online testing tool – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Mon, 29 Mar 2021 05:23:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Does anyone know Online Exam Maker?Is this system useful? Thu, 25 Mar 2021 03:42:21 +0000 During the outbreak of the epidemic, online examination system has provided great help to schools. Weekly exam, monthly exam, midterm exam, and final exam all use online exam system. Have you ever heard of any online exam maker? One of the most promising systems is Online Exam Maker. This software can effectively solve the difficulty of transforming from offline examination to online examination.

What functions of Online Exam Maker can reflect its practicability?

  • Quickly making exams

Online Exam Maker supports batch upload of test questions. Users only need to edit the test questions according to the template, and then through the batch upload function, they can import the test questions with one click, getting rid of the traditional mode. At the same time, the system also supports three test paper generation mode, including Pre-selected, Random, and Pre+Random, which save a lot of time for users.

In Online Exam Maker, the user does not need to worry about cheating. As long as the webcamr is turned on, the system will act as an invigilator. It can intelligently detect cheating actions in the examination.

For example:

  • Test takers are detected to make bow, turn and other suspected action.
  • Voice can be detected during test.
  • No face is detected (the face is not within the range of the camera or is blocked).
  • Multiple faces can be detected.
  • Substitute candidates can be detected (used with face recognition).

  • Multiple sub-account assistance

What is a sub-account? In Online Exam Maker, the sub administrator has most of the functions of the main administrator, such as the management authority of the examination paper and question bank and that of the examinee. The main administrator is just like the level director, while the sub administrator is just like the teachers of all subjects, managing the students together.

  • League table

For each test, candidates with different scores can get corresponding points. After several exams, users can reward the top students according to the ranking. This method can stimulate students’ desire for learning.

In addition to the above advantages, Online Exam Maker is an enviroment-friendly software devoted to creating a paper-free online exam world. After listening to my introduction, how about your feelings about our software? If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

Have a try!

How to Conduct a Remote Exam? Any Online Testing Tool is Helpful? Sat, 10 Oct 2020 06:29:11 +0000 online testing tool

What is Remote Exam?

A remote exam is an online test to measure the participants’ grasp of knowledge. In the past, candidates had to gather in a specific place at the same time to take a paper-based exam. With remote exams, students can do the examinations online, in their own time, with their own device, regardless of where they are and only an internet connection is needed.

How to Conduct a Remote Exam? Any Online Testing Tool is Helpful?

If someone want to conduct a remote exam, an online testing tool is needed. Online Examination System is a kind of online testing tool that can provide solutions of conducting remote exams.

Online Exam Maker(OEM) is a professional and mature online examination system that chosen by many remote exam conductors. As an superior online examination system, OEM will be your best choice.

Online exam maker

How to Conduct a Remote Exam with OEM?

1.Question Importing

Before creating an exam, questions can be imported into the question bank first. When creating the exam, questions can be directly selected from the question bank. OEM supports to add questions one by one or in batches. User can input the questions manually, or, download and edit the question template of our system and upload questions in batches. OEM supports to add ten question types: MCQs, completion, true or false, essay question, comprehension, sorting, matching and cloze.

2.Exam Forming

There are only four steps to creating the a remote exam: Basic informationSelect questionsSettingsFinish

Step 1: Fill in the basic information

Fill in the exam title, exam category, description, key words, introduction, etc.

Step 2: Add questions

When selecting questions, two modes can be chosen: pre-selected questions and random questions. For users who need to prevent cheating, it is recommended to use“random questions”, set random questions and random options, which can prevent cheating to some extent.

Step 3: Settings

This is a crucial step in organizing a proctored exam. After setting the valid period, test time, rules, comments and so on, and anti-cheating functions can be set to proctor the exam.

Step 4: Save and publish

Once the proctored exam is published, candidates can enter the exam via the link or QR code.

exam forming

This is about how to conduct a remote exam with Online Exam Maker. It can be seen from the above that it is very easy to conduct online exams by using online testing tool — online examination system.

Online Exam Maker is an excellent online examination system. 

Click to conduct a remote exam with OEM

Online Testing Tool Recommendation During Covid-19 Tue, 29 Sep 2020 07:14:42 +0000 Affected by covid-19, offline teaching has been transitioned into online teaching and offline exams into online exams. Some may ask how to create an online exam? Well, you can create online exams using an online testing tool. There are many useful online testing tools in the market. Today, an online testing tool, Online Exam Maker, will be recommended due to its powerful functions.

