online testing software – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Wed, 09 Jun 2021 09:28:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How can we prevent cheating in online exams Wed, 21 Apr 2021 05:24:10 +0000 Abstract: We can use some anti-cheating functions to prevent  students from indulging in malpractice. 

The unwelcome arrival of COVID-19 had brought a profound change in people’s daily life. Exams can not be taken in exam halls and have to be organized online. Under this circumstance, it seems that students are easier to cheat while taking a remote online exam.

How can teachers prevent cheating in online exams? As far as I am concerned, teachers can use online exam system to reduce the risk of cheating.

Screen Lockdown (Full Screen)

Screen lockdown is one of the most practical functions to prevent cheating in online exams. While using Screen Lockdown, the system will

  • Prevent HDMI Cable extension
  • Kill background screen sharing application with ease
  • Prevent users from switching into other windows
  • Prevent users from opening any other background recording applications

Screen lockdown

AI and Human Intervention

You don’t have to worry about lack of human invigilation. There are AI and human proctor monitoring. AI means the system can smartly catch students of suspicious behavior by a functioning webcam and mike. If a candidate is caught over the set number of times, the exam will be terminated. Besides that, the exam can be monitored under human invigilation. Teachers can remotely supervise candidates. As long as any misconduct exists, teachers can issue an alter to the candidate of cheating.

Camera invigilation

Random Mode

Even if the students want to copy the answers directly, the random mode increases the difficulty of cheating.

  • Random Question. All questions are selected randomly from pool.
  • Random Order. Each exams of candidates can be various in different order.
  • Random Option. The options of multiple choice can be out of order.

Face Recognition

If you want to prevent cheating in online exams. You are allowed to open the Face Recognition. Before taking exams, candidates need to match their photos with their faces. If the match is failed, it means that the test take is a surrogate one so that he/she cannot enter the exam.

Face recognition

Where can I find Online Exam Maker? Can it really prevent cheating in online exams? Click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to try.

Recommendation for an online testing software that can import multiple-choice questions Tue, 02 Mar 2021 03:46:00 +0000 During the covid-19, many exams have been conducted online. For teachers who want to organize exams online, is there any useful online testing software for recommendation? Online Exam Maker is a piece of useful online testing software for teachers to conduct online exams.

How to import questions?

Online Exam Maker is an online testing platform with powerful features. Multiple-choice questions can be imported quite easy in Online Exam Maker. After editing, teachers can select file to upload questions into the system; both Word files and Excel files are supported.

The questions can be imported to the system in batches; the administrator can also add questions one by one to the system. And besides multiple-choice questions, there are many more question types supported by the system.

How to group exam paper?

After importing questions, teachers can start creating an exam. There are four steps to create an exam: fill in basic information; select questions; add settings; finish and release, which is so simple that it can be done within minutes. Three exam paper grouping modes are supported, including fixed(also known as pre-selected) questions, random questions and pre&random questions. To deter students from cheating, random order of questions, random question options as well as random questions can be set by teachers so that students will take the exam of slight difference.

How to prevent cheating effectively?

To prevent students from cheating, there are powerful anti-cheating features provided by Online Exam Maker, for instance, switching screen limit, interruption limit, screen lockdown, no copying or pasting, real-time proctoring, face recognition and intelligent anti-cheating monitoring, which can effectively prevent students from cheating.

Online Exam Maker is a useful online testing platform for teachers to conduct online exams, which also provides a free version for users to have a try. If you are interested in it, why don’t you have a try for free?

Try OEM for free

Which online testing software is suitable for government?Can it be run via LAN? Wed, 23 Dec 2020 09:29:36 +0000 When conducting online tests, the government may have high requirements for data security. Therefore, it is quite significant for government to have a suitable online testing software. So which online testing software is suitable for government? Can it be run via LAN?

When it comes to this question, Online Exam Maker is considered as an online testing software that is suitable for government. Here is why.

