create online exam – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Thu, 10 Jun 2021 08:29:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Ensure Online Exam Conducted Fairly? Tue, 08 Jun 2021 08:55:04 +0000 Now it is the college entrance examination in China, and the examination in various areas are going on normally. The college entrance examination is very important for every student, and the test results determine their future development prospects to a certain extent. In order to make the exam fair, all areas will adopt strict inspection methods to prevent candidates from cheating. In the era of rapid Internet development, if it is possible for the college entrance examination and other vital examinations to be carried out online in the future? And what measures are there to ensure the examinations are conducted fairly?

In 2020, many exams have been taken online in America because of COVID-19, such as GRE, AP, TOEFL and so on; In China, many schools launch online courses and create online exam, even more and more enterprises conduct online training by creating online exam. It seems that online exam is likely to be used more frequently in the future. In order to ensure the fair conduct of online examinations, Online Exam Maker came into being.

Online Exam Maker is a powerful online exam system. The following anti-cheating functions can meet the needs of most people.

1.Face recognition. When the candidate enters the examination interface, the face recognition function in the system will detect the student and prevent others from taking the examination instead of the candidate.

create online exam


2. Real-time monitoring. When the candidate is in the examination process, the system will randomly capture the candidate’s movements and recognize the sound around the candidate. If the candidate’s movements and surrounding sounds are abnormal, the invigilator can judge whether the examinee is likely to cheat.

create online exam


3.Anti-cut screen function. Online Exam Maker supports full-screen test. When the candidate is taking the test, the screen cannot be switched, which prevents the candidate from going to other pages to find the answer; if the candidate switches the screen more than a certain number of times, the candidates’ examination papers will be compulsorily submitted, and candidates will lose the opportunity to take the exam.

create online exam


4.The test questions are arranged randomly, which prevents candidates from plagiarizing each other.

create online exam


5.Time limit. Each test question has a certain time to answer the question. When the answer time is over, the system will automatically submit the test paper to ensure that every candidatehas the same time to answer.

create online exam


More and more people use Online Exam Maker to create online exam. In the future, Online Exam Maker will continue to improve various functions and let more people have a different exam experience. For more functions, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to create online exam.

An Online Exam System Help You Create an Online Exam Mon, 10 May 2021 03:55:55 +0000 Abstract: will the transition from the traditional examination mode to the Internet online examination be very complicated? If you want to quickly create a standardized examination, Online Exam Maker is enough. It can do what the traditional examination can do and what the traditional examination can’t do. How does Online Exam Maker create an online exam quickly? Let’s move on!

Four steps to create an online exam

First of all, it only takes four steps to create an online exam

  • Using OnlineExam Maker creates an online exam, fill in the related information as well as choose the test paper cover whatever you want.
  • Add test questions, you can select the topic directly or select the questions according to the part or proportion. In addition, you can choose the fixed mode or flexible random. There are ten types of questions you can apply, all of which can be imported in batches.
  • Set the test time and choose some settings, such as anti cheating, certificate and result page, etc.
  • The final step is saving and releasing the test paper. Students can scan the QR code and answer anytime and anywhere by mobile phone or computer.

Question analysis

Then, because the system has the function of automatic marking, when the examinee submits the test paper, he/she can get the score immediately, and also has the function of question analysis, which provides the examinee with review and understanding. At the same time, if the examination has the requirement to issue the examination certificate, as long as the administrator sets this function, the system will automatically issue the certificate to the candidates who pass the examination.

If you need to create an online exam, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to register as a member for free.

How do Teachers Create Online Quizzes? Wed, 14 Apr 2021 03:49:44 +0000 Abstract: Teachers can use Online Exam Maker to improve their work effiency.

We understand that it is very important for teachers to make online exams for a group of students. Therefore, Online Exam Maker is built with teacher-centred idea. With Online Exam Maker, you can easily create all your  online quizzes.

There are 10 types of questions teachers can create, such as, Multiple choice, Multiple response, True or False, Fill in the blank, Essay, Package, Uncertain Choose, Sorting, Matching, and Cloze Question.

Ten types of questions

(Ten types of questions)

  1. Register an account on Online Exam Maker

You can register to experience a free member and enjoy some basic functions.

  1. Import your questions in batches into question bank

All questions are saved and categorized in your question bank. You can re-use questions in all kinds of tests.

  1. Create online quizzes

After importing the needed questions, you can fill in the basic information of the exam.

  1. Select questions from question bank

Questions can be selected from question bank in order or at random. Or you can additionally add the new ones.

  1. Do some exam settings

You can make some settings about exam access, entering way, exam mode, anti cheat, result page ,report page, theme, ranking list, certificates, and sub-admins.

  1. Share the exam to candidates

There are 2 ways to release the exam, shared by link or QR code.

  1. View statistics data of test result

The system will make a comprehensive analysis of the candidates’ answers, which reduces teachers’ workload.

Four steps to create online exams

(Four steps to create online exams)

Online Exam Maker is a good assistant  to help teachers create online quizzes with ease.

For more functions, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to try it.

