
API Interface for Candidate Test Scores

We can provide an API interface for obtaining candidates’ scores, and users can obtain the scores of a certain candidate or all the candidates.

(1)Interface to get the score of one candidate

GET https://onlineexammaker.com/index.php?option=com_exams&task=api.queryResults&format=raw


  • *code:* the verification code unique to each account, string type, please contact us to get it.
  • eid is the exam ID
  • sid represents the candidate ID, optional parameter, if the parameter is 0 or not provided, it will display all the candidates
  • start is used for paging display when the amount of data is large, indicating the data offset of the paging; defaulting it is 0, optional parameters.
  • limit is used for distribution display when the amount of data is large, set the number of data displayed per page; defaulting it is 30, optional parameters.

Return data of all the candidates’ test record :

"viewResult":"https://ks.onlineexammaker.com/viewresult/token",//Check the link for detailed exam details, there is a 30-minute time limit, you must re-obtain the link after 30 minutes
"score": 30,//score,float type
"startTime": 1539075728,//Timestamp when the candidate started answering, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"endTime": 1539075828,//Timestamp for submitting papers, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"status": 1,//Indicates the answering status, 1 indicates normal submission, 0 is in the test, 2 indicates automatic submission during timeout, 3 indicates forced submission by the administrator, and 4 indicates that the system executes the submission
"viewResult":"https://ks.onlineexammaker.com/viewresult/token",//Check the link for detailed exam details, there is a 30-minute time limit, you must re-obtain the link after 30 minutes
"score": 32,//score,float type
"startTime": 1539075628,//Timestamp when the candidate started answering, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"endTime": 1539075828,//Timestamp for submitting papers, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"status": 1,//Indicates the answering status, 1 indicates normal submission, 0 is in the test, 2 indicates automatic submission during timeout, 3 indicates forced submission by the administrator, and 4 indicates that the system executes the submission

(2)Interface to get the score records of all candidates

If no sid is specified, then all the test record data will be returned.

"viewResult":"https://ks.onlineexammaker.com/viewresult/token",//Check the link for detailed exam details, there is a 30-minute time limit, you must re-obtain the link after 30 minutes
"score": 30,//score,float type
"startTime": 1539075728,//Timestamp when the candidate started answering, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"endTime": 1539075828,//Timestamp for submitting papers, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"sid": 19382,
"name": "Tom"
"viewResult":"https://ks.onlineexammaker.com/viewresult/token",//Check the link for detailed exam details, there is a 30-minute time limit, you must re-obtain the link after 30 minutes
"score": 32,//score,float type
"startTime": 1539075628,//Timestamp when the candidate started answering, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"endTime": 1539075828,//Timestamp for submitting papers, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"sid": 19310, //Candidates ' ID 
"name": "Tom" //Cnadidates 'name

(3)Inteface to get the exam list

If there are many exans, you need to dynamically obtain the exam list through the following interface.

GET https://onlineexammaker.com/index.php?option=com_exams&task=api.getExams&format=raw


  • *code:* the verification code unique to each account, string type, please contact us to get it.
  • start is used for paging display when the amount of data is large, indicating the data offset of the paging; defaulting it is 0, optional parameters
  • limit is used for paging display when the amount of data is large, set the number of data displayed per page; defaulting it is 30, optional parameters

Return data:

"eid": 23812,//exam id,int type
"title": "exam title", // exam title,string type
"img": "https://fs.onlineexammaker.com/xxxxx.jpg",// Link to exam cover,string type
"url": "https://ks.onlineexammaker.com/23812", //exam link,string type
"createTime": 1539075828,//Unix timestamp of exam creating time, int type, unit:s (seconds)
"available": 1, //Whether the test paper is available, int type, 1 means available, 0 means unavailable
"times": 3918, //exam taking times
"category": "category name" //exam category name