prevent-cheating – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Wed, 09 Jun 2021 09:22:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are There any Possiblity for Students to Cheat in Online Exams Tue, 20 Apr 2021 03:59:11 +0000 Abstract: Online exam system can cut off the way of cheating in online exams through the following functions.

Due to the mode of online exams, many students considerate that it is much easier to cheat than offline exam. Is an online exam a hotbed for malpractice? How can teachers prevent cheating in online exams?

The best way is to use online exam system, for example, Online Exam Maker.

There are many anti-cheating methods as follows:

  1. AI and Human Intervention

While taking exams, the webcam will be in open state. There are AI and human proctor monitoring the exam situation. AI means the system can smartly catch students of suspicious behavior by a functioning webcam and mike. If a candidate is caught over the set number of times, the exam will be terminated. Besides that, the exam can be monitored under human invigilation. Teachers can remotely supervise candidates. As long as any misconduct exists, teachers can issue an alter to the candidate of cheating.

Multi-screen proctoring

(Muti-screen lockdown)

  1. Screen Lockdown

Screen lockdown is one of the most powerful functions to prevent cheating in online exams.

  • Prevent HDMI Cable extension
  • Kill background screen sharing application with ease
  • Prevent users from opening any other background recording applications
  • Prevent users from switching into other windows

Screen lockdown

(Screen Lockdown)

  1. Random Mode

Even if the students want to copy the answers directly, the random mode increases the difficulty of cheating.

  • Random Question. All questions are selected randomly from pool.
  • Random Order. Each exams of candidates can be various in different order.
  • Random Option. The options of multiple choice can be out of order.
  1. Time Limit

Before entering the exam, candidates will not be allowed to take the exam, several mins after the exam beginning . If the time is over, the test paper will be submitted automatically. Meanwhile, each question can also be set a limited time.

Time limit

(Time Limit)

It is not difficult for teachers to prevent cheating in online exams. After using Online Exam Maker, I think the difficulty in cheating of candidates will be increased.

If you are interested in it, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to try.

How do Online Exams Software Prevent Cheating? Tue, 13 Apr 2021 07:26:01 +0000 The most worrying thing of online exam is misconduct. Misconduct can violate the fairness of exams, which is not encouraged. Is there any software can prevent cheating in online exams? How can it be realized?

Rapid development of science and technology make a qualitative leap in the functions of online exam software. There are various practical anti-cheating functions emerging.

Face Recognition

Before entering the exam, students need to scan their faces to match their photos through camera. If their photos and faces fail to match, candidates have no right to enter the exams. This way can effectively avoid surrogate exam-takers.

Face recognition

(Face recognition)

Screen Lockdown

To prevent cheating in online exams, online exam software offers screen lockdown. What does screen lockdown refer to? Screen lockdown means while candidates take the exam, the test interface will occupy the entire desktop. They are limited to switch the page, so as to effectively prevent candidates from seeking helpers by projection, remotely connecting, or other ways on their computers.

Screen lockdown

(Screen lockdown)

Combining AI and Human Intervention

An AI proctor can intelligently detect potential misconduct. When the exam ongoing, candidates need to taking exam alone in a quiet environment and need to obey the code of conduct. If they fail to obey the rules, their paper will be submitted forcibly. Meanwhile, human proctors can monitor simultaneously every move of at least 12 students in the back-end. If they find somebody are cheating, they can issue a warning immediately.

Multi-screen proctoring

(Multi-screen proctoring)

Online Exam Maker can effectively prevent cheating in online exams. If you plan to organize a serious and formal exam, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to create an online exam.

How do Candidates Cheat During Online Exams and How to Prevent it? Thu, 29 Oct 2020 06:30:17 +0000 online exam

It is convenient to conduct online exams with an online examination system. As long as the equipment and network, candidates can take the online test anytime and anywhere. However, as convenience increases, so do challenges, the most common of which is cheating.

How Do Students Cheat During Online Exams?

Searching for the Answers Online

Candidates can have another device to access the exam questions and provide assistance or answers. Candidates may also paste the question content to used other software to search answers.

Helped and Reminded by Others

When taking a remote exam, it is easy for others to prompt the answer and help the candidate answer the questions. Candidates can easily recruit another person who is more knowledgeable to take the tests on their behalf.

Peek at Prepared Information

If the test is conducted online, it is very easy for candidates to find knowledge about the question through the textbook or check the prepared information. This cheating method is very common.

Contact other Candidates for Answers

If candidates are taking the same questions, they may pass the answers to each other. This is also a common way of cheating.

How to Prevent Cheating During Online Exams?

The most common method is to use exam proctoring software. It is specifically designed to enable candidates to take online exams fairly with features such as face recognition.

Online Exam Maker(OEM) is such an software that can effectively prevent cheating. Anti-cheating measures provided by OEM:

  • Face recognition: a candidate must pass the face recognition process to begin the exam.
  • Intelligent anti-cheating monitoring: intelligently detectthe abnormal behaviors and stop the exams of those candidates.
  • Camera surveillance: the candidateswill be proctored by the webcam during the exam.
  • Nocopying or pasting: candidates are not allowed to copy the questions to search for the answer and can not paste the answer.
  • Fullscreen: candidates will enter a full screen mode and can not exit the full screen mode until the exam is handed in.
  • ScreenSwitching Limit and Interruption Limit: screen switching and interruption limit can be set up in online examination system.
  • Randomorder of options and questions: the questions or and order of the questions are random.

Candidates cheat in many ways, but with the anti-cheating methods provided by Online Exam Maker, it is impossible for candidate cheat in the online exams.

If you’re ready to see how Online Exam Maker can help you protect your exam and minimize cheating, please click to have your OEM account.

Can the online examination system prevent surrogate exam-takers? How to achieve it? Thu, 24 Sep 2020 07:03:06 +0000 anti-cheating

How to verify the identity of the examinee is a vital problem for remote examination? The purpose for examinee identity verification, is to prevent some examinee to find a substitute for the test, to prevent cheating behaviors.

What kind of online examination system can prevent surrogate testing? How exactly does the system work? 

Let’s take a look at some of the features that Online Exam Maker(OEM) supports to prevent test substitution.

1. Account limit

By using the form of account + password, each candidate has their own unique login account. And we need to keep the candidate’s account secret. The account number can be name, phone number, email ID number, etc., which can be set according to requirements.

login item

That is to say, when registering for the test, The administrator gives each candidate an account number. And candidates need to fill in accurate information to log in before the test.

2. Personal Information Authentication

On the basis of the account login, the candidate information is needed to be confirmed by the candidate, make sure the personal information matches before entering the test.

3. Face recognition

Face recognition can prevent exam substitution effectively, which can be used before entering the test.

Before the test, it is necessary to collect the candidates’ recent personal id photos. Before the formal test, turn on the camera on the computer, align the image with the recognition box of the system for face recognition, and enter the test after successful recognition and match.

face recognition

4.Intelligent anti-cheating monitoring

The intelligent anti-cheating detection function of OEM means the real-time face recognition function.

After the intelligent anti-cheating test is turned on, the examinee will turn on the camera throughout the test, face recognition will be performed every minute, warning will be given immediately when the cheating behavior occurs. There is no chance for cheating!

This is about how online examination system prevent surrogate exam-takers. If there is a need, welcome to try Online Exam Maker!

Click to have a free register