How to Create an Online Exam Thu, 08 Apr 2021 06:26:23 +0000 Abstract: With the help of online exam system, it is convenient to create an online exam.

The emergence of COVID-19 brings a curse to human beings. Fortunately, the existence of online exam system is a boon for people experiencing social distancing.

Why I say that? As everyone knows, exam is essential for schools and enterprises. They cannot organize offline exams in the period of pandemic. In this case, online exam system can help them create an online exam!

Online exam paper

Dose it easy to create an online exam in online exam system?

Just a few steps, you can organize a perfect online exam.

Firstly, import questions to question bank. If you have a high demand in importing a large number of questions, Online Exam Maker is a good choice for you. Users only need to follow the template and enter test questions. After that, users can import questions in batches by one click.

Batch import

(Batch import)

Secondly, create an online exam. There are four steps to create a paper.

Four steps to creat online papers

(Four steps)

The first step is fill in the basic information. The second one is select the questions. The questions can be selected randomly from question bank, selected one by one from question bank, and added a now one or directly imported from Word and excel. Also, there are three types of test paper forming. The third one is do some settings, such as time, theme, certificate as well as anti cheat. Lastly, The exam paper can be saved and published.

Select questions

(Select questions)

Lastly, the administrator can share the link or QR code to candidates.

QR code and link

(QR code and link)

 Click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to create online exam.

Why do online exam become a trend and online exam system become popular? Thu, 04 Jun 2020 06:48:26 +0000 Now more and more people are taking online exams, especially under the influence of COVID-19, offline exams and classes are not feasible. Then, online exams will help us a lot, such as in corporate training assessment and online teaching in educational institutions. In this case, the online exam system has also become very popular.

Let’s take a look at what are the disadvantages of the traditional examination model.

The traditional examination method consists of preparing test questions, organizing examinations, and reviewing examination papers. These parts actually involve many aspects such as confidentiality, logistics, and finance. If there is a leak in one of them, it may cause adverse impacts on the whole, especially in various large-scale examinations of a national nature. What is more, the cost of traditional exams is also relatively high.

In enterprises or educational institutions, more and more people are already using the online examination system.

What does online exam system become very popular?

Compared with traditional exams, the online exam system is suitable for different enterprises, institutions, government agencies, and schools. It meets the needs of different customers according to the characteristics of different industries.

The online examination system has the following advantages.

  1. Easily to create an exam, and support to take exam on mobile phone

It only takes a few steps to create a test paper in the online test system. And we just share the  link to the candidates and they can answer the questions on their mobile phones.

  1. Online management is more convenient

The system supports test paper management, question bank management, and candidate management. The administrator can also add sub-accounts to assist his.

  1. Statistical analysis of data without manual statistics

The online examination system can provide independent examination reports for candidates, and each candidate can find out their own deficiencies and strengthen their study.

  1. Intelligent anti-cheating to ensure fairness

The online examination system also has a variety of anti-cheating methods to prevent cheating.


There are many more functions of the online examination system, such as our Online Exam Maker, which can help users improve the reliability, effectiveness and work efficiency of the examination, reduce the examination cost.

The progress of science and technology is nothing more than to provide more convenience to human beings, which is why the online examination system has become a new trend.

If you want to try now, you can get a free account here!


How do I Create An Online Examination System? Wed, 15 Apr 2020 06:51:19 +0000 Distance education in schools and educational institutions has been started.
The exam online is really a boon for those want more knowledge training and for saving time and money because for offline exams people usually end up traveling to different places.

In addition, the online exams can be an easy platform for people who want to check themselves and practice more. Also, pursuing courses of specialization in different fields has become a trend for people’s further development. Nowadays, technology is also helping in the classroom with internet-based teaching, learning, and examining. Online exams can be a support to the existing teaching practices which can be greatly helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since we are now accessible to the Internet, where all the information is sharing and abundant, we can also create an online examination system for improving the uncertainty of the educational situation. An online examination system has been emerged, which is called Online Exam Maker, for providing a friendly platform to create online exams.

How do I create an online examination system?

Online Examination SystemIn Online Exam Maker, we provide one-stop service for exams that can efficiently help create and organize exams. Use friendly and easy to build your online exam with only 4 steps on the website, no need to download.

  • The first thing you need to do to create an exam is filling the exam information, such as name, exam description, words for sharing, cover and so on.
  • The next step is adding questions to your exam, which are extracted from the powerful question bank in the system. You can select questions directly or proportionally to form your exam. Various types of questions are supportive, such as multiple-choice, true or false, and so on. Also, for time saving, it provides a batch import module for importing thousands of questions for one time.

Online Examination System

  • Before publishing your exam, you could build up some rules about it. Hundreds of settings can be set which are suitable for various exam such as time and permission limitation, anti-cheating functions or result page settings.
  • Finally, it’s time to release your online exam. Either sending the link or QR code or emails to candidates can promptly notify them to attend exams. Candidates can take exams on a PC or mobile phone.

Online Exam Maker focuses on professional and intimate service. Let exams be more interesting and diversified.

Sign up now and begin your new experience on creating your online examination system.