Online Exam Maker offers a LAN version of online testing software(also known as LAN Exam Maker) that can be deployed locally. By using the LAN version of Online Exam Maker, data can all be stored locally, which is rather safe.

LAN Exam Maker is also a user-friendly online testing software with clear interface. Users can get started with LAN Exam Maker very easy.

High concurrency is also supported by LAN Exam Maker. A large number of candidates can take an online exam simultaneously.

Users can also develop a branded online testing platform by customising the logo, title and domain name of the homepage.

Exams can be created in four steps in LAN Exam Maker: fill in the basic information; select questions; add settings; and then the exam can be released.

Employees can be imported in batches into the system and managed by department. The users can also designate employees to take a certain exam. That is to say, only designated employees can enter and take the exam with an account.

If the credibility of the exam is required, powerful anti-cheating features are also provided by LAN Exam Maker, such as: screen switching limit, interruption limit, full screen mode, surveillance camera, no copying questions and no pasting answers. The anti-cheating features can be turned on during the exams so that the integrity of the exams can be maintained.

After employees hand in the papers, the system will do the grading automatically. And the system will also provide rich statistical analysis, which would help the administrator know more about the exam.

If you are interested in LAN Exam Maker, you can click the link below and download the software for free and try it by yourself.

Download LAN Exam Maker

How to select an online testing software? Wed, 28 Oct 2020 07:07:40 +0000 Currently, many schools, educational institutions and companies use online testing software for online exams. Using online testing software to conduct online exams has many benefits, such as: reducing exam costs, maximizing the use of resources, and no time and venue restrictions. Online exams are increasingly favored by users by virtue of their own advantages.


online testing


How to select an online testing software?

When choosing online testing software, users must consider the following aspects:

Function aspects

When choosing an online testing software, the first thing we should consider is whether its functions meet our needs. A professional and mature online testing software should be powerful. Online testing software should have the following functions:

  • Build an exclusive personalized homepage
  • Create and manage question bank
  • Exam creating
  • Powerful anti- cheating
  • Candidate management
  • Exam data management
  • Automatically Marking

online exam maker

Easy to use

An easy-to-use online testing software should be user-friendly and have a better user experience. When users choose online testing software, they need to pay attention to whether its functional operation is simple and easy to use.

Safety and Stability

It is necessary to choose online testing software that is guaranteed in terms of data security to ensure that the content of the test questions will not be leaked. Choose a system with strong stability to ensure smooth examination process.

Provide professional technology and services

It is best to choose a SaaS-based online testing software, a one-stop online test solution, which can quickly build an online test system. There must be guaranteed services in terms of technology and services to be able to solve any problems in the use process.

online testing platform


Is there any online testing software that can meet the above conditions? Actually, Online Exam Maker(OEM) can meet all of the above-mentioned characteristics of high-quality examination software. Users can also refer to the functional characteristics of the excellent examination system when choosing online testing software, which can serve as a reference when choosing online testing software.

Moreover, OEM provides free trial opportunities, and users in need are welcome to experience it for free!

Click to register an account of OEM

Can exams be done online? Online testing software helps you! Wed, 14 Oct 2020 03:54:05 +0000 Can Exams Be Done Online?

With the development of society and the continuous progress of internet technology, online examination has become the trend of online education. With the support of information technology, exams can certainly be done online .

Online exam is conducted on web-enabled devices like laptops and desktop computers. These exams or tests help to accurately assess a student’s knowledge in a wide range of subjects.

online exam

How To Make The Exams Be Done Online?

An online testing software is a fully automated system that enables administrators to conduct examinations remotely, using the internet. An online testing software evaluates test-takers thoroughly and offers almost instant results.

Online Exam Maker(OEM) is an advanced online testing software that offers one-stop solutions of online examination. OEM has been focusing on online exams for many years. We are very mature and stable in online exams and are very trustworthy.

Online exam maker

So How To Made An Online Exam With Online Exam Maker?

In fact, it is very easy to use OEM to organize online exams. It only takes four steps to create an exam. There are only four steps to creating the a remote exam: Exam information — Select Questions — Settings — Save and Publish

Firstly, fill in information. Fill in the exam title, exam category, description, key words, introduction, etc.

