online examination software – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Wed, 09 Jun 2021 09:07:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Examination Mon, 19 Apr 2021 05:41:52 +0000 Abstract: There are online exams pros and cons. But with the help of Online Exam Maker, things are on the bright side.

As the need for online exams is on the rise, there are more and more problems discovered. Many disadvantages of online exams keep people from organizing an online exam. However, even though there are cons on online exam system, there is still pros on it. Let’s take a look at online exams pros and cons.


Pros of online examination system:

  • Economical

Online exams is paper-free and can be held at anytime and anywhere. Teachers are no need to print a large number of test paper. There is no needs for students to assemble in large, spacious class to take the test.The flexibility of time and venue lend considerable popularity among examineses.

  • Highly Secure

The enhanced security for online exam is one of the main pros of online examination system. Each student has his/her own accounts and password. Meanwhile, with the help of the proctoring of AI and human ,there is no room for malpractice and even potential misconduct.

  • Autograding

Online examination system also an automated grading system, more convenient than a standard grading method. It can match the correct answers by comparing the respondent’s reply. As long as the exam is terminated, the test result will pop up immediately.


Cons of online examination system:

  • The use of Internet and laptops

Not all students have laptops and Internet connection. Online exam maybe a new way that deprive those students of access to education. In Online Exam Maker, people can get rid of laptops and PC. They can use mobile phone to conduct online exams.

  • The typing speed of students

Not every student has a good typing speed. Due to this, a student may not be able to complete his/her exam. Considering this case, Online Exam Maker supports upload answers with pictures and voice message.

  • The brand-new mode of exams

For some teachers and students, online examination is a new challenge. It maybe difficult for them to operate online examination system. Fortunately, Online Exam Maker is an easy-to-use system. Everyone can get started quickly.

Upload with photos and voice messages

Even though there are online exams pros and cons, in Online Exam Maker, cons can be converted into pros.

For more functions, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to try it.

5 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Anti Cheat on Online Exams Thu, 15 Apr 2021 06:38:44 +0000 Abstract: Online Exam Maker can prevent cheating  in online exams.

Do you trust the authenticity of online exams? It is studied that one of the most worrying things of institutes while organizing an online exam is the apparent risk of misconduct due to the lack of human proctoring.

Fortunately, online exam system comes with n-number checks and balances to prevent potential misconduct from being carried out. What checks and balances can prevent cheating in online exam? There are 5 ways you have to know about.

  1. Combining AI and Human proctoring

There are both AI and human monitoring in online exam system. AI proctoring can intelligently detected potential misconduct. If the system finds someone do some actions of cheating, an alert will pop up. The exam will be terminated after 3 times such alerts. Meanwhile, human proctors can monitor candidates at the background. They can issue a warning to candidates who are caught cheating.

Muti-screen monitoring

(Muti-screen monitoring)

  1. Screen Lockdown

Screen lockdown prevents candidates from opening any other windows while the online exam process is going on. Therefore, the candidate is allowed to access only the exam window. It can effectively prevent cheating in online exams.

Screen lockdown

(Screen lockdown)

  1. Candidate Authentication

It means there is face recognition before exams. Candidates need to match their face with the their photos uploaded by the administrator. If they fail to match, candidates have no right to enter the exam. This feature can prevent a surrogate exam-taker.

Face recgnition

(Face recgnition)

  1. Designated group

The administrator can designate a specific group of candidates. Only this group of candidates can take the exam.

 Designated group

(Designated group)

  1. Three types of test paper composing

There are three modes to make test paper. Candidates have no way to copy and paste the answer.

Pre-selected mode means all candidates take the same test paper. Random mode is the opposite of the Pre-selected one. Each student gets a different test paper of different test questions in different order. Pre+Random one is the mixture of the previous two modes. One part of the test paper that candidates get is fixed and the other part is different.

Other anti-cheating question settings

(Other anti-cheating question settings)

Oline Exam Maker can help you kill all malpractices  and prevent cheating in online exams.

For more functions, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to create an online exam.

The most comprehensive anti-cheating function about online examination software Thu, 04 Mar 2021 03:31:01 +0000 It always worries teachers that students may cheat during an exam, no matter it is a traditional exam or an online one, which may result in the decrease of the incredibility of the exam. Most of the exams have been conducted online during the COVID-19 pandemic by using a piece of online examination software with powerful anti-cheating features.

It is the comprehensive anti-cheating features provided by online examination software that make it almost impossible for candidates to cheat. It includes switching screen limit, interruption limit, lockdown browser, real-time proctoring, face recognition, AI proctoring, no copying or pasting, etc. .

