anti-cheating – OnlineExamMaker Blog OnlineExamMaker Wed, 09 Jun 2021 08:46:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Anti Cheat on Online Exams Thu, 15 Apr 2021 06:38:44 +0000 Abstract: Online Exam Maker can prevent cheating  in online exams.

Do you trust the authenticity of online exams? It is studied that one of the most worrying things of institutes while organizing an online exam is the apparent risk of misconduct due to the lack of human proctoring.

Fortunately, online exam system comes with n-number checks and balances to prevent potential misconduct from being carried out. What checks and balances can prevent cheating in online exam? There are 5 ways you have to know about.

  1. Combining AI and Human proctoring

There are both AI and human monitoring in online exam system. AI proctoring can intelligently detected potential misconduct. If the system finds someone do some actions of cheating, an alert will pop up. The exam will be terminated after 3 times such alerts. Meanwhile, human proctors can monitor candidates at the background. They can issue a warning to candidates who are caught cheating.

Muti-screen monitoring

(Muti-screen monitoring)

  1. Screen Lockdown

Screen lockdown prevents candidates from opening any other windows while the online exam process is going on. Therefore, the candidate is allowed to access only the exam window. It can effectively prevent cheating in online exams.

Screen lockdown

(Screen lockdown)

  1. Candidate Authentication

It means there is face recognition before exams. Candidates need to match their face with the their photos uploaded by the administrator. If they fail to match, candidates have no right to enter the exam. This feature can prevent a surrogate exam-taker.

Face recgnition

(Face recgnition)

  1. Designated group

The administrator can designate a specific group of candidates. Only this group of candidates can take the exam.

 Designated group

(Designated group)

  1. Three types of test paper composing

There are three modes to make test paper. Candidates have no way to copy and paste the answer.

Pre-selected mode means all candidates take the same test paper. Random mode is the opposite of the Pre-selected one. Each student gets a different test paper of different test questions in different order. Pre+Random one is the mixture of the previous two modes. One part of the test paper that candidates get is fixed and the other part is different.

Other anti-cheating question settings

(Other anti-cheating question settings)

Oline Exam Maker can help you kill all malpractices  and prevent cheating in online exams.

For more functions, please click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the page to create an online exam.

How Does the Online Examination System Prevent Candidates from Switching Pages During the Exam? Fri, 04 Sep 2020 03:54:37 +0000 Online proctoring has always been people’s concern while organising an online exam. Particularly for schools and educational institutions, anti cheating is of great significance because the credibility of the exams is required. One of the most common concern is about candidates switching pages during the online exam to search for answers. So is there any way to prevent candidates from switching screen during an exam?

Actually, when it comes to this problem, online examination system can really help a lot through its anti-cheating features:  screen switching limit and the full screen mode. Let’s see how the online examination system prevent candidates from switching pages during an exam.

Anti-Switching Screen Setting: Limit the times of screen switching

The anti-switching screen setting, as the name implies, is to prevent page switching, and users can limit the times of candidates switching screen.

If the exam is taken on the computer, then the system would directly enter the full screen test mode;

It would be considered as switching screen once, if the candidate exits the full screen, and a warning will be given by the system; when the limit of switching screen is reached, the candidate cannot continue the test and the system will automatically hand in the paper.

The Full Screen Mode: candidates can not switch the page

At present, there are not many online examination systems with the full screen mode function. Online Exam Maker is one of the systems that contains the function. Let’s take a look at how it is used and its effect.

First, users needs to turn on the function of the full screen mode in the system;

After completing the settings, users can share the link of the exam to the candidates. After clicking the link, candidates need to download the full screen module and install it on the computer. Candidates cannot take the exam without installing it.

Re-enter the test after the installation of full screen module, the candidate’s computer screen will only display the answer interface, and the candidate cannot exit the full screen mode before completing the test paper and handing in.

