prevent cheating in online exams – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Thu, 10 Jun 2021 07:50:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Can You Cheat in an Online Exam? Fri, 07 May 2021 03:41:57 +0000 Abstract: Do you know how online exam proctor prevent cheating in online exams? Please follow me! You will gain a lot.

In recent years, the rise of online education makes more and more schools and enterprises begin to favor online examination. It seems that online exam is a hot bed for students to cheat. Have you ever imagined cheating in an online exam? Actually, it is kind of a difficult challenge to cheat in online exam proctor. There are many methods that can prevent cheating in online exams.

Anti cheat

  1. Double Supervision

Different from traditional offline exams, an online exam is monitored under AI and human proctoring. No matter what the examinees do, they can’t escape the double supervision of the system and invigilator. A functioning webcam and microphone can clearly monitor the examinee status and test environment.

  1. Face recognition

Before taking an online exam, students need to check identity information and match photos. If they fail to do so, they have no admission to enter the exam. A surrogate exam-taker will be caught if being detected.

  1. Screen Lockdown

Screen lockdown is one of the most powerful anti-cheating function in Online Exam Maker. It can effectively prevent cheating in online exams. While in screen lockdown mode, students are not allowed to:

  • Use HDMI Cable extension
  • Use background screen sharing applications
  • Use remote control
  • Use recording applications
  • Switch the exam window
  1. Photo capturing

While taking an online exam,the system can randomly capture several photos of students. Random snapshot can improve the difficulty of students cheating because candidates do not know when they will be captured.

Examination is to test the real level of students, so as to facilitate better learning in the future, so is online examination. Online Exam Maker can help you prevent cheating in onlin exams easily, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to try it .

How do Online Schools Prevent Cheating Sun, 25 Apr 2021 05:36:10 +0000 Abstract: There are several functions that can assist with teachers in preventing cheating in online exams. If you are interested in cheating prevention, this passage is worth reading.

For schools, exams are to test students’ learning outcomes, which means that the credibility and authenticity should be taken seriously. We have already known the way how to treat cheating in offline exam. Nowadays, online schools has become a trend in education. How do online schools prevent cheating in online exams?

  • Face Detection

Face detection refers to candidate authentication, which is one of the most major step of an online exam. For many schools, in order to prevent a surrogate test-taker, a major concern while taking online exam in the first step is authentication of the candidate’s identity.

Face detection

  • Automated Advanced Monitoring

AI proctoring can help in detecting potential misconduct like taking a bow, hand waving and multiple faces, etc. When the above actions of cheating are detected, an alert will pops up. After *3 such alerts, the exam is terminated.

  • Human Proctoring

Proctor can view live streaming of candidates taking the exam. Meanwhile, proctor can also monitor a dozen candidates in the same time. When proctors find someone cheating, he/she can issue a warning or  directly terminate the exam of candidates caught.

Camera monitoring

  • Screen Lockdown

When there is a screen lockdown, candidates are not allowed to use background screen sharing applications. They have no access to any other windows but exam window. It can effectively prevent cheating in online exams through network.

  • Random Mode

Even if the students want to copy the answers directly, the random mode increases the difficulty of cheating.

  • Random Question. All questions are selected randomly from pool.
  • Random Order. Each exams of candidates can be various in different order.
  • Random Option. The options of multiple choice can be out of order.

In Online Exam Maker, teachers in online schools do not need to worry about malpractice.  The above functions can prevent cheating in online exams so that it can ensure the online exam go smoothly.

If you are interested in it, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to try.

How can we prevent cheating in online exams Wed, 21 Apr 2021 05:24:10 +0000 Abstract: We can use some anti-cheating functions to prevent  students from indulging in malpractice. 

The unwelcome arrival of COVID-19 had brought a profound change in people’s daily life. Exams can not be taken in exam halls and have to be organized online. Under this circumstance, it seems that students are easier to cheat while taking a remote online exam.

How can teachers prevent cheating in online exams? As far as I am concerned, teachers can use online exam system to reduce the risk of cheating.

Screen Lockdown (Full Screen)

Screen lockdown is one of the most practical functions to prevent cheating in online exams. While using Screen Lockdown, the system will

  • Prevent HDMI Cable extension
  • Kill background screen sharing application with ease
  • Prevent users from switching into other windows
  • Prevent users from opening any other background recording applications

Screen lockdown

AI and Human Intervention

You don’t have to worry about lack of human invigilation. There are AI and human proctor monitoring. AI means the system can smartly catch students of suspicious behavior by a functioning webcam and mike. If a candidate is caught over the set number of times, the exam will be terminated. Besides that, the exam can be monitored under human invigilation. Teachers can remotely supervise candidates. As long as any misconduct exists, teachers can issue an alter to the candidate of cheating.

Camera invigilation

Random Mode

Even if the students want to copy the answers directly, the random mode increases the difficulty of cheating.

  • Random Question. All questions are selected randomly from pool.
  • Random Order. Each exams of candidates can be various in different order.
  • Random Option. The options of multiple choice can be out of order.

Face Recognition

If you want to prevent cheating in online exams. You are allowed to open the Face Recognition. Before taking exams, candidates need to match their photos with their faces. If the match is failed, it means that the test take is a surrogate one so that he/she cannot enter the exam.

Face recognition

Where can I find Online Exam Maker? Can it really prevent cheating in online exams? Click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to try.

Are There any Possiblity for Students to Cheat in Online Exams Tue, 20 Apr 2021 03:59:11 +0000 Abstract: Online exam system can cut off the way of cheating in online exams through the following functions.

Due to the mode of online exams, many students considerate that it is much easier to cheat than offline exam. Is an online exam a hotbed for malpractice? How can teachers prevent cheating in online exams?

The best way is to use online exam system, for example, Online Exam Maker.

There are many anti-cheating methods as follows:

  1. AI and Human Intervention

While taking exams, the webcam will be in open state. There are AI and human proctor monitoring the exam situation. AI means the system can smartly catch students of suspicious behavior by a functioning webcam and mike. If a candidate is caught over the set number of times, the exam will be terminated. Besides that, the exam can be monitored under human invigilation. Teachers can remotely supervise candidates. As long as any misconduct exists, teachers can issue an alter to the candidate of cheating.

Multi-screen proctoring

(Muti-screen lockdown)

  1. Screen Lockdown

Screen lockdown is one of the most powerful functions to prevent cheating in online exams.

  • Prevent HDMI Cable extension
  • Kill background screen sharing application with ease
  • Prevent users from opening any other background recording applications
  • Prevent users from switching into other windows

Screen lockdown

(Screen Lockdown)

  1. Random Mode

Even if the students want to copy the answers directly, the random mode increases the difficulty of cheating.

  • Random Question. All questions are selected randomly from pool.
  • Random Order. Each exams of candidates can be various in different order.
  • Random Option. The options of multiple choice can be out of order.
  1. Time Limit

Before entering the exam, candidates will not be allowed to take the exam, several mins after the exam beginning . If the time is over, the test paper will be submitted automatically. Meanwhile, each question can also be set a limited time.

Time limit

(Time Limit)

It is not difficult for teachers to prevent cheating in online exams. After using Online Exam Maker, I think the difficulty in cheating of candidates will be increased.

If you are interested in it, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to try.