Features that deter students from searching for answers

Switching screen limit

With the feature, while candidates switch screen to search for answers, a warning will be given by the system and the papers will be handed in automatically by the system if it exceeds the switching screen limit.

Interruption limit

Interruption limit can be set up by the administrator. Therefore, the candidates will not be able to stop the exam to search for answers.

Lockdown browser

After downloading a tool and installing it, the candidates will enter an exam with lockdown browser. Thus, no social applications are available and the candidates will not be able to exit the exam until the time’s up or the paper is submitted.

No copying or pasting

Copying or pasting features are prohibited during the exam so the candidates can not copy the questions to search for answers and paste the answers.

Features that inhibit ghost exam takers

Real-time proctoring

The surveillance camera can be turned on during the exam and pictures of the candidates will be taken by the system during the exam which can be checked by the administrator. The administrator can also watch the multi-screen monitoring to ensure the integrity and fairness of an exam.

Face recognition

Face recognition makes it impossible to hire a paid exam taker for candidates. Candidates can not enter the answering page if face matching fails.

AI proctoring

The system will proctor the exam automatically, detecting multiple candidates, candidates’ identity, the small movement of candidates and the sound environment, which will prevent a great deal of cheating from happening.

Online Exam Maker is a well-developed online examination system with all the anti-cheating features mentioned above. If you are concerned about the fairness of online exams, try OEM!

Try OEM for free now!

Which website can customize an online examination system? Wed, 03 Mar 2021 03:00:37 +0000 A good deal of work, such as teaching and enterprise recruitment has been conducted online during the covid-19 pandemic. Fortunately, online examination system can do much help during the process. For some educational institutions, schools and enterprises, a customizable online examination system is required to develop an online testing platform of their own brand. Therefore, some may want to know which website can customize an online examination system. What is the answer?

The Answer is OEM, a Customizable Online Examination System !

There are many online examination systems in the market with useful features. Take the powerful online exam system Online Exam Maker(OEM) as an example. Educational institutions, schools and enterprises can customize the logo, domain and the title of the homepage to develop an online testing platform with their own characteristics.

Anti-cheating Exams

Besides the custom feature provided by OEM, there are also many more helpful features supported by OEM, for instance, automatic grading, practice mode exams, transcripts generation, statistical analysis and powerful anti-cheating features that include switching screen limit, screen lockdown, real-time proctoring, AI proctoring, face recognition and no copying and pasting, etc. . Anti-cheating features provided by OEM can effectively prevent candidates and applicants from cheating to maintain the integrity of the exams.

face recognition

If you are interested in the customizable online examination system, you can sign up and have a free trial of OEM to find out if it meets your needs.

Try OEM for free!

Time Setting of Online Examination Software Fri, 19 Feb 2021 09:20:02 +0000 Time setting is one of the most important settings to online exams. The administrators can set up the time of the exams according to their needs.

In Online Exam Maker(OEM), a piece of online examination software, there are also time settings, including exam opening time, answer time, etc. What’s the exam opening time and answer time then? And what’s the difference between them? Let’s have a look.

1. Exam Opening Time

The exam opening time refers to the availability of the exam. For example, if the opening time is set to February 19th-March 19th, 2021, the validity period of the exam is 1 month, and the candidates can take the exam if they enter within this valid period; but When the candidates enter on March 20th, they will be prompted that they can no longer take the exam; you can also set it to be permanently valid, and you can take the test any time you enter it; or you can set it to “unavailable” to prepare for an exam.

2. Answer Time

The answer time refers to the answering time, that is, the time you can answer after entering the exam during the opening time of the exam. In Online Exam Maker, the answer time is divided into:

  • Independent time

Within the stipulated opening hours, no matter when the candidate enters the test, the duration of the test will not be affected, and the setting of 0 indicates the unlimited duration. For example, if the answer time is set to 90 minutes, the answering interface will start timing after entering, and after 90 minutes, the system will hand in the paper whether the candidate has completed the exam or not.

  • Dynamic time

Dynamic time has an effect on the duration of the test. The later the candidate enters the test, the shorter the remaining time will be.If it is set from 1pm to 3pm, when candidates enter the exam at 2pm, there is only one hour left.

Therefore, when dynamic time is selected for the exam, it is necessary to set the opening time of the exam, and the maximum interval of time is 24 hours. Normally, the exams set to “dynamic time” could be completed within hours.