The advantages of the full screen mode function are mainly to prevent candidates from switching to other web pages to find answers, and at once, it can effectively prevent candidates from cheating through projection screens, remote connections, multiple screens, etc., and effectively prevent candidates from being distracted by other applications during the exam.

The above is how the online examination system prevents candidates from switching to other pages during the exam. You can have a free trial if you are interested in it.

Click to sign up for free

Here is a useful online exam proctor for you! Thu, 03 Sep 2020 06:10:13 +0000 Affected by Covid-19, exams have been transferred from offline to online out of the consideration  of the health of both teachers and students. But, it is difficult to prevent students from cheating even the exams are held offline. How to maintain integrity online?

As the development of proctoring technologies of online exam proctor, the credibility of the results of the online exams can be guaranteed. Here is an anti-cheating solution from a useful online exam proctor—Online Exam Maker.

Verify The Authenticity of Your Candidates With Our Authentication System

Face recognition is provided by Online Exam Maker. Before enter and take the exam, the candidates must pass the photo verification first. To make face recognition work, users should upload the photos of the candidates beforehand, and the system would scan the face of the candidate to see if it matches the photo. And if it doesn’t match, the candidates won’t be able to take the exam, which will greatly reduce the impersonation.

Regulate The Examination Environment Effectively With Our Secure Exam System

During an exam, there are anti-cheating features provided by Online Exam Maker as well to keep an online examination environment of fairness and integrity.

(1) Limit Screen Switching

The times of candidates’ switching screen can be limited by the users. Once the limit is reached, the answer sheet of the candidate will be handed in immediately by the system. It will reduce the candidates’ behaviors of switching screen and searching for answers.

(2) Limit Times of Interruption

Some candidates may do everything possible to cheat in an exam, for example, interrupting an exam to find the answers. Well, to reduce this kind of operation, the times of interruption allowed for candidates can be set by the users. And if the candidate reach the limit, the exam will end immediately.

(3) Provide Whole Screen Mode

During the exam, the candidates can not exit the whole screen mode until they finish and hand in the exam papers.

(4) No Copying or Pasting

Candidates can not copy the questions to look for answers, and they are unable to paste the answers either.

(5) Support Camera Surveillance

During the exam, the surveillance camera will be on all the time. Users can also view the candidates’ photos captured during the exam to check if there is anything abnormal.


Provide AI-based Proctoring

Online Exam Maker also provides intelligent anti-cheating proctoring, including:

  • Facial Detection
  • Detection of Multiple People
  • Detection of Candidate Distraction
  • Detection of Sound

Online Exam Maker solves the problem of cheating in online exams and guarantees an orderly and fair exam environment. OEM is available for free trial now, users in need are welcome to have a try!

Click here to sign up for free

Ways to stop cheating when organizing online tests with online exam proctor Tue, 18 Aug 2020 07:14:27 +0000 Under the influence of COVID-19,many schools have transformed offline teaching to online teaching. And also the offline examinations have been transformed to online examinations. But what if the examinee cheats without proctors? Here is a solution from online exam proctor:anti cheating. There are ways to stop cheating when organizing online tests with online exam proctor.

A. Screen Switching Restriction

While organizing online tests, users are able to set up the times that students are allowed to switch the screen and if the number of times exceeds, the test paper will be forcefully handed in by the system. Therefore, while taking the exam, students will not be able to switch the screen to search for the correct answer to the questions.

B. Interruption Limitation

The times of interruption that students are allowed can be set by the users. For example, if the times allowed of interruption is 2 times, once the times reach 3, then the test papers will be handed in by the system. Thus, students can not interrupt taking the exam to search for the correct answer.

C. Full Screen Mode

Once the full screen mode is set by the users, the students are not able to exit the mode unless they finish answering and submit their answer sheets, which would greatly reduce students’ cheating.

D. No Copying or Pasting

Taking an exam online without proctors, some students may misbehave by copying the questions to look for the answers and pasting them. However, no copying and pasting can be set so that students can not copy the questions to look for the correct answers.

