator to prevent students from stopping the exam or switching screen to search for answers.

5.Face Recognition

Face recognition provided by Online Exam Maker makes it impossible for candidates to cheat by hiring paid exam takers. Candidates have to pass the face matching process before entering the exam.

6.No Copying&Pasting

No copying and pasting can be set by the administrator. Thus students can not copy the question to search for answers or paste the answer.

From the proctoring features mentioned above, we can see that it is rather difficult for students to cheat during an online exam created in online exam software. Therefore the credibility of the exam can be maintained even the test is taken remotely. Free trial of OEM is available at present. If you are in need, you can have a try.

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Here is a useful online exam proctor for you! Thu, 03 Sep 2020 06:10:13 +0000 Affected by Covid-19, exams have been transferred from offline to online out of the consideration  of the health of both teachers and students. But, it is difficult to prevent students from cheating even the exams are held offline. How to maintain integrity online?

As the development of proctoring technologies of online exam proctor, the credibility of the results of the online exams can be guaranteed. Here is an anti-cheating solution from a useful online exam proctor—Online Exam Maker.

Verify The Authenticity of Your Candidates With Our Authentication System

Face recognition is provided by Online Exam Maker. Before enter and take the exam, the candidates must pass the photo verification first. To make face recognition work, users should upload the photos of the candidates beforehand, and the system would scan the face of the candidate to see if it matches the photo. And if it doesn’t match, the candidates won’t be able to take the exam, which will greatly reduce the impersonation.

Regulate The Examination Environment Effectively With Our Secure Exam System

During an exam, there are anti-cheating features provided by Online Exam Maker as well to keep an online examination environment of fairness and integrity.

(1) Limit Screen Switching

The times of candidates’ switching screen can be limited by the users. Once the limit is reached, the answer sheet of the candidate will be handed in immediately by the system. It will reduce the candidates’ behaviors of switching screen and searching for answers.

(2) Limit Times of Interruption

Some candidates may do everything possible to cheat in an exam, for example, interrupting an exam to find the answers. Well, to reduce this kind of operation, the times of interruption allowed for candidates can be set by the users. And if the candidate reach the limit, the exam will end immediately.

(3) Provide Whole Screen Mode

During the exam, the candidates can not exit the whole screen mode until they finish and hand in the exam papers.

(4) No Copying or Pasting

Candidates can not copy the questions to look for answers, and they are unable to paste the answers either.

(5) Support Camera Surveillance

During the exam, the surveillance camera will be on all the time. Users can also view the candidates’ photos captured during the exam to check if there is anything abnormal.


Provide AI-based Proctoring

Online Exam Maker also provides intelligent anti-cheating proctoring, including:

  • Facial Detection
  • Detection of Multiple People
  • Detection of Candidate Distraction
  • Detection of Sound

Online Exam Maker solves the problem of cheating in online exams and guarantees an orderly and fair exam environment. OEM is available for free trial now, users in need are welcome to have a try!

Click here to sign up for free