It is the introduction of the time setting of Online Exam Maker. There are powerful features supported by OEM which will meet your needs, such as efficiency to create online exams, diverse question types, automatic grading, transcripts generation, statistical analysis, powerful anti-cheating functions, including live&AI proctoring, face recognition, surveillance camera, full screen mode and so on; if you are in need of Online Exam Maker, you can sign up and try OEM for free.

Try OEM for free

What is the use of the question bank classification function in the online examination software? Wed, 30 Dec 2020 09:51:51 +0000 Users can only create exams or quizzes after the questions are imported into the system. Users can develop a question bank of their own in online examination software by importing

questions one by one or in batches. The questions in the question bank can be managed by category, which is supported by the question bank classification function of online examination software. The question bank classification function can be really helpful for users. It can be used for:

Manage questions by category

With the function of the question bank classification, questions can be managed by category by users. For some users, they may have hundreds of thousands of questions and without the question bank classification function, it would be quite time-consuming for them to find the question that they would like to edit, delete or export.

While with the question bank classification function, users can manage the question by knowledge point, subject or grade, which will make it easy for users to search for a exact category.

To use the question bank classification function, users can add a new category in the question bank and they can add the question category to the questions while editing the questions before importing them into the system in batches.

Select questions by category while creating exams

Manage questions by category, and then you can select questions by category when creating an exam, which will make it much easier and more efficient to create an exam.

It seems that the question bank classification function is a small function but it is also a very useful function especially for those users whom have millions of questions. If you are interested in the online examination software, you can sign up for free and have a free trial by yourself.

Sign up for free

What types of companies will use online examination software? What scenario is it used for? Fri, 25 Dec 2020 01:26:06 +0000 The “online & offline” training is currently a common mode of corporate training. Especially in recent years, the online training method is the first choice of many companies. Therefore, an increasing number of users use online examination software for corporate training assessment tests.

Of course, those on the sidelines will also have doubts, is the online examination software really useful?

For companies that currently use online examination software, the role of the online examination software is still very obvious, mainly for:

(1) Recruitment exams: the hiring managers can create an online pre-employment test and send the link of the test to the candidates. Therefore, the candidates can take the test remotely and efficiently. Then, the hiring manager can decide whether to arrange an interview with the candidate based on the test results.

(2) Employee training assessment tests: Companies can import assessment questions in the system and conduct online training assessment tests at any time. Assessment tests can be taken by the employees themselves after learning the training courses.

(3) performance appraisal: Many companies conduct job promotion and salary adjustments through performance appraisal. For online appraisal, it can be made through systematic examination analysis, data reports, and employee performance, which provides a basis for the job promotion and salary adjustment.

It can be seen that for enterprises online examination software has many purposes and great effects.So, what types of enterprises are online examination software suitable for?

Well, as long as your company has a requirement for tests, you can use it. According to the users who used the online examination software in the past, there are mainly the following types of enterprises:

Medium-sized or above enterprises: Due to the large number of employees, it is more convenient to conduct online employee training assessment tests

Service industries with strict standards: such as banking, catering, etc., which attach great importance to employee service awareness training

Technology companies: such as the IT industry and the energy industry, which require regular capacity training and safety training

Of course, each user uses the online examination software for different purposes. As long as your company needs to conduct online examinations, you can select a useful system to help with the work.Free trial of online examination software is available right now. If you are interested in it, you can always have a try.

Try online examination software for free

Do you know the characteristics of a standard online examination software? Thu, 17 Dec 2020 08:25:24 +0000 If you would like to organize an online exam, then you need a piece of online examination software. We can choose to develop it ourselves or buy products from software developers. Before we develop or purchase a piece of online examination software, we must know what features provided by online examination software we are looking for. Today we will talk about the characteristics of a standardized online examination software.

The first is a comprehensive test service covering pre-test to post-test: question bank management, paper composition process, and test result analysis.

Question bank management: in order to manage the test questions and make it more convenient  to create exams, it is best that the online examination software supports managing the test questions by category; at the same time, the details of the use of the test questions can be clearly displayed.

Paper composition process: The paper composition process needs to be simplified, so that the paper can be completed in a few minutes; at the same time, the method of paper composition should be flexible, and the questions can be randomly selected.

Examination result analysis: The system’s examination records should be able to be exported; at the same time, for independent examination papers, and you can view the pass rate, analysis by question classification and the analysis of the correct and wrong questions.

The second is the diversified test environment settings, which can meet different test requirements. For example:

Anti-cheating: powerful anti-cheating features such as AI proctoring, screen switching limit, full screen mode, surveillance camera and so on should be provided by online examination system to maintain the integrity of the exams.

Out-of-order test questions: automatically randomize the order of test questions to prevent candidates from cheating.