E. Camera Surveillance

The feature of surveillance camera can be set by the users, and the surveillance camera will be on during the students taking the exam. The users can also check the photos captured by the system to see if there is something abnormal.

F. Face Recognition

What if students do an examination for others? Here is an effective way to prevent that from happening: face recognition. Once the face recognition function is turned on, the face of the student must match the photo that is uploaded by the teachers before to enter the examination. Otherwise, students will not be able to take the exam.

G. Intelligent Anti-Cheating Monitoring

The online exam proctor is able to detect multiple faces, verify the identity of the examinee and check the small movements made by the students, such as lowering or turning their heads during the exam taken time. The users can set the times of the situations said just now that is allowed, and once the times exceeds, the system will compulsory hand in the paper.

Also users are able to set sound sensitivity. If the times of sound detected that is louder than the set sensitivity exceeds the set times, the system will also compulsory hand in the paper.

These are effective ways for users to stop cheating when organizing online tests with online exam proctor.

Click to sign up for free!


How does an online exam system work to prevent cheating? Tue, 21 Jul 2020 03:56:44 +0000 Normally, proctors are always there to prevent students from cheating when there is an exam taking. It is hardly surprising that the exam order would be terrible without teachers proctoring. However, due to the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019, many offline exams have to be converted to online exams created in an online exam system. But how does an online exam system work to prevent cheating exactly?

Below I will take OnlineExamMaker as an example to explain in detail how the online examination system prevents cheating.

a. Powerful Face Recognition

The administrator can upload the candidate’ s photo and open the face recognition function and once the candidate logs in to take the exam the system will start scanning the face of the candidate to see if it matches the photo. And if it doesn’t match, the candidate will not be able to take the exam, which will prevent surrogate exam-taker from happening.

b. Video Surveillance

The administrator can open the surveillance video function, which will capture any actions of the candidates during the exam taking. And the administrator can download the pictures captured at any time.

c. Times Limit of Switching Screen

The administrator can set the times limit of students switching screen and the system will end the ongoing test once the times limit of the exam is over. This will prevent students from switching screen to search for answers.

d. Limit of Test Interruption

The system can set the number of times that the test can be interrupted, and the test paper will be automatically submitted if the number is exceeded.

e. Questions Settings

The administrator can select questions randomly from the question bank to make the questions of each candidate different. Also, each question can be set to appear in a different order. The  options of multiple choice can be set randomly as well. These settings will greatly reduce the behaviour of students cheating.

f. Full Screen Setting

The full screen can be set and when the exam is taken on the PC side, the online exam will forcibly occupy the whole screen so that candidates can’t switch the screen to look for answers of the paper.

g. No Copy or Paste

Students are not allowed to copy the questions as well as paste the answers.

h. Time Limit and Account Permission

The administrator can set to limit the time of the whole test and the system will end automatically if the time is over; the administrator can limit the time of per question so that a candidate can’t answer if the time is over.

And it can also be set that an account can only log in to one device at the same time.

What’s more, turn on the automatic submission function and if the candidate is offline for an hour or the opening hours are over; the system will automatically submit the exam paper.

From the above anti-cheating functions, the online exam system can effectively prevent students from cheating and create an orderly test environment.

Click here to register a free account of OnlineExamMaker

How Do We Go About Having That Exam Proctored When Using Online Exam Maker? Tue, 30 Jun 2020 04:57:58 +0000 When organizing formal exams online, invigilation essential. As for online exams, many people may have a question. How to invigilate the online exam? How does it work?

It is necessary to choose a mature and stable online exam system. The monitoring function of Online Exam Maker is full equipped with the real-time monitoring, cheating warning and cheating recording.

Now take Online Exam Maker as an example to explain how to invigilate the online exam.

