Home > Guides > How to create a Kahoot quiz
It's a known fact that we humans are visual learners. We are attracted and interested in whatever catches our eyes! With that, we have a short attention span and are easily distracted. And especially in the case of children who are curious beings. They tend to get sidetracked by many things that capture their attention. And because of that, it's hard for them to focus on one thing at a time. So what more in the online learning mode? Since the internet has always been for leisure. Children lean toward playing rather than learning! And this causes trouble when giving online quizzes. The kid's attention can easily switch to other things. And they forget the test entirely. Lucky for us, the internet also brings what we call innovative quizzing.
The internet has introduced quizzing software that has more than learning to give! We now have different platforms to create tests with. It can be in the form of picture quizzes that use images. And not only that, but you can also add videos and audio! The new trend of Interactive Quizzing has begun, and it's about time we loop in. And one of the best apps to use is Kahoot!
Kahoot is a game-based learning software that originated in Norway. Kahoot! is popularly used as a tool for learning. It uses games as a mode of testing and education! In this way, it makes learning fun and relatable to kids. The quizzes will surely capture your student's interest. But Kahoot! is not free. So what platform can you use to make a Kahoot-like quiz? You can use OnlineExamMaker!
Totally! OnlineExamMaker is an all-in-one quiz-making platform. OnlineExamMaker has everything any educator needs! It's a versatile learning tool that is also free! You can make Multiple Choice Quizzes with pictures, videos, and audio. With OnlineExamMaker, you can create Kahoot-like quizzes for free. You can make a quiz for trivia nights: you can play with friends and family! Or classroom quizzes for your students! OnlineExamMaker is a mobile-friendly and flexible software. And you can create your very own Kahoot with it! Here's how.
In this step, go to the left side of the dashboard and click 'Exams'. After that, click 'Prize Quiz' and click '+ New Prize Quiz' to start!
The next step is to fill in the basic information on your quiz. Choose a fun title! After that, you can choose the mode of advance. Now click 'Advanced Settings' to open more options.
You can select a template cover or upload your customized header! Once you've done that, type in the keywords of your quiz. You can even add a short description or an encouraging message! Click 'Save and Next' to proceed.
After that, it's time to add your questions! Go to the left side of your dashboard and click 'Question Bank'. After that, click 'Question List'. Click '+ Add questions' to start creating your query. Now type in the desired question in the question stem. You can add images or video files too! Click 'Add audio or video file' and choose the image you want to use. And once you've done that, type in the possible choices.
Note: You can use pre-made questions with the question bank or manually add them.
Add the possible choices or answers for the question. And set the corresponding one with points. After that, click 'Save' to save the question!
The next step is to add the corresponding score for the correct answers. Click 'Add reward' and set the incentives and feedback. Click 'Save' to mark the number of questions with points. Once you've done that, you can move on to the next step! Click 'Save and Next' to proceed.
In this step, you need to adjust the schedule and rules of your quiz. You can set your terms and guidelines. And you can modify the number of possible attempts. The exam login options allow two choices: every student can advance, or only a chosen few. You can even customize the quiz with a theme and header! After you've changed the settings to your liking, click 'Save' to draft.
Next, go to the left side of your dashboard and click 'Exams'. After that, click 'Prize Quiz' again and find the quiz you made. Once you've found it, click 'Publish' to post it.
You can share it with your students with the customized link or QR code. And now you have your very own Kahoot-like Quiz!
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