intelligent anti-cheating system – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Wed, 09 Jun 2021 08:46:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Anti Cheat on Online Exams Thu, 15 Apr 2021 06:38:44 +0000 Abstract: Online Exam Maker can prevent cheating  in online exams.

Do you trust the authenticity of online exams? It is studied that one of the most worrying things of institutes while organizing an online exam is the apparent risk of misconduct due to the lack of human proctoring.

Fortunately, online exam system comes with n-number checks and balances to prevent potential misconduct from being carried out. What checks and balances can prevent cheating in online exam? There are 5 ways you have to know about.

  1. Combining AI and Human proctoring

There are both AI and human monitoring in online exam system. AI proctoring can intelligently detected potential misconduct. If the system finds someone do some actions of cheating, an alert will pop up. The exam will be terminated after 3 times such alerts. Meanwhile, human proctors can monitor candidates at the background. They can issue a warning to candidates who are caught cheating.

Muti-screen monitoring

(Muti-screen monitoring)

  1. Screen Lockdown

Screen lockdown prevents candidates from opening any other windows while the online exam process is going on. Therefore, the candidate is allowed to access only the exam window. It can effectively prevent cheating in online exams.

Screen lockdown

(Screen lockdown)

  1. Candidate Authentication

It means there is face recognition before exams. Candidates need to match their face with the their photos uploaded by the administrator. If they fail to match, candidates have no right to enter the exam. This feature can prevent a surrogate exam-taker.

Face recgnition

(Face recgnition)

  1. Designated group

The administrator can designate a specific group of candidates. Only this group of candidates can take the exam.

 Designated group

(Designated group)

  1. Three types of test paper composing

There are three modes to make test paper. Candidates have no way to copy and paste the answer.

Pre-selected mode means all candidates take the same test paper. Random mode is the opposite of the Pre-selected one. Each student gets a different test paper of different test questions in different order. Pre+Random one is the mixture of the previous two modes. One part of the test paper that candidates get is fixed and the other part is different.

Other anti-cheating question settings

(Other anti-cheating question settings)

Oline Exam Maker can help you kill all malpractices  and prevent cheating in online exams.

For more functions, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to create an online exam.

How to realize the automatic monitoring effect of the camera invigilator of online exam software? Tue, 09 Mar 2021 05:31:47 +0000 Due to COVID-19. online exam has been a necessary way to study online. Can online examination truly restore the invigilator function of offline examination?

Some people may doubt that the function of camera invigilator of online exam software just the function of snapshot, isn’t it? In fact, online exam system on the market, in the aspect of anti cheating, has very rich means, such as intelligent anti-cheating function.

The following is to introduce how to automatically detect cheating behaviors  by using intelligent anti-cheating function in online exam system.

In addition to the ability to capture the candidates, the camera invigilator function of online exam system can automatically and intelligently detect the candidates’ actions, sounds and exam environment , etc. For example:

  • Test takers are detected to make bow, turn and other suspected action.
  • Voice can be detected during test.
  • No face is detected (the face is not within the range of the camera or is blocked).
  • Multiple faces can be detected.
  • Substitute candidates can be detected (used with face recognition).

When intelligent anti-cheating monitoring function is turned on, if the candidates’ face is not in the lens for more than 10 seconds, the examination paper will be forced to be submitted; if the face recognition function is turned on at the same time, the number of times of detection of “face is not himself” and that of forced handover can be set, which can effectively prevent cheating test;

Similarly, the detection of candidates’ small actions is also very sensitive. During the examination, if candidate bow, turn or make other actions, the system will judge that they may be suspected of cheating and give a warning. If this behavior occurs more than the set number of times, the system will force them to hand in the paper immediately.

The above is the introduction of the intelligent anti cheating function of online exam software. If you are interested in this function. Why not have a try for free?

Click here to register!

