online testing platform – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Fri, 21 May 2021 08:20:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What is the best online testing platform? Fri, 21 May 2021 08:20:24 +0000 With the development of the times and the maturity of Internet technology, online communication has become more convenient, and online exam systems have also been widely used. Among them, choosing an online exam system has become an indispensable carrier for online learning. Many educational institutions and enterprises will set up online learning systems for students and employees to learn online.

Online Examination System

Onlineexammaker online exam systems overcome the limitations of teaching time and space, allowing learners to choose learning content, methods, and processes according to their own conditions and needs, which is conducive to solving the contradictions of employee learning and training, the diversification of training methods, and support for a variety of courses to complete The method is particularly suitable for the part-time study of in-service employees. Students can conduct online training through mobile phones, computers, etc., and conduct online learning anytime and anywhere. Students can withdraw or return to the course at any time according to the actual situation, avoiding the loss caused by the interruption of learning.

online exam software

The diversification of online learning content using online exam systems is not like the traditional form, which is a single paper document. Instead, the learning system is used to upload a variety of courseware formats such as documents, videos, audios, graphics, and pictures. Training content. Remote monitoring provides solutions for various possibilities of cheating during online exams. Onlineexammaker has many methods to detect cheating in online exams, such as verifying student identity, recording exam activity logs, prohibiting access to other browsers, prohibiting screen switching, etc.. Makes our online exam systems more secure and reliable.


Many education and corporate industries have begun to use online exam systems for online testing, whether it is mock testing, internal testing, skill testing, or psychological testing.

Online exams VS offline exams? Which is better Mon, 15 Mar 2021 03:42:57 +0000 Whether it’s an offline test or an online test, the test is a good way to test students. Affected by covid-19, lots of exams have to be conducted online using online exam system. But which exam format is better? Is it an online exam or an offline exam?

It is known that people are accustomed to offline exams. But it does not mean that offline exams are better than online exams. Online exams have the following advantages:

  • Online exams are environment-friendly and paper-free;
  • Support hundreds of thousands of candidates;
  • Support real-time screen proctoring and AI proctoring and other powerful anti-cheating features to maintain the integrity of the exams;
  • Students can take online exams from home, which is more convenient;
  • Auto grading, reducing the burden on teachers, etc.

Therefore, what is said is that both online exams and offline exams have their own advantages. Therefore, it is recommended that users choose the exam format according to the situation. For example, during the covid-19 pandemic, it is more suitable to conduct exams online for the health of students and teachers. Fortunately, well-developed online exam system like Online Exam Maker can be used for online exams. Online exam system has the following features:

  • Efficiency to create a question bank
  • Efficiency to create online exams
  • Learning management module
  • Candidate management
  • Diverse question types
  • Random order of questions and options
  • Date&time restrictions of exams
  • Timed exams
  • Practice mode exams
  • Questions with images,audios and videos
  • Powerful anti-cheating functions, including live&AI proctoring, face recognition, surveillance camera, full screen mode and so on
  • Automatic grading
  • Transcripts Generation
  • Statistical analysis
  • Exportable question paper, reports, answer sheets and so on

If you are looking for an online exam system, you could try OEM. They offer free trial at present.

Try OEM for free now

Which online testing software is suitable for government?Can it be run via LAN? Wed, 23 Dec 2020 09:29:36 +0000 When conducting online tests, the government may have high requirements for data security. Therefore, it is quite significant for government to have a suitable online testing software. So which online testing software is suitable for government? Can it be run via LAN?

When it comes to this question, Online Exam Maker is considered as an online testing software that is suitable for government. Here is why.

Online Exam Maker offers a LAN version of online testing software(also known as LAN Exam Maker) that can be deployed locally. By using the LAN version of Online Exam Maker, data can all be stored locally, which is rather safe.

LAN Exam Maker is also a user-friendly online testing software with clear interface. Users can get started with LAN Exam Maker very easy.

High concurrency is also supported by LAN Exam Maker. A large number of candidates can take an online exam simultaneously.

Users can also develop a branded online testing platform by customising the logo, title and domain name of the homepage.

Exams can be created in four steps in LAN Exam Maker: fill in the basic information; select questions; add settings; and then the exam can be released.

Employees can be imported in batches into the system and managed by department. The users can also designate employees to take a certain exam. That is to say, only designated employees can enter and take the exam with an account.

If the credibility of the exam is required, powerful anti-cheating features are also provided by LAN Exam Maker, such as: screen switching limit, interruption limit, full screen mode, surveillance camera, no copying questions and no pasting answers. The anti-cheating features can be turned on during the exams so that the integrity of the exams can be maintained.

After employees hand in the papers, the system will do the grading automatically. And the system will also provide rich statistical analysis, which would help the administrator know more about the exam.

If you are interested in LAN Exam Maker, you can click the link below and download the software for free and try it by yourself.

Download LAN Exam Maker

What are the components of the enterprise online training assessment system Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:08:12 +0000 There are much work to do for enterprises to conduct an online training assessment test, such as employee management, preparation job before the assessment test and the summary after the test. Thus, many enterprises start using online training assessment system, which is quite convenient for enterprises to conduct online training assessment tests.

Then what are the components of the enterprise online training assessment system? And how do they meet the training needs of the enterprise? The article will describe in the following aspects.

Employee Management of Enterprise

For medium-sized and above enterprises, multiple sub-administrator accounts can be set up to coordinate training management matters;

Different departments can build organizational structures and manage employee account information by department to facilitate training.