Online exam – Webcam invigilation

When creating the exam paper, the test organizer enters “Anti-cheating” through “Exam Settings”,  check the option “Enable Surveillance Camera” and sets the number of photos to be taken. In this way, the surveillance function is turned on.

When answering questions, the candidates are required to turn on the camera during the test. If the system does not detect the camera, the candidates are not allowed to take the test.

After the camera is turned on, the invigilator can view the synchronized monitoring screen in the background and take screenshots. If a candidate is found to have cheated, the invigilator can send a cheating warning online.

Precautions for online exam invigilation:

  • Only PC client are supported, and cameras are required.
  • Need to set up an account to log in, that is, to assigned the group of the exam.

That is about how to invigilate the online exam and the introduction of matters needing attention.

Online Exam Maker not only provides video surveillance, but also provides whole screen occupying, screen switching limitation, face recognition and other anti-cheating settings for users to choose, which ensuring the fairness and justice of online exams.

Click here to register an account for free!

Can online examination system detect cheating? Thu, 07 May 2020 07:50:32 +0000 Online exams are still loved by many users. This test method is widely used in online prize-answering activities, knowledge contests, education industry exams, and corporate training assessments, etc.

Of course, some people will be very confused, will it be easy for candidates to cheat online?

This question can be answered from the online exam system used to create online exam. Can online examination system detect cheating? Here I want to show you the anti-cheating functions about online exam system!

1.Face Recognition

Only if the faces match photos can candidates take exams, preventing surrogate exam-taker.

Face recognition:  through real-time face scanning, collecting facial image features and comparing with the candidate’s electronic ID photo to confirm the identity of the candidate, effectively eliminate cheating for the test, avoid manual verification errors, and provide a fair  test environment !

2. Full Screen Exam

Full screen, literally understanding it is actually occupying the entire screen. The full screen test function is one of the anti-cheating functions. When administrators open , candidates need to take the exam on the PC side, and they need to install the full screen test module, enter the full screen exam environment through this module. They cannot switch the screen until finishing the exam.

Click here for more information about Full Screen Function.

3.Video Surveillance

It requires students to open the surveillance camera, capture the test-taking process, and support real-time shooting to record any actions of candidates

4.Limit the times of switching screen

The system will end the ongoing test automatically if it finds one switch the screen to search answers.

Also, we can do some questions setting, such like select questions at random from a question bank each time the exam is taken.

If you need to organize online exam but care about the anti-cheating problem, come to try the Online Exam Maker, lots of anti-cheating ways for online exam!

Sign up a free account to try!

Is cheating getting easy if taking online exams at home? Wed, 08 Apr 2020 08:48:12 +0000 There is full of uncertainty about the coronavirus with our lack of understanding of it. The future of the students remains unknown since most of the exams have been suspended.

In fact, several colleges have taken the online exams such as competitions, quizzes and practices that relied on such online exam system like our Online Exam Maker for corresponding to the coronavirus. As known that those of Stanford who are taking individual graduate courses for credit are requested to take the online exams at home. A system which provides solutions for different kinds of exams is helpful.

However, is cheating getting easy if taking online exams at home?

Generally speaking, cheating is common when taking traditional exams. Tens of students sit in one room with one to two teachers supervising. While examining, some of them might take out a tiny note paper, some might using their phones, and some might ask the other student to leak his/her answer sheet for copying. You can imagine the limitation of catching the dishonest behaviors for teachers.

But the answer the cheating question is obviously not since our Online Exam Maker with intelligent anti-cheating function makes it effort to assist you to provide fair and effective exams.

Cheating becomes impossible since our anti-cheating function plays a critical role of guaranteeing the fairness of the online exams. Actually, our anti-cheating function contains powerful face recognition, video surveillance, screen-switching times restriction and etc. Please click here for the detailed information about anti-cheating function of Online Exam Maker.

A One-stop system for creating online exams is here help you prohibit cheating. Sign up here and apply it now. If you are interested, please click our Online Exam Maker website for further information or contact us as