Online Exam Maker is a professional and functional online testing tool, which is easy-to-use. It has many functions that is helpful for teachers. These functions are:

Anti Cheating

Some teachers may worry about students’ cheating during an online exam because it is even hard to maintain integrity even in an offline exam. Luckily, with the development of online testing tool, there are effective anti-cheating functions for teachers to use to prevent students from cheating during an online exam, including:

  1. screen switching limit;
  2. interruption times limit;
  3. full screen mode;
  4. copying and pasting prohibited;
  5. camera surveillance;
  6. face recognition;
  7. intelligent anti-cheating monitoring

Auto Grading

After examination, the system will do the grading work instead of teachers, which will save teachers a large amount of time. And students are able to view the results as soon as they hand in the paper.

Question Bank

Teachers can import questions into our system using Excel form or Word document in batches. Once the questions are imported into Online Exam Maker, they will be stored forever for use. And the questions can be managed by category.

Student Management

Administrators can upload their students’ information in batches. Students can be managed by class or group.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis is supported by online exam maker after the exam. Administrators can view the average score, highest score, lowest score, pass rate and question analysis of the exam.

Sub Administrator

Different sub administrators can be set for different classes or groups to help with student management.

Customizable Homepage

The homepage of online testing tool can be customized. Teachers can build their own online testing website by setting the LOGO, title and the domain name of the website.

Online exam maker also has many other useful functions. And a free trial is offered right now; if you are interested, you can have a try!

Click here to sign up for free

What Can We Do to Help Schools Create an Online Testing Tool? Fri, 18 Sep 2020 06:27:08 +0000 To create an online test, an online testing tool is required. As teachers, what can we do to help schools create an online testing tool? Do we need to develop an online testing software? That seems complicated and expensive. Actually, we don’t have to develop an online testing software; there are a large amount of online testing software in the market, we can simply select an online testing software that meets our needs and use it as an online testing tool to help our schools to create online tests.

Firstly, after choosing an online testing software, we can set up the name, LOGO and domain of our homepage to make a branded homepage.

Secondly, we can import students’ information into the online testing software in batches. In online testing software, students’ information can be managed by class and group, and then it’s ready to create an online test. Then how to fully use the online testing tool? Let’s have a close look.

Before creating an online test or examination, we need to import questions into question bank first. We can import our questions in batches using Word documents or Excel forms. The questions imported can be managed by category.

And then we can start creating exams. To make the description more clear, the article is going to take the online testing software, Online Exam Maker(OEM) , as an example. There are four simple steps to create an online test in OEM. First, we fill in the basic information; select questions; add settings and then you can publish the exam. After the exam is created, we can share the link or the QR Code of the exam with our students. And students can click the link or scan the QR Code to take the exam or test without downloading any applications or signing up.

We can also designate classes or groups to take a certain examination by setting. In that case, students have to log in with their accounts to take the exam.

And we should really make good use of the anti-cheating features provided by the online testing software. We can set up anti-cheating settings, like face recognition setting, and after it is set, candidates will have to pass the face recognition process to enter to take the exam. Therefore, impersonators will not be allowed by the online testing software.

Also, we can set up full screen mode, then candidates will enter the full screen mode when enter to take the exam, and the candidates will not be able to exit the mode until they hand in the papers. Thus, candidates can not switch pages to search for answers.

There are also many other anti-cheating features provided by the online testing tool, such as camera surveillance, intelligent anti-cheating monitoring, no copying or pasting, screen switching limit and interruption limit. And they are effective ways for us to prevent students from cheating during an online test.

Also, the auto-marking function of the online testing software can really release us from the boring and time-consuming marking job. When it comes to the objective questions, the software will do the marking job automatically; and as for the subjective questions, for example, essay questions, we can set “grade by keywords” and then the online testing software will grade the questions according to the keywords.

After the exam is finished, we can view the statistical analysis and export the candidates’ exam report for use. We can view the average score, highest score, lowest score, pass rate, number of candidates taken the exam, question analysis and so on. Since the online testing software provide us these statistics, we don’t have to do the exam analysis job by ourselves, which is time-saving.

This is how we can help our schools create an online testing tool and how we can make full use of online testing tool. Online Exam Maker(OEM) is a professional online testing software that we can have a free trial right now.

Click here to sign up for free