Assessment Question Bank Management

The questions of the assessment tests can be imported into the system and managed by category.

Online Assessment Management by Department

Within four simple steps, online training assessment tests can be created. And assessment tests can be conducted by department.

Training Result Evaluation Management

The test results can show the staff’s mastery of training to a certain extent. Therefore,administrators can start with the management of test results, check the statistical analysis of the online testing platform, understand the test comparisons of various departments, and check the ranking of wrong questions.

Enterprise training is an inevitable condition for continuous innovation and development for enterprises. The online training should be convenient and efficient, and more in line with the current training needs of most companies. If your business also needs online training, it is better to use an online training assessment system!

Register now for free

What Can We Do to Help Schools Create an Online Testing Tool? Fri, 18 Sep 2020 06:27:08 +0000 To create an online test, an online testing tool is required. As teachers, what can we do to help schools create an online testing tool? Do we need to develop an online testing software? That seems complicated and expensive. Actually, we don’t have to develop an online testing software; there are a large amount of online testing software in the market, we can simply select an online testing software that meets our needs and use it as an online testing tool to help our schools to create online tests.

Firstly, after choosing an online testing software, we can set up the name, LOGO and domain of our homepage to make a branded homepage.

Secondly, we can import students’ information into the online testing software in batches. In online testing software, students’ information can be managed by class and group, and then it’s ready to create an online test. Then how to fully use the online testing tool? Let’s have a close look.

Before creating an online test or examination, we need to import questions into question bank first. We can import our questions in batches using Word documents or Excel forms. The questions imported can be managed by category.

And then we can start creating exams. To make the description more clear, the article is going to take the online testing software, Online Exam Maker(OEM) , as an example. There are four simple steps to create an online test in OEM. First, we fill in the basic information; select questions; add settings and then you can publish the exam. After the exam is created, we can share the link or the QR Code of the exam with our students. And students can click the link or scan the QR Code to take the exam or test without downloading any applications or signing up.

We can also designate classes or groups to take a certain examination by setting. In that case, students have to log in with their accounts to take the exam.

And we should really make good use of the anti-cheating features provided by the online testing software. We can set up anti-cheating settings, like face recognition setting, and after it is set, candidates will have to pass the face recognition process to enter to take the exam. Therefore, impersonators will not be allowed by the online testing software.

Also, we can set up full screen mode, then candidates will enter the full screen mode when enter to take the exam, and the candidates will not be able to exit the mode until they hand in the papers. Thus, candidates can not switch pages to search for answers.

There are also many other anti-cheating features provided by the online testing tool, such as camera surveillance, intelligent anti-cheating monitoring, no copying or pasting, screen switching limit and interruption limit. And they are effective ways for us to prevent students from cheating during an online test.

Also, the auto-marking function of the online testing software can really release us from the boring and time-consuming marking job. When it comes to the objective questions, the software will do the marking job automatically; and as for the subjective questions, for example, essay questions, we can set “grade by keywords” and then the online testing software will grade the questions according to the keywords.

After the exam is finished, we can view the statistical analysis and export the candidates’ exam report for use. We can view the average score, highest score, lowest score, pass rate, number of candidates taken the exam, question analysis and so on. Since the online testing software provide us these statistics, we don’t have to do the exam analysis job by ourselves, which is time-saving.

This is how we can help our schools create an online testing tool and how we can make full use of online testing tool. Online Exam Maker(OEM) is a professional online testing software that we can have a free trial right now.

Click here to sign up for free

How To Build An Online Testing Platform To Create Online Quizzes For Your Students? Fri, 14 Aug 2020 07:30:13 +0000

How to build an online testing platform?

If you want to develop an online testing platform, a professional development team is needed. The cost of time and money can be high, and there are many technical difficulties. In fact, an independent online testing platform can be established with a SaaS online testing system. At present, there are a lot of SaaS online testing systems with perfect and powerful functions, which can provide one-stop solution for creating online tests, such as Online Exam Maker(OEM). With the guarantee of technology and service, OEM helps users to build a professional online testing platform.

How to establish an online testing platform through OEM?

  • Register an OEM account for free and login with email and password after registration.
  • Customize the domain name to establish your own online platform and create your personalized brand.
  • Design and set the homepage information. The header LOGO, title, ads, content display, bottom information can be designed.

An online testing platform can be basically established through the above three steps and the exams and quizzes canbe created for students.

How to create online quizzes with OEM?

OEM can be used for online exercises, quizzes, formal exams, etc., and it also can be used to help create online knowledge contests. Users can set rewards at different levels, such as red envelopes or other awards.

The basic steps to create prize quizzes are as follows :

1. Log in OEM, import the required questions into the question bank first, you can import manually or in batches.

2. Enter [Exams] – [Prize quiz], and click [New Prize Quiz]. The first step is to fill in the basic information. Set the title, category, cover, and description for your quiz. Conductors should choose to the mode of single player or multi-player prize quiz.

3. The next step is to set the levels. One question is equivalent to one level. In order to ensure the fairness of the prize quizzes, the questions are randomly selected.

4. After the questions are added, click [Add reward] to set rewards in different levels, such as setting incentive words as prompt words, setting red envelopes as rewards, or setting postal prizes.

5. Parameter setting. The rules, time limit, whether need to pay for entry, etc., can be set. To keep the quiz interesting, we can also choose themes and add background music.

6. Save and publish the prize quiz, share the link or QR code to your examinee to enter the quiz!

Click to register a free account of OEM, set up your online testing platform and create an exam or quiz!