Secondly, select questions. OEM support to add questions to the question bank first, and then select the questions the are needed from the question bank. When creating the exam. pre-selected questions and random questions.

Thirdly,parameter Settings. This is a crucial step in organizing a proctored exam. After setting the valid period, test time, rules, comments and so on, and anti-cheating functions can be set to proctor the exam.

Finally, save and publish. Save all the settings and publish the exam. Candidates can enter the exam via the link or QR code.

exam forming

In addition to being able to create online exams, online testing software, such as Online Exam Maker, has more functions.

For example, create a personalized homepage, create a question bank, categorize exams and candidates, create paid tests, create a questionnaire, test data analysis, etc.

Exams can easily be done online with an online test software like OEM!

Click to create an online exam now

5 Reasons Why Online Testing Software Makes Sense Fri, 09 Oct 2020 09:07:55 +0000 Online testing software

What is an Online Testing Software?

Online testing software helps to assess candidates by creating online tests, exams, and quizzes. The testing software features give analytical data that give insights into a candidate, which saves a lot of time and administrative cost.

Why Online Testing Software is Recommended?

Within Online Exam Maker(OEM), there is a high priority placed on design and the system is both intuitive and easy to use. Take OEM as an example, Online Testing Software can reduce the administrative burden of organizing and running exams, which is more environmentally friendly with less paper, printing and transport used overall.

Online exam maker

5 Reasons Why Online Testing Software Makes Sense:

1.Flexibility to Take Exams Anywhere

OEM provides exam candidates full flexibility to take the exam in a location of their own choice and there is the option to offer an exam window, where candidates also have the flexibility to select a suitable date and time. It is less stressful, and saves time and money going to a test centre.

2.Cost Effectiveness

Online assessment is more cost effective, due the vast reduction in administrative time managing the whole exam creation, delivery and marking processes. You can read more about other cost-efficiency below.

3.Reduced Administrative Burden

Organizations greatly reduce the administrative burden of organizing and running exams when it moves online. Printing and circulating exams on paper and organizing shipments of completed scripts to markers is a time-consuming and costly process. Candidates can work on a computer in a way they are familiar with, rather than using pen and paper.

4.Increased Security and Privacy

Online testing software allows for increased student privacy safety. The system can be protected well. Students also receive results confidentially maintaining their dignity among peers and encouraging positive growth instead of unhealthy and pointless competition with peers. It creates a healthier and more positive mindset towards the entire examination process for both students and teachers alike.

5.Quicker to Mark and Issue Results

It is much quicker to mark online and candidates welcome receiving results quickly. Online examination facilitates quick and clear reports on candidate results and progress. With auto-marked questions, results are available immediately if wished. The system can automatically generate an examination analysis once the students finish it.


At Online Exam Maker we pride ourselves on the levels of customer service we provide. We work with our customers as partners and provide lots of advice, guidance and best practice based on our extensive experience.

Moving exams online, and rolling out remote invigilation is a big step, which requires the right approach and mature software. OEM is the best choice for you!

Click to create your online test now

What Can We Do to Help Schools Create an Online Testing Tool? Fri, 18 Sep 2020 06:27:08 +0000 To create an online test, an online testing tool is required. As teachers, what can we do to help schools create an online testing tool? Do we need to develop an online testing software? That seems complicated and expensive. Actually, we don’t have to develop an online testing software; there are a large amount of online testing software in the market, we can simply select an online testing software that meets our needs and use it as an online testing tool to help our schools to create online tests.

Firstly, after choosing an online testing software, we can set up the name, LOGO and domain of our homepage to make a branded homepage.

Secondly, we can import students’ information into the online testing software in batches. In online testing software, students’ information can be managed by class and group, and then it’s ready to create an online test. Then how to fully use the online testing tool? Let’s have a close look.

Before creating an online test or examination, we need to import questions into question bank first. We can import our questions in batches using Word documents or Excel forms. The questions imported can be managed by category.

