running quiz – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Fri, 08 Sep 2023 07:55:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 20 Running Quiz Questions and Answers Fri, 07 Jul 2023 03:11:41 +0000 Running is a popular form of aerobic exercise that can be done outdoors or indoors on a treadmill. It is one of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your muscles, and burn calories.

Running can be done at various speeds and distances, from short sprints to long-distance running. It can be done alone or with others, making it a great social activity or a way to clear your mind and enjoy some time alone. It can also be adapted to different fitness levels, making it suitable for beginners and advanced athletes alike.

If you’re a fan of running and love to test your knowledge on all things related to this popular sport, then you’re in for a treat! We’ve put together a fun and challenging running quiz that will put your skills and expertise to the test. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, get ready to put your thinking cap on and see how much you really know about the world of running.

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Article outline


Part 1: 20 Running trivia quiz questions & answers


  1. What is the most common mistake that new runners make when starting out?
    a) Running too fast
    b) Not stretching before running
    c) Not hydrating enough
    d) Not wearing the right shoes
  2. Which of these is NOT a major muscle group used in running?
    a) Quadriceps
    b) Hamstrings
    c) Biceps
    d) Calves
  3. What is the distance of a half-marathon?
    a) 5.2 miles
    b) 10.6 miles
    c) 13.1 miles
    d) 26.2 miles
  4. What is the term for a runner’s stride rate, or the number of times their feet hit the ground per minute?
    a) Pace
    b) Stride length
    c) Cadence
    d) Tempo
  5. Which famous runner broke the 4-minute mile barrier in 1954?
    a) Usain Bolt
    b) Eliud Kipchoge
    c) Mo Farah
    d) Roger Bannister
  6. What is the name of the largest marathon in the world, held annually in New York City?
    a) Boston Marathon
    b) London Marathon
    c) Tokyo Marathon
    d) New York City Marathon
  7. What is the term for the uncomfortable, burning sensation in the chest and throat that can occur during or after running?
    a) Runner’s high
    b) Muscle cramps
    c) Heartburn
    d) Shin splints
  8. What is the term for the minimum amount of oxygen needed by the body during exercise?
    a) VO2 max
    b) Anaerobic threshold
    c) Resting heart rate
    d) Lactate threshold
  9. Which of these is NOT a common type of running shoe?
    a) Stability
    b) Neutral
    c) Cushioning
    d) Supination
  10. What is the term for a race in which runners must jump over obstacles and navigate challenging terrain?
    a) Cross-country
    b) Trail running
    c) Ultra-marathon
    d) Obstacle course racing
  11. What is the term for the sudden, sharp pain in the side that can occur during running?
    a) Runner’s high
    b) Side stitch
    c) Plantar fasciitis
    d) Achilles tendonitis
  12. What is the term for the condition in which the arch of the foot collapses, causing pain and discomfort while running?
    a) Flat feet
    b) High arches
    c) Plantar fasciitis
    d) Shin splints
  13. What is the term for the ability of a runner to maintain a steady pace over a long distance?
    a) Endurance
    b) Speed
    c) Power
    d) Flexibility
  14. What is the term for the number of miles a runner completes in a given week?
    a) Mileage
    b) Speedwork
    c) Intervals
    d) Tempo runs
  15. What is the term for the technique of alternating periods of high-intensity running with periods of rest or low-intensity running?
    a) Fartlek training
    b) Tempo runs
    c) Hill repeats
    d) Plyometrics
  16. You might like to know

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  17. What is the term for the process of gradually increasing the intensity or duration of running in order to avoid injury?
    a) Tapering
    b) Overtraining
    c) Progression
    d) Plateauing
  18. What is the term for the small, fluid-filled sacs that cushion and protect the joints and tendons?
    a) Bursae
    b) Synovial fluid
    c) Cartilage
    d) Ligaments
  19. What is the term for the condition in which the muscles of the lower leg become inflamed and painful?
    a) Shin splints
    b) Plantar fasciitis
    c) Achilles tendonitis
    d) Sprained ankle
  20. What is the term for the condition in which the patella (kneecap) becomes misaligned, causing pain and discomfort while running?
    a) Runner’s knee
    b) Plantar fasciitis
    c) IT band syndrome
    d) Achilles tendonitis
  21. What is the term for the measurement of the amount of energy (in calories) burned while running?
    a) VO2 max
    b) Metabolic rate
    c) Caloric expenditure
    d) Resting metabolic rate

Part 2: Download Running Trivia questions & answers for free

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  1. a) Running too fast
  2. c) Biceps
  3. c) 13.1 miles
  4. c) Cadence
  5. d) Roger Bannister
  6. d) New York City Marathon
  7. c) Heartburn
  8. a) VO2 max
  9. d) Supination
  10. d) Obstacle course racing
  11. b) Side stitch
  12. a) Flat feet
  13. a) Endurance
  14. a) Mileage
  15. a) Fartlek training
  16. c) Progression
  17. a) Bursae
  18. a) Shin splints
  19. a) Runner’s knee
  20. c) Caloric expenditure

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