Frequency and time limit: Limit the number of times a candidate can take the test and the duration for taking the test.

The third is the information management and background management of candidates. After the candidates are imported, we can group and manage them by category, and perform login settings; at the same time, the online examination system needs to provide an independent candidate background to facilitate the candidates to log in and take exams.

The fourth is the personalized setting function of the examination system. We can set up a personalized login interface, independent login domain name, upload a company-specific logo, name to develop our branded online testing platform.

The above are the characteristics that a standard online examination software should have. If you also need to organize an exam, while choosing a piece of online examination software, you could take these features in account. The pictures in the article are all from Online Exam Maker, a very professional online exam system, if you are interested, you can register for free to experience the useful features.

Sign up online examination software for free

Cost-Effective Online Examination System for You Fri, 04 Dec 2020 06:01:55 +0000 If you are looking for a cost-effective online examination system, Online Exam Maker is a rather good choice for you! Online Exam Maker is a web based online examination software with powerful and useful features.

Online Exam Maker is the best online examination software for exam creation, delivery and analysis. The following powerful features provided by Online Exam Maker make it really cost-effective to purchase.

Features provided by Online Exam Maker:
  • Efficiency to create a question bank
  • Efficiencyto create online exams
  • Candidate management
  • Diverse question types
  • Random order of questions and options
  • Date&time restrictions of exams
  • Timed exams
  • Practice mode exams
  • Questions with images,audios and videos
  • Powerful anti-cheating functions, including live&AI proctoring, face recognition, surveillance camera, full screen mode and so on
  • Automatic grading
  • Transcripts Generation
  • Statistical analysis
  • Exportable question paper, reports, answer sheets and so on
  • Branded homepage

It is these powerful features provided by Online Exam Maker that make it cost-effective to buy Online Exam Maker. What’s more, since Christmas is coming, CHRISTMAS PROMOTION is offered by Online Exam Maker at present. For Online Exam Maker, you can get a 30% discount on an annual payment; and for LAN version, to pay annually, you can even get a 50% discount!!! We promise you it is the lowest price in the year, which is good news for our long-term users as well as for those whom are satisfied with OEM after free trial and would like to purchase our system. So if you are in need of online examination system, you should really seize the opportunity!

Click to Get Coupon Code

If you are in need of an online examination system but you are not familiar with OEM, you can have a free trial of OEM to see if it meets your needs. But please REMEMBER, if you are satisfied with our system, the Christmas Promotion just lasts for ONE month, so please seize the day!

Click here to sign up for free

Are you looking for an online examination software? Come to try this tool Fri, 20 Nov 2020 04:01:42 +0000 Many industries have been affected due to Covid-19 outbreak, like education industry. However, luckily there are technical tools, such as online examination software for educational institutes and schools which has to transition offline teaching to online teaching and offline examination to online examination to maintain the ongoing teaching and learning. Therefore, it seems necessary for educational institutes and schools to choose an online examination software to conduct online exams.

So are you looking for an online examination software? If so, you could try Online Exam Maker. It is an online examination software with powerful functions.

Support Question Bank

After implementing Online Exam Maker, you can develop a question bank of yourself, which is the key function supported by online examination software. You can import questions into system in batches using Excel or Word documents; you can also add questions one by one. Questions can be managed by category in our system, which makes it more convenient for administrators to add questions while creating exams.

Create Exams

After the questions are imported, exams can be created in four steps: fill in basic information—select questions—add settings—finish. And there are two mode supported by Online Exam Maker: exam mode and practice mode. Administrator can also create practices for students using practice mode so that students can check answer and analysis after answering each question. Once the exam is successfully published by the administrator, the link of the exam can be shared to candidates or the administrator can also share it to the social platforms.

Auto Grading

After the exam is taken, the system will do the grading automatically, which will save teachers a lot of time especially when a large number of candidates have taken the exam. Students can view  feedback immediately after they hand in their papers if it is set by the administrator.

Support Rich Statistical Analysis

Rich statistical analysis is also supported by Online Exam Maker after exam. The administrator can check the average score, highest score, pass rate, fail rate, correct answer rate and wrong answer rate and so on.

Anti-cheating Function

Effective and powerful anti-cheating functions, such as screen switching limit, interruption limit, no copying questions and no pasting content, surveillance camera, face recognition and intelligent anti-cheating monitoring, are also supported by Online Exam Maker, to maintain the credibility and the integrity of the exam.

There are more useful functions supported by Online Exam Maker. If you are interested in it, you can sign up and experience by yourself. Free trial is available.

Sign up for free