And then we can start creating exams. To make the description more clear, the article is going to take the online testing software, Online Exam Maker(OEM) , as an example. There are four simple steps to create an online test in OEM. First, we fill in the basic information; select questions; add settings and then you can publish the exam. After the exam is created, we can share the link or the QR Code of the exam with our students. And students can click the link or scan the QR Code to take the exam or test without downloading any applications or signing up.

We can also designate classes or groups to take a certain examination by setting. In that case, students have to log in with their accounts to take the exam.

And we should really make good use of the anti-cheating features provided by the online testing software. We can set up anti-cheating settings, like face recognition setting, and after it is set, candidates will have to pass the face recognition process to enter to take the exam. Therefore, impersonators will not be allowed by the online testing software.

Also, we can set up full screen mode, then candidates will enter the full screen mode when enter to take the exam, and the candidates will not be able to exit the mode until they hand in the papers. Thus, candidates can not switch pages to search for answers.

There are also many other anti-cheating features provided by the online testing tool, such as camera surveillance, intelligent anti-cheating monitoring, no copying or pasting, screen switching limit and interruption limit. And they are effective ways for us to prevent students from cheating during an online test.

Also, the auto-marking function of the online testing software can really release us from the boring and time-consuming marking job. When it comes to the objective questions, the software will do the marking job automatically; and as for the subjective questions, for example, essay questions, we can set “grade by keywords” and then the online testing software will grade the questions according to the keywords.

After the exam is finished, we can view the statistical analysis and export the candidates’ exam report for use. We can view the average score, highest score, lowest score, pass rate, number of candidates taken the exam, question analysis and so on. Since the online testing software provide us these statistics, we don’t have to do the exam analysis job by ourselves, which is time-saving.

This is how we can help our schools create an online testing tool and how we can make full use of online testing tool. Online Exam Maker(OEM) is a professional online testing software that we can have a free trial right now.

Click here to sign up for free

What Are the Advantages of the “Online Testing Software System” for Enterprises? Tue, 15 Sep 2020 06:13:01 +0000 For some enterprises, training evaluation is conducted monthly or quarterly, which is quite frequent. Many companies start using online testing software system for their training evaluation now. But why? It is for the advantages of the online testing software system for enterprises. Let’s have a close look.

Online testing software system is suitable for enterprises for these advantages: high applicability, easy to create exams, guaranteed stability and high efficiency.

Firstly, online testing software system is suitable for all enterprises to create online testing software system of their own brand and to create training tests.

Online testing software system just provides enterprises a system of tool. Therefore, there is no need to worry that it is not suitable for an exact industry. Users can develop a testing system of their own brand quickly because of the high applicability of the system.

Secondly, it is rather simple to create an exam in online testing software system.

With four simple steps, users can create an exam quickly. After uploading questions, users can create, set up and publish the exam.

At the same time, employees can also be designated to take a certain test after training. That is to say, tests can be conducted according to departments or groups and a large number of people can take an exam simultaneously. It is rather convenient for enterprises because location is not required by the online tests. And for the employees, they can arrange their own schedule to take the test.

Then, the stability is guaranteed by the system. A large number of people can take the test at the same time under the guarantee of stability. Even for companies with thousands of people and tens of thousands of people who want to achieve simultaneous online test, online testing software system developer can provide service support.

Finally, online testing software system also improve efficiency of the training evaluation of the enterprises with its statistical analysis function.

The purpose of the test is to examine the training knowledge of employees. Data statistics are essential. In online testing software system, you can export the details of all employees’ answers through excel. You can also view the wrong answer rate of each question and each employee’s score; the online testing software system has statistical reports, we can check employees’ scores, employees that haven’t taken the test, examination statistics, score analysis, question analysis, etc. at any time.

With such low cost and high efficiency, it is no wonder that many corporate personnel departments have begun to adopt online testing software system for training tests! If your company also has a need for online testing software system,you’re welcome to have a free trial of Online Exam Maker!

Click here to sign up for free

Introduction to Test Time Settings of an Online Testing Software Thu, 10 Sep 2020 03:46:31 +0000 Knowing the time settings of an online test can help candidates better allocate their time when having the test. Many first-time users of online testing software are not familiar with the function of setting test times. Online Exam Maker(OEM) is detailed in test time settings, let’s take a look at it’s test time setting function!

1. Availability time

The time during which the test is available, can be set for a period of time, permanent, or unavailable.

2. Answering Time

a. Independent time: This is a commonly used setting of test time. No matter when the examinee enters to answer questions within the prescribed opening time, the length of the test will not be affected. It is suitable for daily test practice.

b. Dynamic time: This test time setting is applicable to the unified time and more formal tests. This setting has an impact on the length of the test. The later the candidates enter the test, the shorter the remaining time. If it is set from 1pm to 3pm, when the examinee enters the exam at 2pm, there will be only 1 hour left for answering the questions.

3. Shortest handing in time

Set the shortest duration to prevent candidates from handing in their papers in advance and answer the questions carelessly.

4. Answer time of single question

Set the time for answering each question. If you fail to answer the question overtime, the page will automatically skip to the next question and can not be able to return the revised answers. This setting can be a good understanding of the candidate’s mastery of knowledge.

5. Set the test time in sections

Set different answer times for different parts of the test, this type of setting is suitable for the comprehensive test.

(Note: When setting  test time in sections, the answering time is not available. )

The test time settings of an online testing software are as mentioned above, if there is a need, welcome to register for free to use OEM!

Introduction to Question Bank Management Function of Online Testing Software Mon, 07 Sep 2020 08:25:59 +0000

What is a question bank?

With a question bank in an online testing software, all your questions are stored and organized in a way that makes them easy and quick to access for anyone that is creating an exam. This feature allows a teacher to create, preview, and edit questions in a database of question categories. The questions in a category can be added to a test or to a lesson activity. Question banks are also really useful for getting an in-depth analysis of questions, such as when a question was used or its difficulty level.

Let’s take a look at the question bank!

As a professional online testing software, Online Exam Maker(OEM) has become the first choice of most users. We can introduce the function of question bank management in detail through the excellent examination. Now, take OEM as an example to introduce the function of question bank management in detail.

Introduction to Question Types

There are ten types of questions, including multiple choice, multiple-choice questions, indefinite multiple choice, completion, true or false, essay question, comprehension, sorting, matching and cloze. Case analysis, reading comprehension, listening, video and other questions can also be flexibly set. At the same time, Online Exam Maker supports users to set picture questions, audio questions and video questions.

Method of Importing Questions

Users can manually import or batch import questions according to user requirements. OEM supports users batch import test questions. If users need to create an exam, there will be many questions. Manual import takes a lot of time. But it is convenient to batch import the questions to the question bank. The method of batch importing test questions greatly improves the efficiency of test questions importing.

Question Details 

Click on the test questions in the question bank, the details of the questions can be viewed, including the right and wrong rate of the test questions and test answer records. You can also see in which exams an question is used, the detailed analysis of the question in a definite exam also can be viewed, number of taken, average score, highest score, lowest score, times of pass, average pass rate are included.

Question Import Record

OEM will keep a record of each import of questions, including the importer, the import time, the number of questions and the question details. If you can’t find an item on the question list, you can look it up in the question record.

The Advantages of Question Bank

  • Establish a knowledge base and test bank of schools, educational institutions or enterprises, effectively store all kinds of knowledge, prevent loss, and make it more convenient to use;
  • It is convenient to organize the exams and add the required questions from the classified question bank; select questions directly or proportionally to form your exam quickly;
  • Students can take exams on PC side or mobile phone side; support to answer with audio or picture for essay questions
  • The function of question details in the question bank can help to analyze the correct rate of the question and master the candidates’ understanding level of the corresponding knowledge.

If an online Question Bank or Online Test Software is needed, welcome to try out OEM for free!
